Brandeis University
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Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 2022, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, October 12-17, 2022.00.342022
Modal Dependency Parsing via Language Model Priming00.342022
UMR-Writer: A Web Application for Annotating Uniform Meaning Representations00.342021
Annotating Temporal Dependency Graphs via Crowdsourcing.00.342020
Transformer-GCRF: Recovering Chinese Dropped Pronouns with General Conditional Random Fields00.342020
MRP 2020 - The Second Shared Task on Cross-Framework and Cross-Lingual Meaning Representation Parsing.00.342020
Acquiring Structured Temporal Representation via Crowdsourcing: A Feasibility Study.00.342019
SMART: A Stratified Machine Reading Test00.342019
Recovering Dropped Pronouns in Chinese Conversations via Modeling Their Referents.20.362019
MRP 2019 - Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing.00.342019
A Survey of Discourse Representations for Chinese Discourse Annotation00.342019
Neural Ranking Models for Temporal Dependency Structure Parsing.00.342018
Transition-Based Chinese AMR Parsing.00.342018
Structured Interpretation of Temporal Relations.00.342018
A Systematic Study of Neural Discourse Models for Implicit Discourse Relation.40.392017
Getting the Most out of AMR Parsing.20.372017
Translation Divergences in Chinese-English Machine Translation: An Empirical Investigation.00.342017
Addressing the Data Sparsity Issue in Neural AMR Parsing.80.522017
Addressing the Data Sparsity Issue in Neural AMR Parsing.00.342017
Annotating the Little Prince with Chinese AMRs.00.342016
Converting SynTagRus Dependency Treebank into Penn Treebank Style.00.342016
Annotating the discourse and dialogue structure of SMS message conversations.00.342016
Large Multi-lingual, Multi-level and Multi-genre Annotation Corpus.00.342016
Generalizing the semantic roles in the Chinese Proposition Bank.00.342016
Annotating the discourse and dialogue structure of SMS message conversations.20.362016
Annotating the Little Prince with Chinese AMRs.00.342016
CAMR at SemEval-2016 Task 8: An Extended Transition-based AMR Parser.120.602016
Neural Network Models for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification in English and Chinese without Surface Features.20.392016
Converting SynTagRus Dependency Treebank into Penn Treebank Style.00.342016
Boosting Transition-Based Amr Parsing With Refined Actions And Auxiliary Analyzers220.782015
Feature Optimization For Constituent Parsing Via Neural Networks70.462015
A Transition-based Algorithm for AMR Parsing.381.402015
Recovering Dropped Pronouns From Chinese Text Messages50.412015
The Chinese Discourse TreeBank: a Chinese corpus annotated with discourse relations30.382015
Harmonizing word alignments and syntactic structures for extracting phrasal translation equivalents20.362015
Harmonizing word alignments and syntactic structures for extracting phrasal translation equivalents.00.342015
Effective Document-Level Features For Chinese Patent Word Segmentation20.402014
Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech.50.492014
Buy one get one free: Distant annotation of Chinese tense, event type and modality.40.502014
Aligning Chinese-English Parallel Parse Trees: Is it Feasible?20.362014
Automatic Inference of the Tense of Chinese Events Using Implicit Linguistic Information.10.362014
Joint Pos Tagging And Transition-Based Constituent Parsing In Chinese With Non-Local Features210.782014
Dependency-based empty category detection via phrase structure trees.90.562013
Towards Robust Linguistic Analysis using OntoNotes.251.142013
Temporal relation discovery between events and temporal expressions identified in clinical narrative.10.362013
A Lattice-based Framework for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging and Parsing.80.472013
Bidirectional Sequence Labeling Via Dual Decomposition10.352013
Words without Boundaries: Computational Approaches to Chinese Word Segmentation.20.402012
Parallel Aligned Treebanks at LDC: New Challenges Interfacing Existing Infrastructures.70.522012
A corpus of full-text journal articles is a robust evaluation tool for revealing differences in performance of biomedical natural language processing tools.501.532012
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