Fudan Univ, Sch Comp Sci, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China
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"More Than Deep Learning": post-processing for API sequence recommendation00.342022
Holistic Combination of Structural and Textual Code Information for Context Based API Recommendation10.352022
Predicting Change Propagation between Code Clone Instances by Graph-based Deep Learning00.342022
Identifying Change Patterns Of Api Misuses From Code Changes00.342021
MashReDroid: enabling end-user creation of Android mashups based on record and replay00.342020
Generative API usage code recommendation with parameter concretization20.362019
基于日志可视化分析的微服务系统调试方法 (Method of Microservice System Debugging Based on Log Visualization Analysis).00.342019
Architecture-Based Behavioral Adaptation with Generated Alternatives and Relaxed Constraints.10.352019
A large-scale empirical study of compiler errors in continuous integration.20.352019
Migrating Deprecated API to Documented Replacement: Patterns and Tool10.372019
面向场景的安卓应用代码定位方法 (Scenario-oriented Location Method of Android Applications).00.342018
一种基于子图搜索的特征定位方法 (Feature Location Method Based on Sub-graph Searching).00.342018
基于开发者行为分析的Web资源推荐 (Web Resource Recommendation Based on Analysis of Developer's Behavior).00.342018
CrowdService: Optimizing Mobile Crowdsourcing and Service Composition.30.422018
基于Mozilla的安全性漏洞再修复经验研究 (Empirical Study of Reopened Security Bugs on Mozilla).00.342018
Benchmarking microservice systems for software engineering research.00.342018
MobiGoal: Flexible Achievement of Personal Goals for Mobile Users.00.342018
基于静态分析的JavaScript类型失配缺陷查找 (Finding Type Mismatch Defects of JavaScript Based on Static Analysis).00.342018
Supporting exploratory code search with differencing and visualization10.342018
面向单个文件的个性化缺陷预测方法 (Personalized Defect Prediction for Individual Source Files).00.342018
基于数据库事务的不变式推导 (Deriving Invariants from Database Transactions).00.342018
数据需求驱动的Storm应用辅助开发框架 (Framework Assisting Storm Application Development Driven by Data Requirements).00.342018
面向用户使用习惯的安卓应用自适应方法 (Usage Habit-oriented Self-adaptive Method for Android Applications).00.342018
ClDiff: generating concise linked code differences.60.402018
Mining implicit design templates for actionable code reuse.40.402017
O2O service composition with social collaboration.20.362017
Understanding systematic and collaborative code changes by mining evolutionary trajectory patterns.20.382017
Eunomia: Scaling Concurrent Search Trees under Contention Using HTM.60.442017
VarCatcher: A Framework for Tackling Performance Variability of Parallel Workloads on Multi-Core.30.412017
Contextual Recommendation of Relevant Program Elements in an Interactive Feature Location Process10.392017
Code recommendation for android development: how does it work and what can be improved?20.402017
Understanding the Architectural Characteristics of EDA Algorithms00.342016
基于移动设备的个人云服务及资源Mashup (Towards Personal Cloud Service and Resource Mashup Based on Mobile Devices).00.342016
面向数据库模式变更的代码演化推荐方法 (Method of Code Evolution Recommendation for Database Schema Change).00.342016
How Is Code Recommendation Applied in Android Development: A Qualitative Review00.342016
A Loosely-Coupled Full-System Multicore Simulation Framework.20.372016
Interactive and guided architectural refactoring with search-based recommendation.190.572016
CrowdService: serving the individuals through mobile crowdsourcing and service composition.30.372016
Performance Analysis of Multimedia Retrieval Workloads Running on Multicores.40.402016
多维度的安卓应用相似度分析 (Similarity Analysis of Multi-dimension Features of Android Applications).00.342016
Summarizing Evolutionary Trajectory by Grouping and Aggregating relevant code changes40.402015
Mining Context-Aware User Requirements from Crowd Contributed Mobile Data.20.382015
Web应用界面跨浏览器兼容性的自动检测方法 (Automatic Detection Method of Cross-browser Web Application).00.342015
本体概念图的展示过程及技术实现 (Display Process and Technique Implementation of Ontology Conceptual Diagram).00.342015
Clone-based and interactive recommendation for modifying pasted code80.452015
Requirements-Driven Self-Optimization of Composite Services Using Feedback Control60.452015
amAssist: In-IDE ambient search of online programming resources50.412015
基于3D动画的软件演化信息可视化 (Software Evolution Visualization Based on 3D Animation).00.342015
Characterizing Multi-media Retrieval Applications.10.352015
Rationalism with a dose of empiricism: combining goal reasoning and case-based reasoning for self-adaptive software systems50.462015
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