Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsinformatik & Financial Engineering Kernkompetenzzentrum IT & Finanzdienstleistungen, Universität Augsburg, Deutschland
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Ein Blick auf aktuelle Entwicklungen bei Blockchains und deren Auswirkungen auf den Energieverbrauch00.342020
The Energy Consumption Of Blockchain Technology: Beyond Myth60.522020
Views on the Past, Present, and Future of Business and Information Systems Engineering.00.342018
On the Ex Ante Valuation of IT Service Investments - A Decision Theoretical Perspective.00.342016
Kapazitätsmanagement für informationsintensive Dienstleistungen.00.342015
‘‘Impact Engineering’’ or Social Responsibility? - A Debate on the Responsibilities of Academics and Ways to Combine Scientific with Practice Impact00.342015
Triple Strategy Revisited and Upcoming Changes.00.342013
IT as Curse and Blessing.10.352013
IT als Fluch und Segen.00.342013
Big Data - A Fashionable Topic with(out) Sustainable Relevance for Research and Practice?230.952013
Big Data - Ein (ir-)relevanter Modebegriff für Wissenschaft und Praxis?30.412013
Using Financial Derivatives To Hedge Against Market Risks In It Outsourcing Projects - A Quantitative Decision Model10.342013
Die Energiewende - Ein Echtzeitexperiment, das keinen Fehler erlaubt, oder eine große Chance für die Wirtschaft?00.342012
Business and Information Systems Engineering: A Complementary Approach to Information Systems - What We Can Learn from the Past and May Conclude from Present Reflection on the Future.200.682012
Der Beitrag der Wirtschaftsinformatik zur Früherkennung und Vermeidung von "Black Swans" bei IT-Projekten.00.342012
Lieferantenportfolio-Management für IT-Services unter Berücksichtigung von Diversifikationseffekten.10.352012
The Contribution of Business and Information Systems Engineering to the Early Recognition and Avoidance of "Black Swans" in IT Projects.10.352012
The Energy Turnaround - A Real-Time Experiment Allowing No Failure or a Major Opportunity for Our Economy?00.342012
Supplier Portfolio Management for IT Services Considering Diversification Effects.40.422012
Veränderungen im Herausgeberkreis00.342012
Von Dinosauriern, Tonnenideologen, Separatisten und glücklichen Seelen - Vorschlag und Begründung eines Wegs, um die weltweite IS/WI-Community glücklich zu machen.10.412012
Where's the competitive advantage in strategic information systems research? Making the case for boundary-spanning research based on the German business and information systems engineering tradition90.502012
Interdependencies Between Automation And Sourcing Of Business Processes20.372012
Information Systems and Business & Information Systems Engineering: Status Quo and Outlook.10.342012
On Dinosaurs, Measurement Ideologists, Separatists, and Happy Souls - Proposing and Justifying a Way to Make the Global IS/BISE Community Happy.20.572012
Changes in the Editorial Board00.342011
Von der Revolution zur Partizipation: Social Media und der demokratische Willensbildungsprozess00.342011
Determining the optimal investment amount of an intelligent house - potentials of information and technology to combine ecology and economy.20.452011
The Role of Business and Information Systems Engineering in E-Government.20.382011
Die Rolle der Wirtschaftsinformatik im E-Government.00.342011
Value Orientation in Process Management - Research Gap and Contribution to Economically Well-Founded Decisions in Process Management.170.892011
Wertorientierung im Prozessmanagement - Forschungslücke und Beitrag zu betriebswirtschaftlich fundierten Prozessmanagement-Entscheidungen30.422011
From Revolution to Participation: Social Media and the Democratic Decision-Making Process40.922011
BISE - Call for Papers - BISE Workshop Within the MKWI 2012.00.342011
Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) is AIS Affiliated Journal00.342011
Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) ist AIS Affiliated Journal00.342011
Value-based process improvement.40.432011
It-enabled risk/return management: service-oriented infrastructures vs. dedicated systems.00.342011
Leserbrief: Stellungnahme zum Beitrag von Urbach et al. aus Heft 4/200950.562010
Die Chancen und Risiken globaler, interdependenter Netze - Der Beitrag der Wirtschaftsinformatik zur Erkennung und Vermeidung systemischer Risiken00.342010
Der "gläserne Bürger" im Web 2.0 - Herausforderungen des "virtuellen Striptease"00.342010
Letter to the Editor: Statements on the Contribution by Urbach et al. from Issue 4/200910.492010
Ist der Diversifikationsvorteil bei Teams nachhaltiger als am Finanzmarkt?00.342010
WI - In eigener Sache00.342010
The "Transparent Citizen" in Web 2.0 - Challenges of the "Virtual Striptease"00.342010
Online-Statistiken der WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK / Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE)00.342010
The Chance and Risk of Global Interdependent Networks - Business and Information Systems Engineering's Contribution to the Detection and Prevention of Systemic Risk00.342010
Is the Diversification Benefit for Teams More Sustainable Than at the Financial Market?10.362010
Online statistics of Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) / Wirtschaftsinformatik00.342010
Vollvirtualisierung - Beitrag der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu einer Vision10.362009
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