China Beijing Normal Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Environm Change & Nat Disaster, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
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Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning for Robust SAR Target Recognition00.342021
Robust Remote Sensing Scene Classification by Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning.00.342021
Mapping Winter Wheat in North China Using Sentinel 2A/B Data: A Method Based on Phenology-Time Weighted Dynamic Time Warping.00.342020
Coarse-Resolution Satellite Images Overestimate Urbanization Effects on Vegetation Spring Phenology.00.342020
Measurement of blooming effect of DMSP-OLS nighttime light data based on NPP-VIIRS data00.342019
How Does Scale Effect Influence Spring Vegetation Phenology Estimated from Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indexes?00.342019
Mechanisms, monitoring and modeling of shrub encroachment into grassland: a review00.342019
Measurement of soil water content using ground-penetrating radar: a review of current methods.00.342019
Replacing the Red Band with the Red-SWIR Band (0.74+0.26) Can Reduce the Sensitivity of Vegetation Indices to Soil Background.00.342019
A Novel Method for Removing Snow Melting-Induced Fluctuation in GIMMS NDVI3g Data for Vegetation Phenology Monitoring: A Case Study in Deciduous Forests of North America.00.342018
A Novel Cloud Removal Method Based on IHOT and the Cloud Trajectories for Landsat Imagery.00.342018
Exploring Determinants of Housing Prices in Beijing: An Enhanced Hedonic Regression with Open Access POI Data.20.462017
Multiscale Integration Approach for Land Cover Classification Based on Minimal Entropy of Posterior Probability.10.362017
Modeling Aboveground Biomass in Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem by Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Discrete Lidar.30.402017
An Iterative Haze Optimized Transformation for Automatic Cloud/Haze Detection of Landsat Imagery.80.542016
A Simple Method for Detecting Phenological Change From Time Series of Vegetation Index.20.492016
Tree Root Automatic Recognition in Ground Penetrating Radar Profiles Based on Randomized Hough Transform.00.342016
Two-Step Constrained Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Analysis Method for Mitigating the Collinearity Effect.20.372016
Automated Extraction Of Image-Based Endmember Bundles Of Impervious Layer Using Iterative Classification Strategy00.342016
A Novel Cloud Removal Method Based On Ihot00.342016
An Improved Method for Producing High Spatial-Resolution NDVI Time Series Datasets with Multi-Temporal MODIS NDVI Data and Landsat TM/ETM+ Images100.542015
Estimation of Fractional Vegetation Cover in Semiarid Areas by Integrating Endmember Reflectance Purification Into Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Analysis60.582015
Effect Of Training Strategy On Pul-Svm Classification For Cropland Mapping By Landsat Imagery00.342015
Spatiotemporal reflectance blending in a wetland environment.60.562015
Assessment of Multiple Scattering in the Reflectance of Semiarid Shrublands30.482015
A Modified Semianalytical Algorithm for Remotely Estimating Euphotic Zone Depth in Turbid Inland Waters00.342015
A Quantitative Assessment Of Multiple Scattering In Plant-Soil Mixtures And The Implications On Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing Models00.342015
Intraspecific Root Competition Of Caragana Microphylla Dominates Its Above-Ground Population Self-Thinning: Evidences From Gpr00.342015
Application of a Semianalytical Algorithm to Remotely Estimate Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Turbid Inland Waters10.432014
The Estimation of Regional Crop Yield Using Ensemble-Based Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation30.442014
Two New Hyperspectral Indices For Comparing Vegetation Chlorophyll Content00.342014
A Combination of TsHARP and Thin Plate Spline Interpolation for Spatial Sharpening of Thermal Imagery80.612014
Spatialization of electricity consumption of China using saturation-corrected DMSP-OLS data.90.832014
Restoration of Information Obscured by Mountainous Shadows Through Landsat TM/ETM+ Images Without the Use of DEM Data: A New Method20.392014
Application of Crop Model Data Assimilation With a Particle Filter for Estimating Regional Winter Wheat Yields80.892014
Retrieval of Inherent Optical Properties for Turbid Inland Waters From Remote-Sensing Reflectance71.222013
The temporal hierarchy of shelters: a hierarchical location model for earthquake-shelter planning30.432013
An inherent limitation of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence retrieval at the o-{2}\hbox{-a} absorption feature in high-altitude areas00.342013
Estimating Tree-Root Biomass in Different Depths Using Ground-Penetrating Radar: Evidence from a Controlled Experiment40.892013
A model for evacuation risk assessment with consideration of pre- and post-disaster factors.120.742012
Scale Effect of Vegetation-Index-Based Spatial Sharpening for Thermal Imagery: A Simulation Study by ASTER Data.71.062012
A Modified Neighborhood Similar Pixel Interpolator Approach for Removing Thick Clouds in Landsat Images201.332012
Scale effect of vegetation index based thermal sharpening: A simulation study based on aster data10.402011
Change Vector Analysis in Posterior Probability Space: A New Method for Land Cover Change Detection.231.332011
A Quantitative Analysis of Virtual Endmembers' Increased Impact on the Collinearity Effect in Spectral Unmixing401.602011
A Relaxed Matrix Inversion Method for Retrieving Water Constituent Concentrations in Case II Waters: The Case of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan91.132011
An Enhanced Three-Band Index for Estimating Chlorophyll-a in Turbid Case-II Waters: Case Studies of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, and Lake Dianchi, China131.882010
Impact of collinearity on linear and nonlinear spectral mixture analysis70.742010
Practical image fusion method based on spectral mixture analysis.20.372010
Generalization of Subpixel Analysis for Hyperspectral Data With Flexibility in Spectral Similarity Measures272.072009
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