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Fully automated detection of formal thought disorder with Time-series Augmented Representations for Detection of Incoherent Speech (TARDIS)00.342022
First-Gen Lens: Assessing Mental Health of First-Generation Students across Their First Year at College Using Mobile Sensing.00.342022
Jointly Predicting Job Performance, Personality, Cognitive Ability, Affect, and Well-Being00.342021
A Review On Recognizing Depression In Social Networks: Challenges And Opportunities10.382020
On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers00.342020
Social Sensing: Assessing Social Functioning of Patients Living with Schizophrenia using Mobile Phone Sensing20.362020
Predicting Brain Functional Connectivity Using Mobile Sensing00.342020
Detecting Job Promotion in Information Workers Using Mobile Sensing00.342020
A review of mobile sensing systems, applications, and opportunities10.352020
A Multisensor Person-Centered Approach to Understand the Role of Daily Activities in Job Performance with Organizational Personas20.372019
Imputing Missing Social Media Data Stream in Multisensor Studies of Human Behavior.10.372019
Patterns of behavior change in students over an academic term: A preliminary study of activity and sociability behaviors using smartphone sensing methods.80.582017
Participants' compliance and experiences with self-tracking using a smartphone sensing app.00.342017
Mobile Sensing And Social Computing00.342016
CrossCheck: toward passive sensing and detection of mental health changes in people with schizophrenia.150.822016
Mobile Sensing Agents for Social Computing Environments.10.342016
Low-power pervasive wi-fi connectivity using WiScan10.362015
Demo: Real-Time Screen-Camera Communication Behind Any Scene251.052015
The mobile photographic stress meter (MPSM): a new way to measure stress using images10.372015
Human Sensing Using Visible Light Communication521.712015
Poster: Visible Light Communication in the Dark10.342015
Community Similarity Networks60.572014
BeWell: Sensing Sleep, Physical Activities and Social Interactions to Promote Wellbeing291.332014
ContextSense: unobtrusive discovery of incremental social context using dynamic bluetooth data80.602014
CarSafe app: alerting drowsy and distracted drivers using dual cameras on smartphones563.202013
Unobtrusive sleep monitoring using smartphones683.492013
Preference, context and communities: a multi-faceted approach to predicting smartphone app usage patterns441.322013
CrowdWatch: enabling in-network crowd-sourcing60.902013
Inferring social contextual behavior from bluetooth traces80.622013
BeWell+: multi-dimensional wellbeing monitoring with community-guided user feedback and energy optimization261.142012
CarSafe demo: supporting driver safety using dual-cameras on smartphones30.452012
StressSense: detecting stress in unconstrained acoustic environments using smartphones884.102012
Visage: A Face Interpretation Engine for Smartphone Applications.60.462012
WalkSafe: a pedestrian safety app for mobile phone users who walk and talk while crossing roads493.432012
CarSafe: a driver safety app that detects dangerous driving behavior using dual-cameras on smartphones201.512012
PCQoS: power controlled QoS tuning for wireless ad hoc networks10.372011
NextPlace: a spatio-temporal prediction framework for pervasive systems1415.382011
Opportunistic and Delay-Tolerant Networks30.432011
Energy-efficient congestion detection and avoidance in sensor networks250.992011
Halo: managing node rendezvous in opportunistic sensor networks40.462010
The Jigsaw continuous sensing engine for mobile phone applications30013.372010
Darwin phones: the evolution of sensing and inference on mobile phones1176.222010
EyePhone: activating mobile phones with your eyes442.832010
A survey of mobile phone sensing85338.472010
MetroTrack: predictive tracking of mobile events using mobile phones90.482010
Modeling and designing efficient data aggregation in wireless sensor networks under entropy and energy bounds90.742009
The Rise of People-Centric Sensing1197.702009
Integrating sensor presence into virtual worlds using mobile phones61.402008
CaliBree: A Self-calibration System for Mobile Sensor Networks282.152008
Urban sensing systems: opportunistic or participatory?1175.422008
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