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Accurate and efficient privacy-preserving string matching00.342022
A critique and attack on “Blockchain-based privacy-preserving record linkage”00.342022
Accurate privacy-preserving record linkage for databases with missing values00.342022
TransER: Homogeneous Transfer Learning for Entity Resolution00.342022
Unsupervised Graph-based Entity Resolution for Accurate and Efficient Family Pedigree Search00.342022
Pattern Masking for Dictionary Matching.00.342021
F*: An Interpretable Transformation Of The F-Measure30.412021
Secure Multi-Party Summation Protocols: Are They Secure Enough Under Collusion?00.342020
Incremental clustering techniques for multi-party Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage00.342020
Informativeness-Based Active Learning for Entity Resolution.00.342019
Outlier Detection Based Accurate Geocoding of Historical Addresses.00.342019
Efficient Pattern Mining Based Cryptanalysis for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage00.342019
Developing a Temporal Bibliographic Data Set for Entity Resolution.00.342018
Temporal graph-based clustering for historical record linkage.00.342018
A note on using the F-measure for evaluating record linkage algorithms.60.512018
Privacy-Preserving Temporal Record Linkage00.342018
Distributed Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage Using Pivot-Based Filter Techniques10.362018
Reference Values Based Hardening for Bloom Filters Based Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage.00.342018
Scalable Multi-Database Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage using Counting Bloom Filters.00.342017
Guest Editorial Privacy Issues in Internet of Things.00.342017
Scalable Block Scheduling For Efficient Multi-Database Record Linkage00.342016
Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage using Bloom Filters.00.342016
Hashing-Based Distributed Multi-party Blocking for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage.50.452016
Macro-level information transfer in social media: Reflections of crowd phenomena.00.342016
Automatic Discovery of Abnormal Values in Large Textual Databases.20.362016
Privacy-preserving matching of similar patients.100.602016
Efficient Record Linkage Using a Compact Hamming Space.10.362016
Active Learning Based Entity Resolution Using Markov Logic.40.392016
Cross-Language Learning from Bots and Users to Detect Vandalism on Wikipedia90.542015
Efficient Entity Resolution with Adaptive and Interactive Training Data Selection60.472015
Context-Aware Detection of Sneaky Vandalism on Wikipedia Across Multiple Languages.30.392015
A Clustering-Based Framework to Control Block Sizes for Entity Resolution130.532015
Clustering-Based Scalable Indexing for Multi-party Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage60.472015
Unsupervised Blocking Key Selection for Real-Time Entity Resolution40.402015
Context-Aware Approximate String Matching for Large-Scale Real-Time Entity Resolution.00.342015
Sensing as a service model for smart cities supported by Internet of Things1073.612014
Tree Based Scalable Indexing for Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage30.402014
Scalable Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage for Multiple Databases100.592014
Macro-level information transfer across social networks20.402014
MOSDEN: An Internet of Things Middleware for Resource Constrained Mobile Devices120.552014
Automatic Record Linkage Of Individuals And Households In Historical Census Data40.552014
Privacy Aspects in Big Data Integration: Challenges and Opportunities20.412014
Uncovering Diffusion in Academic Publications Using Model-Driven and Model-Free Approaches20.422014
Context Aware Computing for The Internet of Things: A Survey2016.172014
Forest-Based Dynamic Sorted Neighborhood Indexing for Real-Time Entity Resolution80.532014
Challenges for privacy preservation in data integration50.502014
Noise-Tolerant Approximate Blocking for Dynamic Real-Time Entity Resolution.50.452014
A Graph Matching Method for Historical Census Household Linkage.80.582014
An Evaluation Framework for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage100.592014
Privacy-preserving record linkage10.362013
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