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End-to-End Balancing for Causal Continuous Treatment-Effect Estimation.00.342022
Debiasing Concept-based Explanations with Causal Analysis00.342021
Debiasing Concept-based Explanations with Causal Analysis.00.342021
Exploiting High Dimensionality in Big Data00.342019
Toward Accounting for Hidden Common Causes When Inferring Cause and Effect from Observational Data00.342019
Ensembles of Lasso Screening Rules.20.382018
Dependence and Relevance: A probabilistic view.00.342016
ConPADE: genome assembly ploidy estimation from next-generation sequencing data.20.582015
Computational and statistical issues in personalized medicine00.342015
Literome: PubMed-scale genomic knowledge base in the cloud.130.632014
Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based association testing of sets of genetic variants.20.772014
Dependency Networks for Collaborative Filtering and Data Visualization135.812013
A characterization of the dirichlet distribution with application to learning Bayesian networks2116.872013
Inference algorithms for similarity networks10.622013
Fast learning from sparse data50.842013
A new look at causal independence334.372013
A Bayesian approach to learning Bayesian networks with local structure12843.732013
The Myth of Modularity in Rule-Based Systems40.542013
A decision-based view of causality62.212013
Efficient approximations for the marginal likelihood of incomplete data given a Bayesian network75.462013
Learning Gaussian networks9626.242013
The lumière project: Bayesian user modeling for inferring the goals and needs of software users24723.272013
Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering1909183.622013
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1993)00.342013
The Compilation of Decision Models91.092013
The Role of Calculi in Uncertain Inference Systems00.342013
CFW: a collaborative filtering system using posteriors over weights of evidence10.492013
Staged mixture modelling and boosting00.342013
Asymptotic model selection for directed networks with hidden variables3816.772013
Similarity networks for the construction of multiple-faults belief networks10.432013
A definition and graphical representation for causality63.072013
Parameter priors for directed acyclic graphical models and the characterization of several probability distributions131.832013
Learning Mixtures of DAG Models2932.342013
Problem formulation as the reduction of a decision model94.282013
A Decision Theoretic Approach to Targeted Advertising1111.232013
Models and selection criteria for regression and classification226.252013
A Bayesian approach to learning causal networks4914.302013
Structure and parameter learning for causal independence and causal interaction models113.132013
An empirical comparison of three inference methods182.342013
An Axiomatic Framework for Belief Updates60.852013
Decision-theoretic troubleshooting: a framework for repair and experiment214.702013
ARMA time-series modeling with graphical models40.522012
Inferring novel associations between SNP sets and gene sets in eQTL study using sparse graphical model60.512012
Joint discovery of haplotype blocks and complex trait associations from SNP sequences50.652012
Correction for Hidden Confounders in the Genetic Analysis of Gene Expression (Abstract).00.342011
PhyloDet: a scalable visualization tool for mapping multiple traits to large evolutionary trees.30.392009
Statistical Resolution Of Ambiguous Hla Typing Data00.342008
Phylogenetic Dependency Networks: Inferring Patterns Of Ctl Escape And Codon Covariation In Hiv-1 Gag61.172008
Comparison of Immunogen Designs That Optimize Peptide Coverage: Reply to Fischer et al.00.342008
Shift-invariant adaptive double threading: learning MHC II-peptide binding.50.492008
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