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Improving Vulnerability Inspection Efficiency Using Active Learning40.372021
How to “DODGE” Complex Software Analytics40.362021
Documenting evidence of a reuse of ‘a systematic literature review of techniques and metrics to reduce the cost of mutation testing’00.342021
Documenting evidence of a reuse of ‘RefactoringMiner 2.0’00.342021
Early Life Cycle Software Defect Prediction. Why? How?00.342021
FRUGAL: Unlocking Semi-Supervised Learning for Software Analytics00.342021
Learning To Recognize Actionable Static Code Warnings (Is Intrinsically Easy)20.492021
Lessons learned from hyper-parameter tuning for microservice candidate identification00.342021
Documenting evidence of a replication of ‘populating a release history database from version control and bug tracking systems’00.342021
Documenting evidence of a replication of ‘analyze this! 145 questions for data scientists in software engineering’00.342021
Mining Workflows for Anomalous Data Transfers10.352021
Bias in machine learning software: why? how? what to do?10.362021
Documenting evidence of a reproduction of ‘is there a “golden” feature set for static warning identification? — an experimental evaluation’00.342021
Shockingly Simple:"KEYS" for Better AI for SE00.342021
Documenting evidence of a reuse of ‘what is a feature? a qualitative study of features in industrial software product lines’00.342021
Documenting evidence of a reuse of ‘“why should I trust you?”: explaining the predictions of any classifier’00.342021
Documenting evidence of a reuse of ‘a systematic study of the class imbalance problem in convolutional neural networks’00.342021
Whence to Learn? Transferring Knowledge in Configurable Systems Using BEETLE20.352021
Characterizing Crowds to Better Optimize Worker Recommendation in Crowdsourced Testing50.402021
Assessing Practitioner Beliefs About Software Engineering00.342021
Documenting evidence of a reuse of ‘on the number of linear regions of deep neural networks’00.342021
Structuring a Comprehensive Software Security Course Around the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard00.342021
Fairer Software Made Easier (using “Keys”)00.342021
Finding Faster Configurations Using <sc>FLASH</sc>130.522020
What disconnects practitioner belief and empirical evidence?00.342020
Learning Actionable Analytics from Multiple Software Projects20.362020
Predicting Breakdowns in Cloud Services (with SPIKE).10.352019
iSENSE: completion-aware crowdtesting management30.372019
FAST: An intelligent assistant for finding relevant papers.70.432019
Sampling as a Baseline Optimizer for Search-based Software Engineering100.422019
Beyond Evolutionary Algorithms for Search-based Software Engineering.40.372018
Finding better active learners for faster literature reviews.100.442018
500+ times faster than deep learning: a case study exploring faster methods for text mining stackoverflow70.392018
We Don't Need Another Hero? The Impact of "Heroes" on Software Development.120.482018
Micky: A Cheaper Alternative for Selecting Cloud Instances30.372018
RIOT: A Stochastic-Based Method for Workflow Scheduling in the Cloud20.352018
Total Recall, Language Processing, and Software Engineering.20.352018
Data-driven search-based software engineering70.402018
Arrow: Low-Level Augmented Bayesian Optimization for Finding the Best Cloud VM80.482018
“SHORT”er Reasoning About Larger Requirements Models50.462017
Guest editorial for the Special Section on BEST PAPERS from the 2011 conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering (PROMISE)00.342013
Software is data too40.622010
Explanation vs Performance in Data Mining: A Case Study with Predicting Runaway Projects20.372009
Applications Of Abduction: Hypothesis Testing Of Neuroendocrinological Qualitative Compartmental Models291.231997