America Online, Reston, Virginia
Search Limit
Lexicon randomization for near-duplicate detection with I-Match80.572008
P3P deployment on websites195.262008
Analysis of varying approaches to topical web query classification.20.372008
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2008, Napa Valley, California, USA, October 26-30, 200823322.972008
Automatic classification of Web queries using very large unlabeled query logs562.432007
Avoidance of model re-induction in SVM-based feature selection for text categorization10.352007
Varying approaches to topical web query classification231.212007
Repeatable evaluation of search services in dynamic environments1303.662007
Temporal analysis of a very large topically categorized Web query log561.672007
Query phrase suggestion from topically tagged session logs100.572006
Identification of user sessions with hierarchical agglomerative clustering230.862006
Effective keyword search in relational databases1605.822006
ZED: explaining temporal variations in query volume00.342006
Action modeling: language models that predict query behavior10.362006
A picture of search34713.532006
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, October 31 - November 5, 200515336.712005
Predicting query difficulty on the web by learning visual clues120.722005
A framework for determining necessary query set sizes to evaluate web search effectiveness61.942005
Automatic web query classification using labeled and unlabeled training data352.522005
Improved naive bayes for extremely skewed misclassification costs20.372005
Improving Automatic Query Classification via Semi-Supervised Learning514.512005
Surrogate scoring for improved metasearch precision101.782005
Fusion of effective retrieval strategies in the same information retrieval system381.762004
Evaluation of filtering current news search results20.432004
The Impact of Feature Selection on Signature-Driven Spam Detection231.392004
Hourly analysis of a very large topically categorized web query log17312.632004
Improved robustness of signature-based near-replica detection via lexicon randomization432.532004
IIT at TREC 2003, Task Classification and Document Structrure for Known-Item Search00.342003
Operational requirements for scalable search systems252.802003
Disproving the fusion hypothesis: an analysis of data fusion via effective information retrieval strategies241.002003
Using manually-built web directories for automatic evaluation of known-item retrieval80.732003
Extracting unstructured data from template generated web documents171.022003
Using titles and category names from editor-driven taxonomies for automatic evaluation161.292003
Automatic evaluation of world wide web search services292.452002
On scalable information retrieval systems20.402002
On the Design, Development, Deployment, and Network Survivability Analysis of the Dynamic Routing System Protocol00.342002
Collection statistics for fast duplicate document detection1446.982002
Document normalization revisited181.332002
IIT at TREC 2002 Linear Combinations Based on Document Structure and Varied Stemming for Arabic Retrieval31.252002
Analyses of multiple-evidence combinations for retrieval strategies141.532001
Query optimization for vector space problems30.452001
IIT at TREC-10131.432001
Generating and evaluating designs and plans for microwave modules20.552000
IIT TREC-9 - Entity Based Feedback with Fusion70.872000
Integrated Product and Process Design of Microwave Modules using AI Planning and Integer Programming10.432000
Network Survivability Simulation of a Commercially Deployed Dynamic Routing System Protocol00.342000
On the design and evaluation of a multi-dimensional approach to information retrieval321.432000
Efficiency Considerations for Scalable Information Retrieval Servers30.532000
A unified environment for fusion of information retrieval approaches131.121999
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