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Towards Standardization of Web Service Protocols for NLPaaS.00.342020
Enhancing Quality of Corpus Annotation - Construction of the Multi-Layer Corpus Annotation and Simplified Validation of the Corpus Annotation.00.342020
Open Agile Text Mining for Bioinformatics: The PubAnnotation Ecosystem.10.352019
An Active Gene Annotation Corpus and Its Application on Anti-epilepsy Drug Discovery00.342019
Analysis of Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction Dataset.00.342018
Trigger Words Detection by Integrating Attention Mechanism into Bi-LSTM Neural Network - A Case Study in PubMED-Wide Trigger Words Detection for Pancreatic Cancer.00.342018
A Quantitative Evaluation of Natural Language Question Interpretation for Question Answering Systems.00.342018
Guideline Design Of An Active Gene Annotation Corpus For The Purpose Of Drug Repurposing00.342018
SIGIR 2017 Workshop on Open Knowledge Base and Question Answering (OKBQA2017)10.342017
OKBQA: an Open Collaboration Framework for Development of Natural Language Question-Answering over Knowledge Bases.00.342017
Biomedical Natural Language Processing.00.342017
Refactoring the Genia Event Extraction Shared Task Toward a General Framework for IE-Driven KB Development.10.352016
Proceedings of the 4th BioNLP Shared Task Workshop.00.342016
Dynamic Join Order Optimization for SPARQL Endpoint Federation.00.342015
BioHackathon series in 2011 and 2012: penetration of ontology and linked data in life science domains.160.932014
A Generalized LCS Algorithm and Its Application to Corpus Alignment.00.342013
Visualizing ontology mappings to help ontology engineers identify relevant ontologies for their reuse.10.362013
Overview of BioNLP Shared Task 2013.10.352013
Evaluation of SPARQL query generation from natural language questions20.372013
The Genia Event Extraction Shared Task, 2013 Edition - Overview301.232013
Literature mining solutions for life science research.00.342013
Introducing glycomics data into the Semantic Web.70.572013
CSAF: a community-sourcing annotation framework00.342012
New resources and perspectives for biomedical event extraction10.352012
The Genia Event and Protein Coreference tasks of the BioNLP Shared Task 2011.411.122012
Visual Presentation of Mappings Between Biomedical Ontologies.20.432012
PubAnnotation: a persistent and sharable corpus and annotation repository60.482012
Boosting the protein name recognition performance by bootstrapping on selected text00.342012
CSAF - a community-sourcing annotation framework.00.342012
Improving protein coreference resolution by simple semantic classification.130.452012
U-Compare bio-event meta-service: compatible BioNLP event extraction services.60.462011
Extracting Bio-molecular Events from literature - the BioNLP'09 Shared Task.250.962011
Overview of BioNLP Shared Task 20111244.142011
Overview of BioNLP 2011 Protein Coreference Shared Task60.562011
AGRA: analysis of gene ranking algorithms.00.342011
Poster: Analysis of gene ranking algorithms with extraction of relevant biomedical concepts from PubMed publications00.342011
Parsing natural language queries for life science knowledge00.342011
Discriminative Optimization of String Similarity and Its Application to Biomedical Abbreviation Clustering00.342011
Overview of Genia event task in BioNLP Shared Task 2011381.632011
Event extraction with complex event classification using rich features.983.242010
Improving the inter-corpora compatibility for protein annotations.40.482010
Natural Language Query Processing for Life Science Knowledge - Position Paper00.342010
Extracting protein sub-cellular localizations from literature10.362010
A re-evaluation of biomedical named entity-term relations.80.682010
Event extraction for post-translational modifications60.562010
Opinion classification with tree kernel SVM using linguistic modality analysis50.412009
Static relations: a piece in the biomedical information extraction puzzle201.552009
Investigating heterogeneous protein annotations toward cross-corpora utilization.290.712009
GuideLink: A Corpus Annotation System that Integrates the Management of Annotation Guidelines.00.342009
Bridging the gap between domain-oriented and linguistically-oriented semantics30.562009
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