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Pre-trained Speech Representations as Feature Extractors for Speech Quality Assessment in Online Conferencing Applications00.342022
A Multi-Resolution Front-End for End-to-End Speech Anti-Spoofing.00.342022
Bottleneck Low-rank Transformers for Low-resource Spoken Language Understanding00.342022
Multitask Learning for Low Resource Spoken Language Understanding00.342022
Comparison of Self-Supervised Speech Pre-Training Methods on Flemish Dutch00.342021
Speech Disorder Classification Using Extended Factorized Hierarchical Variational Auto-Encoders.00.342021
Audiovisual Transfer Learning for Audio Tagging and Sound Event Detection.00.342021
A Study into Pre-Training Strategies for Spoken Language Understanding on Dysarthric Speech.00.342021
Extracting Different Levels of Speech Information from EEG Using an LSTM-Based Model.00.342021
Modeling The Relationship Between Acoustic Stimulus And Eeg With A Dilated Convolutional Neural Network00.342020
On the long-term learning ability of LSTM LMs.00.342020
Robust Hierarchical Learning For Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Outliers00.342019
Audiovisual Transformer Architectures for Large-Scale Classification and Synchronization of Weakly Labeled Audio Events00.342019
Practical Applicability of Deep Neural Networks for Overlapping Speaker Separation00.342019
Effective weakly supervised semantic frame induction using expression sharing in hierarchical hidden Markov models.00.342019
CNN-LSTM Models for Multi-Speaker Source Separation Using Bayesian Hyper Parameter Optimization00.342019
TF-LM: TensorFlow-based Language Modeling Toolkit.00.342018
Information-Weighted Neural Cache Language Models for ASR.00.342018
Weakly Supervised Learning of Hidden Markov Models for Spoken Language Acquisition.00.342017
Automatic relevance determination for nonnegative dictionary learning in the gamma-Poisson model.10.352017
Improving Source Separation Via Multi-Speaker Representations20.422017
Character-Word LSTM Language Models.60.402017
Automatic Smoker Detection from Telephone Speech Signals.00.342017
Active speaker detection with audio-visual co-training.20.372016
Noise robust exemplar matching with alpha-beta divergence.10.352016
Improving Cross-Domain N-Gram Language Modelling With Skipgrams00.342016
SCALE: A Scalable Language Engineering Toolkit.00.342016
Noise robust footstep location estimation using a wireless acoustic sensor network.00.342016
Unsupervised Learning Of Continuous Density Hmm For Variable-Length Spoken Unit Discovery00.342016
Incrementally learn the relevance of words in a dictionary for spoken language acquisition00.342016
A Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Framework For Robust Nmf-Based Speech Recognition For Speech-Impaired Users00.342015
Adaptive noise dictionary design for noise robust exemplar matching of speech10.352015
Noise robust exemplar matching with coupled dictionaries for single-channel speech enhancement10.352015
Efficient Language Model Adaptation For Automatic Speech Recognition Of Spoken Translations10.362015
Exemplar-Based Speech Enhancement For Deep Neural Network Based Automatic Speech Recognition50.442015
Mutually Exclusive Grounding For Weakly Supervised Non-Negative Matrix Factorisation20.362015
Blind audio source counting and separation of anechoic mixtures using the multichannel complex NMF framework60.432015
Investigating Modulation Spectrogram Features For Deep Neural Network-Based Automatic Speech Recognition20.362015
Energy efficient monitoring of activities of daily living using wireless acoustic sensor networks in clean and noisy conditions00.342015
Height Estimation From Speech Signals Using I-Vectors And Least-Squares Support Vector Regression40.422015
Noise robust exemplar matching using sparse representations of speech90.492014
Active-set newton algorithm for non-negative sparse coding of audio50.462014
Fast vocabulary acquisition in an NMF-based self-learning vocal user interface.40.422014
Non-negative factor analysis of Gaussian mixture model weight adaptation for language and dialect recognition80.522014
Speech Recognition Web Services for Dutch.00.342014
Coupled dictionary training for exemplar-based speech enhancement100.732014
Learning Like a Toddler: Watching Television Series to Learn Vocabulary from Images and Audio00.342014
Comparing and combining classifiers for self-taught vocal interfaces30.412013
Automatic Monitoring of Activities of Daily Living based on Real-life Acoustic Sensor Data: a~preliminary study20.472013
Joint training of non-negative Tucker decomposition and discrete density hidden Markov models110.552013
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