Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago, 1100 East 58th Street, Chicago, Illinois and Department of Computer Science, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Statistical mechanical analysis of neural network pruning.00.342021
The Swendsen-Wang Dynamics on Trees.00.342021
Rapid Mixing for Colorings via Spectral Independence00.342021
Hardness Of Identity Testing For Restricted Boltzmann Machines And Potts Models00.342020
Inapproximability of the Independent Set Polynomial in the Complex Plane.00.342020
Structure Learning of H-Colorings00.342020
Lower Bounds for Testing Graphical Models: Colorings and Antiferromagnetic Ising Models.00.342019
Improved Strong Spatial Mixing for Colorings on Trees.00.342019
Lower bounds for testing graphical models: colorings and antiferromagnetic Ising models.00.342019
The Complexity of Approximating the Matching Polynomial in the Complex Plane00.342018
Structure Learning of ${H}$-colorings.00.342018
On Counting Perfect Matchings in General Graphs.00.342018
Sampling Random Colorings of Sparse Random Graphs.20.382018
Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on Random Regular Graphs.10.362018
The Complexity of Tensor Rank.00.342018
Inapproximability of the independent set polynomial below the Shearer threshold.00.342017
Fixed Points, Nash Equilibria, and the Existential Theory of the Reals50.412017
Glauber Dynamics for Ising Model on Convergent Dense Graph Sequences.00.342017
#BIS-Hardness for 2-Spin Systems on Bipartite Bounded Degree Graphs in the Tree Non-uniqueness Region.10.372016
The Degenerate Crossing Number and Higher-Genus Embeddings.10.352015
Swendsen-Wang Algorithm on the Mean-Field Potts Model.20.422015
Approximation via Correlation Decay When Strong Spatial Mixing Fails.10.362015
Ferromagnetic Potts Model: Refined #BIS-hardness and Related Results.10.362014
Sampling tree fragments from forests40.492014
Reasoning Under the Principle of Maximum Entropy for Modal Logics K45, KD45, and S5.10.382013
Block Additivity of ℤ2-Embeddings.00.342013
BIS-Hardness for Ferromagnetic Potts in the Ordered Phase and Related Results.00.342013
Subset Selection for Gaussian Markov Random Fields00.342012
Negative examples for sequential importance sampling of binary contingency tables161.722012
A graph polynomial for independent sets of bipartite graphs60.512012
Slice Normalized Dynamic Markov Logic Networks.60.422012
Inapproximability of the Partition Function for the Antiferromagnetic Ising and Hard-Core Models280.982012
Fast Convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms for Phylogenetic Reconstruction with Homogeneous Data on Closely Related Species.20.502011
Fast Convergence of MCMC Algorithms for Phylogenetic Reconstruction with Homogeneous Data on Closely Related Species10.432010
Phase Transition for Glauber Dynamics for Independent Sets on Regular Trees.20.402010
Approximating L1-distances between mixture distributions using random projections00.342009
Removing Independently Even Crossings00.342009
Computing Dehn Twists and Geometric Intersection Numbers in Polynomial Time60.522008
Accelerating simulated annealing for the permanent and combinatorial counting problems161.342008
Phylogeny of mixture models: robustness of maximum likelihood and non-identifiable distributions.70.982007
Worst-Case Synchronous Grammar Rules60.482007
Density estimation in linear time40.532007
Spiralling and Folding: The Topological View20.422007
Train Tracks and Confluent Drawings80.682007
Solvability of Graph Inequalities10.382005
Simultaneous diophantine approximation with excluded primes00.342004
Recognizing string graphs in NP662.732003
Algorithms for Normal Curves and Surfaces80.602002
Set systems with restricted intersections modulo prime powers120.912001
Decidability of string graphs222.302001
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