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Pfam: The Protein Families Database In 202130.442021
Computational Strategies To Combat Covid-19: Useful Tools To Accelerate Sars-Cov-2 And Coronavirus Research10.362021
Rfam 14: Expanded Coverage Of Metagenomic, Viral And Microrna Families20.362021
The Interpro Protein Families And Domains Database: 20 Years On10.402021
Rnacentral 2021: Secondary Structure Integration, Improved Sequence Search And New Member Databases00.342021
MGnify: the microbiome analysis resource in 2020.40.442020
Genome3D: integrating a collaborative data pipeline to expand the depth and breadth of consensus protein structure annotation.00.342020
The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools APIs in 2019.40.472019
The Pfam Protein Families Database In 2019100.662019
Genome properties in 2019: a new companion database to InterPro for the inference of complete functional attributes.00.342019
3DPatch: fast 3D structure visualization with residue conservation.00.342019
TreeGrafter: phylogenetic tree-based annotation of proteins with Gene Ontology terms and other annotations.00.342019
InterPro in 2019: improving coverage, classification and access to protein sequence annotations.30.372019
Eleven quick tips to build a usable REST API for life sciences.00.342018
Rfam 13.0: shifting to a genome-centric resource for non-coding RNA families.120.642018
HMMER web server: 2018 update.80.492018
EBI Metagenomics in 2017: enriching the analysis of microbial communities, from sequence reads to assemblies.60.462018
Ensembl Genomes 2018: An Integrated Omics Infrastructure For Non-Vertebrate Species90.572018
The MEROPS database of proteolytic enzymes, their substrates and inhibitors in 2017 and a comparison with peptidases in the PANTHER database.50.472018
Interpro In 2017-Beyond Protein Family And Domain Annotations481.902017
The Pfam protein families database: towards a more sustainable future1585.542016
Hpmcd: The Database Of Human Microbial Communities From Metagenomic Datasets And Microbial Reference Genomes20.352016
The Dfam Database Of Repetitive Dna Families40.612016
The European Bioinformatics Institute in 2016: Data growth and integration.212.332016
Cache Domains That Are Homologous To, But Different From Pas Domains Comprise The Largest Superfamily Of Extracellular Sensors In Prokaryotes00.342016
Twenty years of the MEROPS database of proteolytic enzymes, their substrates and inhibitors.160.882016
GO annotation in InterPro: why stability does not indicate accuracy in a sea of changing annotations.40.442016
EBI metagenomics in 2016 - an expanding and evolving resource for the analysis and archiving of metagenomic data211.072016
HMMER web server: 2015 update.161.502015
Rfam 12.0: updates to the RNA families database.562.062015
The complexity, challenges and benefits of comparing two transporter classification systems in TCDB and Pfam.20.372015
The Interpro Protein Families Database: The Classification Resource After 15 Years843.642015
Creating a specialist protein resource network: a meeting report for the protein bioinformatics and community resources retreat10.352015
Ipfam: A Database Of Protein Family And Domain Interactions Found In The Protein Data Bank180.622014
Pfam: The Protein Families Database2279.812014
Structure and computational analysis of a novel protein with metallopeptidase-like and circularly permuted winged-helix-turn-helix domains reveals a possible role in modified polysaccharide biosynthesis.40.342014
Skylign: a tool for creating informative, interactive logos representing sequence alignments and profile hidden Markov models.70.412014
The challenge of increasing Pfam coverage of the human proteome.60.902013
Two Pfam protein families characterized by a crystal structure of protein lpg2210 from Legionella pneumophila.50.342013
Dfam: A Database Of Repetitive Dna Based On Profile Hidden Markov Models140.842013
The Pfam protein families database.927155.992012
Making your database available through Wikipedia: the pros and cons.121.322012
Recent advances in biocuration: meeting report from the Fifth International Biocuration Conference.50.462012
Interpro In 2011: New Developments In The Family And Domain Prediction Database1387.642012
Rfam: Wikipedia, Clans And The "Decimal" Release7513.792011
Hmmer Web Server: Interactive Sequence Similarity Searching1517.112011
The Pfam Protein Families Database17722.842010
Rfam: Updates To The Rna Families Database838.072009
Phospholipid scramblases and Tubby-like proteins belong to a new superfamily of membrane tethered transcription factors.00.342009
Interpro: The Integrative Protein Signature Database17522.272009
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