Nissan Chair, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Avda. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
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Mixed integer linear programming models for Flow Shop Scheduling with a demand plan of job types00.342020
A GRASP algorithm for <Emphasis Type="Italic">Quota</Emphasis> sequences with minimum work overload and forced interruption of operations in a mixed-product assembly line10.382018
A hybrid dynamic programming for solving a mixed-model sequencing problem with production mix restriction and free interruptions.30.442017
Free and regular mixed-model sequences by a linear program-assisted hybrid algorithm GRASP-LP.10.382017
Erratum to: GRASP for sequencing mixed models in an assembly line with work overload, useless time and production regularity.40.462016
GRASP for sequencing mixed models in an assembly line with work overload, useless time and production regularity.20.402016
Maximizing Comfort In Assembly Lines With Temporal, Spatial And Ergonomic Attributes30.412016
GRASP for Minimizing the Ergonomic Risk Range in Mixed-Model Assembly Lines.00.342016
Models for assembly line balancing by temporal, spatial and ergonomic risk attributes.110.662016
Consideration of human resources in the Mixed-model Sequencing Problem with Work Overload Minimization: Legal provisions and productivity improvement00.342015
Adaptive IDEA for Robust Multiobjective Optimization, Application to the r-TSALBP-m/A00.342015
Interactive preferences in multiobjective ant colony optimisation for assembly line balancing.80.452015
Corrigendum to ''Solving mixed model sequencing problem in assembly lines with serial workstations with work overload minimisation and interruption rules'' [Eur. J. Oper. Res. 210(2011) 495-513].00.342015
GRASP Approach to a Min-Max Problem of Ergonomic Risk in Restricted Assembly Lines00.342015
Impact of the Production Mix Preservation on the ORV Problem.50.562013
Modeling and solving a variant of the mixed-model sequencing problem with work overload minimisation and regularity constraints. An application in Nissan's Barcelona Plant90.792012
Models for MMSP-W considering workstation dependencies: A case study of Nissan's Barcelona plant.40.462012
Multiobjective memetic algorithms for time and space assembly line balancing100.562012
Solving the Fm∣block∣Cmax problem using Bounded Dynamic Programming.20.392012
Including different kinds of preferences in a multi-objective ant algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing on different Nissan scenarios140.832011
Solving mixed model sequencing problem in assembly lines with serial workstations with work overload minimisation and interruption rules191.452011
Procedures for the Time and Space constrained Assembly Line Balancing Problem110.632011
A bounded dynamic programming algorithm for the MMSP-W considering workstation dependencies and unrestricted interruption of the operations.20.482011
A new diversity induction mechanism for a multi-objective ant colony algorithm to solve a real-world time and space assembly line balancing problem80.492011
A scatter search based hyper-heuristic for sequencing a mixed-model assembly line150.862010
Multiobjective constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and random greedy search250.992010
A dynamic programming based heuristic for the assembly line balancing problem180.982009
A GRASP approach for the extended car sequencing problem90.812008
An extended beam-ACO approach to the time and space constrained simple assembly line balancing problem10.352008
Incorporating Preferences to a Multi-objective Ant Colony Algorithm for Time and Space Assembly Line Balancing60.482008
A Beam Search approach for the optimization version of the Car Sequencing Problem70.542008
Solving an urban waste collection problem using ants heuristics280.972008
Ant algorithms for a time and space constrained assembly line balancing problem562.482007
A GRASP algorithm to solve the unicost set covering problem221.072007
Beam-ACO applied to assembly line balancing90.662006
Comparison Between Metaheuristic and Exact Models in the Packing Problem Resolution00.342005
A Comparative Study of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms00.342004
Ant Algorithms for Urban Waste Collection Routing80.512004
Ant Colonies for the RCPS Problem30.432002
Ant Algorithms for Assembly Line Balancing182.652002
Solving the generalized apportionment problem through the optimization of discrepancy functions30.432001
Note on cyclic sequences in the product rate variation problem00.342000