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Open Source Platform for Transperineal In-bore MRI-guided Targeted Prostate Biopsy.00.342020
Put That Needle There: Customized Flexible On-Body Thin-Film Displays for Medical Navigation10.362020
Enhanced Registration Of Ultrasound Volumes By Segmentation Of Resection Cavity In Neurosurgical Procedures00.342020
Auditory Display for Telerobotic Transnasal Surgery Using a Continuum Robot.00.342019
Automatic Needle Segmentation and Localization in MRI with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks: Application to MRI-targeted Prostate Biopsy.00.342019
Registration of Ultrasound Volumes Based on Euclidean Distance Transform.00.342019
Auditory display as feedback for a novel eye-tracking system for sterile operating room interaction.00.342018
A Survey of auditory display in image-guided interventions.50.542017
Standardized communications of quantitative image analysis results using DICOM: Establishing interoperability through outreach and community engagement.00.342017
Large scale digital prostate pathology image analysis combining feature extraction and deep neural network.00.342017
A generic module interface in MeVisLab using OpenIGTLink for defining iterative communication workflows among robotic devices.00.342016
Autonomous Surgical Lamps.00.342015
Patient-specific biomechanical model as whole-body CT image registration tool.20.452015
MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation and Necrosis Detection Using Adaptive Sobolev Snakes.00.342014
Patient-Specific Meshless Model for Whole-Body Image Registration.00.342014
Medical Image Computing for Translational Biomedical Research.00.342013
A 3D interactive multi-object segmentation tool using local robust statistics driven active contours.110.602012
Stochastic tractography study of Inferior Frontal Gyrus anatomical connectivity in schizophrenia.30.462011
Ontological Labels for Automated Location of Left Ventricular Remodeling00.342011
Segmentation of nerve bundles and ganglia in spine MRI using particle filters.00.342011
Computational neuroanatomy: ontology-based representation of neural components and connectivity.230.792009
Lung Extraction, Lobe Segmentation and Hierarchical Region Assessment for Quantitative Analysis on High Resolution Computed Tomography Images150.982009
Monitoring Slowly Evolving Tumors40.552008
Evaluation of Brain MRI Alignment with the Robust Hausdorff Distance Measures50.412008
Device connectivity for image-guided medical applications.20.592007
Grid-Enabled Software Environment for Enhanced Dynamic Data-Driven Visualization and Navigation During Image-Guided Neurosurgery00.342007
Oriented speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion.1183.582007
A Bayesian model for joint segmentation and registration1325.492006
Logarithm odds maps for shape representation241.362006
Imaging and visual analysis - Toward real-time image guided neurosurgery using distributed and grid computing00.342006
Accurate airway wall estimation using phase congruency120.742006
"Big Science" And Schizophrenia00.342006
Development and testing of a cross-sectional area measurement tool for evaluating vein size00.342005
Detection and analysis of statistical differences in anatomical shape.522.352005
Brain shift computation using a fully nonlinear biomechanical model.170.922005
Capturing intraoperative deformations: research experience at Brigham and Women’s hospital100.642005
A segmentation and reconstruction technique for 3D vascular structures.130.992005
The National Alliance for Medical Imaging Computing (NA-MIC)00.342005
Shape based segmentation of anatomical structures in magnetic resonance images150.852005
Robust Nonrigid Registration To Capture Brain Shift From Intraoperative Mri843.982005
Hybrid formulation of the model-based non-rigid registration problem to improve accuracy and robustness.00.342005
Improved watershed transform for medical image segmentation using prior information.2069.782004
Coupling Statistical Segmentation and PCA Shape Modeling70.822004
An Anisotropic Material Model for Image Guided Neurosurgery50.442004
A statistically based flow for image segmentation.171.332004
3D Analysis of Radiofrequency-Ablated Tumors in Liver: A Computer-Aided Diagnosis Tool for Early Detection of Local Recurrences30.662004
Dense Deformation Field Estimation for Brain Intra-Operative Images Registra-tion20.562004
An MRI study of spatial probability brain map differences between first-episode schizophrenia and normal controls.111.272004
Cave-Technology For Visualizing Medical Imagery10.402004
Capturing Brain Deformation20.362003
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