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A Landscape Survey Of Planned Smart/Hl7 Bulk Fhir Data Access Api Implementations And Tools00.342021
Machine-learning-based predictions of direct-acting antiviral therapy duration for patients with hepatitis C00.342021
A Proposal For Shoring Up Federal Trade Commission Protections For Electronic Health Record-Connected Consumer Apps Under 21st Century Cures00.342021
SMART Markers - A SMART on FHIR Framework to Standardize Collection of Patient Generated Health Data.00.342020
A Digital Biomarker for Detection of Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes.00.342019
ONC's Leading Edge Acceleration Projects (LEAP) Advance an Application Programing Interface-based Ecosystem with Real World Use Cases for Population Health and Patient Care.00.342019
Automatically applying a credibility appraisal tool to track vaccination-related communications shared on social media.00.342019
High Performance Computing on Flat FHIR Files Created with the New SMART/HL7 Bulk Data Access Standard.00.342019
Building the Health Apps Economy under 21st Century Cures - Interplay among EHRs, Third Party Apps, and the Cloud.00.342019
System Demonstration - Integration of Patient Reported Outcomes with Electronic Health Records - the EASI-PRO Project.00.342018
Push Button Population Health Data - Extending the HL7 FHIR Standard to Support Bulk Data Export.00.342018
Modelling spatiotemporal variation of positive and negative sentiment on Twitter to improve the identification of localised deviations.00.342018
ADEPT - An End-to-End System for High-Throughput Pharmacovigilance.00.342018
FADL: Federated-Autonomous Deep Learning for Distributed Electronic Health Record.00.342018
Needs-Driven Data Completeness Assessment for Clinical Research.00.342017
Participatory Health Informatics for Data-Driven Precision Medicine.00.342017
Biases introduced by filtering electronic health records for patients with "complete data".20.512017
Evolving Research Data Sharing Networks to Clinical App Sharing Networks.00.342017
SMART-on-FHIR implemented over i2b2.70.652017
Needs-Driven Data Completeness Dashboard in a Multi-Site Research Network.00.342017
Opening the Duke electronic health record to apps: Implementing SMART on FHIR.30.472017
Medication Self-Reconciliation Through Automated Telephony.00.342016
The Drug Data to Knowledge Pipeline: Large-Scale Claims Data Classification for Pharmacologic Insight.00.342016
Data interchange using i2b2.00.342016
The Consent, Contact and Community Framework for Patient Reported Outcomes: Connecting ResearchKit to the Health System with FHIR.00.342016
SMART on FHIR Platform for Interoperable Healthcare Applications.00.342016
Evaluation of SMART-on-FHIR I2b2 cell using PCORNET data model.00.342016
Data Topography of a Large Multi-Site Research Network.00.342016
SMART precision cancer medicine: a FHIR-based app to provide genomic information at the point of care.50.652016
Comparison of Data Models used in Research Data Repositories for Electronic Phenotyping.00.342016
SMART on FHIR: a standards-based, interoperable apps platform for electronic health records.342.352016
Building a Research Ecosystem upon the Early Success of ResearchKit.00.342016
Cajun Codefest 4.0 on SMART-on-FHIR apps for Diabetes.00.342016
Read only SMART on FHIR Façade for I2b2.00.342016
Diagnostic Journeys of Patients Evaluated for Lyme Disease and Given Extended Antibiotic Therapy.00.342016
Comparison of Two Distributed Data Network Approaches: Democratic and Self-Governed vs. Centrally Managed.00.342016
Multi-site Data Completeness Analysis: Application to Laboratory Results in a Large Distributed Research Network.00.342016
The Scalable Collaborative Infrastructure for a Learning Health System: Facilitating Agile Comparative Effectiveness Research.00.342015
Engaging Patients & Families in Contributing Patient-Reported Outcomes to a Pediatric Disease Registry for Comparative Effectiveness Research.00.342015
A numerical similarity approach for using retired Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for electronic phenotyping in the Scalable Collaborative Infrastructure for a Learning Health System (SCILHS)00.342015
The Scalable Collaborative Infrastructure for a Learning Health System.00.342015
Supporting Multi-sourced Medication Information in i2b2.00.342015
Categorizing RxNorm Concepts by Treatment Intent.00.342014
Are Meaningful Use Stage 2 certified EHRs ready for interoperability? Findings from the SMART C-CDA Collaborative.201.712014
Brief communication: Scalable Collaborative Infrastructure for a Learning Healthcare System (SCILHS): Architecture.00.342014
Participatory surveillance of diabetes device safety: a social media-based complement to traditional FDA reporting.11.092014
Smart on FHIR.00.342014
Enabling Patient-Centric Comparative Effectiveness Research in i2b2.00.342014
Improving the Review of Individual Patients in a Clinical Data Repository.00.342014
Integrating the CCDA for Real-Time Patient Data in the i2b2 Platform.00.342013
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