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A Tutorial on Prototyping Internet of Things Devices and Systems: A Gentle Introduction to Technology that Shapes Our Lives.00.342022
Information Systems Analysis and Design: Past Revolutions, Present Challenges, and Future Research Directions.00.342022
An Ontology of Emotion Process to Support Sentiment Analysis00.342022
System: A core conceptual modeling construct for capturing complexity00.342022
The Notion of "System" as a Core Conceptual Modeling Construct for Life Sciences00.342021
Externalities of Design Science Research - Preparation for Project Success.00.342021
Pairing conceptual modeling with machine learning00.342021
The Digital Science Field of Design Science Research.00.342021
Foundations Of Information Technology Based On Bunge'S Systemist Philosophy Of Reality00.342021
Validity in Design Science Research.00.342020
Introducing GSO - A General Systemist Ontology.00.342020
Never, Never Together Again: How Postpurchase Affect Drives Consumer Outcomes Within the Context of Online Consumer Support Communities00.342019
Evaluating Domain Ontologies: Clarification, Classification, and Challenges.20.372019
Inducing Creativity in Design Science Research.00.342019
Identifying Authorship From Linguistic Text Patterns00.342019
Aesthetics in design science research.20.492018
Assessing the quality of domain ontologies: Metrics and an automated ranking system.00.342018
A Framework for Managing Complexity in Information Systems30.372017
Bottom-up enterprise information systems: rethinking the roles of central IT departments10.382017
Establishing Reliability in Design Science Research.00.342017
Domain Modeling for the Semantic Web: Assessing the Pragmatics of Ontologies.00.342017
Data Exhaust: Life Cycle, Framework and a Case Study of
Conceptual Modeling Meets Domain Ontology Development: A Reconciliation10.352017
Big data technologies and Management: What conceptual modeling can do.00.342017
A process ontology based approach to easing semantic ambiguity in business process modeling.60.442016
Bounded Creativity in Design Science Research.00.342016
A Recommender System for Two-sided Markets: Understanding Customers Sentiment in Social Networks00.342015
Genres of Inquiry in Design-Science Research: Justification and Evaluation of Knowledge Production120.482015
Sentiment Analysis Meets Semantic Analysis: Constructing Insight Knowledge Bases00.342015
Logical Design Patterns For Information System Development Problems10.352015
Conceptual Modeling For Financial Investment With Text Mining00.342015
Central IT or Shadow IT? Factors Shaping Users' Decision to Go Rogue With IT.60.422014
A Method for Improving Business Intelligence Interpretation through the Use of Semantic Technology.10.352013
Deriving knowledge representation guidelines by analyzing knowledge engineer behavior20.362012
Knowledge Representation: A Conceptual Modeling Approach30.372012
An integrated conceptual model to incorporate information tasks in workflow models10.342012
Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact72230.312012
Data quality: Setting organizational policies20.382012
Construction of Domain Ontologies: Sourcing the World Wide Web120.542011
Knowledge Reuse: Its Role and Implications for Upper Level Ontologies00.342011
Issues And Guidelines In Modeling Decomposition Of Minimum Participation In Entity-Relationship Diagrams10.342011
Repurposing social tagging data for extraction of domain-level concepts10.372011
Effects of external conceptual models and verbal explanations on shared understanding in small groups40.372011
Exploring a Domain Ontology Based Approach to Business Process Design.20.362010
On-demand extraction of domain concepts and relationships from social tagging websites30.522010
26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2007)00.342009
The Sciences Of Design: Observations On An Emerging Field00.342008
Generating large-scale repositories of reusable artifacts for conceptual design of information systems80.452008
Improving web-query processing through semantic knowledge190.842008
Evaluating the adoption potential of design science efforts: The case of APSARA160.792008
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