Wireless Communications and Networking Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
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Global Rangeland Primary Production And Its Consumption By Livestock In 2000-201000.342021
AI-Skin: Skin disease recognition based on self-learning and wide data collection through a closed-loop framework.40.582020
Controllability and Stabilizability of a Higher Order Wave Equation on a Periodic Domain.00.342020
Special Section on Cloud-of-Things and Edge Computing: Recent Advances and Future Trends.00.342019
Special Section on Edge-of-Things Computing for Smart Healthcare Systems: Opportunities and Challenges.00.342019
Large-Scale Mobile Fitness App Usage Analysis for Smart Health.10.342018
Ieee Access Special Section Editorial: Healthcare Big Data10.352018
Visualization and the Digital Humanities.10.352018
Topical Collection on "Smart and Interactive Healthcare Systems".00.342017
Underwater Optical Image Processing: A Comprehensive Review.70.532017
Exploiting Interference for Capacity Improvement in Software-Defined Vehicular Networks.00.342017
Mobile cellular big data: linking cyberspace and the physical world with social ecology.90.472016
A cross-layer design for a software-defined millimeter-wave mobile broadband system.40.422016
Performance analysis of K-tier cellular networks with time-switching energy harvesting10.362016
Towards collusion-attack-resilient group key management using one-way function tree.60.682016
Metaheuristic Algorithms for Healthcare: Open Issues and Challenges.60.442016
Vehicular Fog Computing: A Viewpoint of Vehicles as the Infrastructures.1263.622016
MatrixDCN: a high performance network architecture for large‐scale cloud data centers00.342016
Energy efficiency analysis of 5G Ultra-dense networks based on random way point mobility models00.342016
Message-locked proof of ownership and retrievability with remote repairing in cloud.30.432016
A γ-Strawman privacy-preserving scheme in weighted social networks.00.342016
Special Issue on Mobile Big Data Management and Innovative Applications.10.352016
The Smart Health Initiative in China: The Case of Wuhan, Hubei Province.50.432016
User Intent-Oriented Video QoE with Emotion Detection Networking.00.342016
Smart Clothing: Connecting Human with Clouds and Big Data for Sustainable Health Monitoring.591.782016
An Energy Efficiency Solution For Wban In Healthcare Monitoring System00.342016
Measuring and Analyzing Third-Party Mobile Game App Stores in China.00.342016
A DSRC-Based Vehicular Positioning Enhancement Using a Distributed Multiple-Model Kalman Filter.10.342016
Cloud-Based Actor Identification With Batch-Orthogonal Local-Sensitive Hashing and Sparse Representation.30.442016
A novel pre-cache schema for high performance Android system120.582016
Software-Defined Mobile Networks Security321.342016
Efficient Upstream Bandwidth Multiplexing for Cloud Video Recording Services.20.362016
Information diffusion prediction in mobile social networks with hydrodynamic model30.372016
Enhanced Fingerprinting and Trajectory Prediction for IoT Localization in Smart Buildings.411.122016
Flow Scheduling in OBS Networks Based on Software-Defined Networking Control Plane.10.352016
Motion-moderated Transfer Function for Volume Rendering 4D CMR Data.00.342015
Demo: LIVES: Learning through Interactive Video and Emotion-aware System100.622015
Toward Cost-Effective Mobile Video Streaming via Smart Cache With Adaptive Thresholding40.392015
Cloud-based wireless network: virtualized, reconfigurable, smart wireless network to enable 5G technologies401.562015
EMC: Emotion-aware mobile cloud computing in 5G702.272015
Towards next-generation social media?00.342015
Software-defined internet of things for smart urban sensing.391.192015
Software-Defined Network Function Virtualization: A Survey.761.962015
KCN: Guaranteed Delivery via K-Cooperative-Nodes in Duty-Cycled Sensor Networks00.342015
On Achieving Cost-Effective Adaptive Cloud Gaming in Geo-distributed Data Centers110.522015
Energy-Efficient and Context-Aware Smartphone Sensor Employment20.382015
Non‐cooperative game‐based packet ferry forwarding for sparse mobile wireless networks10.362015
A unified control and optimization framework for dynamical service chaining in software-defined NFV system140.562015
Frame-Based Medium Access Control for 5G Wireless Networks30.392015
HMCC: A Hybrid Mobile Cloud Computing Framework Exploiting Heterogeneous Resources70.542015
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