Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA 92093--0114 USA
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Deep Learning Moment Closure Approximations using Dynamic Boltzmann Distributions.00.342019
Prospects for Declarative Mathematical Modeling of Complex Biological Systems.00.342018
Pycellerator: an arrow-based reaction-like modelling language for biological simulations.10.352016
Quantitative Symbolic Process Models: How a Fair Fraction of Intelligence Could Be Abstracted in AI Research.00.342013
A Hierarchical Exact Accelerated Stochastic Simulation Algorithm00.342012
Time-ordered product expansions for computational stochastic system biology.20.412012
Compositional Stochastic Modeling and Probabilistic Programming00.342012
Towards Measurable Types for Dynamical Process Modeling Languages.10.372010
A plausible mechanism for auxin patterning along the developing root.191.522010
Parameter inference for discretely observed stochastic kinetic models using stochastic gradient descent.211.682010
On cooperative quasi-equilibrium models of transcriptional regulation.30.462007
Towards a calculus of biomolecular complexes at equilibrium.10.362007
From published expression and phenotype data to structured knowledge: the arabidopsis gene net supplementary database and its applications00.342007
Static And Dynamic Models Of Biological Networks20.612006
Towards learned traversability for robot navigation: From underfoot to the far field332.302006
Application of a Generalized Mwc Model for the Mathematical Simulation of Metabolic Pathways Regulated by Allosteric Enzymes.61.462006
Connectivity in the Yeast Cell Cycle Transcription Network: Inferences from Neural Networks40.582006
Stochastic process semantics for dynamical grammars141.852006
An enzyme mechanism language for the mathematical modeling of metabolic pathways.101.362005
Tracking Cell Signals in Fluorescent Images161.822005
Modeling the organization of the WUSCHEL expression domain in the shoot apical meristem.131.642005
Stochastic Process Semantics for Dynamical Grammar Syntax: An Overview30.642005
Sigmoid: a software infrastructure for pathway bioinformatics and systems biology20.412005
Gene Expression Clustering with Functional Mixture Models40.522003
Clustering analysis of microarray gene expression data by splitting algorithm30.592003
Cellerator: extending a computer algebra system to include biochemical arrows for signal transduction simulations.397.372003
Translation-invariant mixture models for curve clustering312.472003
A Relationship Between Spline-Based Deformable Models And Weighted Graphs In Non-Rigid Matching60.482001
Goal-Directed Scientific Exploration Using Multiple Rovers00.342001
Fast and Globally Convergent Pose Estimation from Video Images26514.962000
A New Distance Measure for Non-rigid Image Matching50.521999
An integrated system for multi-rover scientific exploration122.181999
Convergence properties of the softassign quadratic assignment algorithm.292.051999
Morphogenesis in Plants: Modeling the Shoot Apical Meristem, and Possible Applications10.691999
A Langrangian Formulation of Neural Networks, part II: Clocked Objective Functions and Applications.00.341998
New algorithms for 2D and 3D point matching: pose estimation and correspondence15219.691998
A Langrangian Formulation of Neural Networks, part I: Theory and Analog Dynamics.00.341998
A novel optimizing network architecture with applications417.661996
A robust point-matching algorithm for autoradiograph alignment.867.141996
A Multiscale Attentional Framework For Relaxation Neural Networks32.011995
Modeling the Connection Between Development and Evolution: Preliminary Report10.471995
Learning with preknowledge: Clustering with point and graph matching distance measures434.591994
Optimization Dynamics for Partitioned Neural Networks.20.581994
Animation of plant development837.911993
Two-Dimensional Object Localization by Coarse-to-Fine Correlation Matching41.961993
Clustering with a Domain-Specific Distance Measure85.841993
Multiscale optimization in neural nets101.091991
Visual Grammars And Their Neural Nets31.361991
A Lagrangian approach to fixed points00.341990
Algebraic transformations of objective functions315.901990
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