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What Did You Add to My Additive Manufacturing Data? - Steganographic Attacks on 3D Printing Files.00.342021
ASIA CCS '21: ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Virtual Event, Hong Kong, June 7-11, 2021.00.342021
Fully Dynamic Password Protected Secret Sharing - Simplifying PPSS Operation and Maintenance.00.342021
Information Security and Cryptology - 16th International Conference, Inscrypt 2020, Guangzhou, China, December 11-14, 2020, Revised Selected Papers00.342021
On Deploying Secure Computing: Private Intersection-Sum-with-Cardinality00.342020
Subvert KEM to Break DEM: Practical Algorithm-Substitution Attacks on Public-Key Encryption.00.342020
Information Security and Cryptology - 15th International Conference, Inscrypt 2019, Nanjing, China, December 6-8, 2019, Revised Selected Papers00.342020
Applied Cryptography and Network Security - 17th International Conference, ACNS 2019, Bogota, Colombia, June 5-7, 2019, Proceedings.00.342019
Information Security and Cryptology - 14th International Conference, Inscrypt 2018, Fuzhou, China, December 14-17, 2018, Revised Selected Papers00.342019
Correcting Subverted Random Oracles.10.342018
Privacy in e-Shopping Transactions: Exploring and Addressing the Trade-Offs.00.342018
Secure Wallet-Assisted Offline Bitcoin Payments with Double-Spender Revocation.00.342017
Private Intersection-Sum Protocol with Applications to Attributing Aggregate Ad Conversions.60.392017
Patients' Data Management System Protected by Identity-Based Authentication and Key Exchange.20.392017
Brief Announcement: Proactive Secret Sharing with a Dishonest Majority.00.342016
Functional Commitment Schemes: From Polynomial Commitments to Pairing-Based Accumulators from Simple Assumptions.60.402016
Proactive Secret Sharing with a Dishonest Majority.40.442016
Cryptography as an Attack Technology: Proving the RSA/Factoring Kleptographic Attack.10.352016
Sequential aggregate signatures with short public keys without random oracles00.342015
End-To-End Design Of A Puf-Based Privacy Preserving Authentication Protocol180.692015
The drunk motorcyclist protocol for anonymous communication30.442014
Order-Preserving Encryption Secure Beyond One-Wayness.110.532014
Concise Multi-challenge CCA-Secure Encryption and Signatures with Almost Tight Security.110.492014
Born and raised distributively: fully distributed non-interactive adaptively-secure threshold signatures with short shares40.402014
Fully forward-secure group signatures10.342012
PayTree: "Amortized Signature" for Flexible Micro-Payments.294.802012
On the (Im)Plausibility of Constant-Round Public-Coin Straight-Line-Simulatable Zero-Knowledge Proofs.00.342012
Strictly-black-box zero-knowledge and efficient validation of financial transactions50.462012
Secret swarm unit: reactive k-secret sharing140.782012
Efficient robust private set intersection923.022012
Efficient circuit-size independent public key encryption with KDM security311.152011
Indifferentiability of the Hash Algorithm BLAKE.70.562011
On the security of hash functions employing blockcipher postprocessing00.342011
Kleptography from standard assumptions and applications50.502010
Efficient completely non-malleable public key encryption30.382010
Practical leakage-resilient pseudorandom generators421.422010
On the Portability of Generalized Schnorr Proofs551.502009
Secure Multi-party Computation Minimizing Online Rounds70.532009
Secure Function Collection with Sublinear Storage10.362009
Information Security, 12th International Conference, ISC 2009, Pisa, Italy, September 7-9, 2009. Proceedings361.932009
Universal forgery of the identity-based sequential aggregate signature scheme190.742009
Concurrent Knowledge-Extraction in the Public-Key Model30.372009
A Unified Framework for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks2139.022009
SocialClouds: concept, security architecture and some mechanisms90.542009
A block cipher based pseudo random number generator secure against side-channel key recovery402.782008
Public-key traitor tracing from efficient decoding and unbounded enrollment: extended abstract00.342008
High-Speed Implementations of Block Cipher ARIA Using Graphics Processing Units30.492008
Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 5th International Conference, ACNS 2007, Zhuhai, China, June 5-8, 2007, Proceedings261.732007
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Scalable Trusted Computing, STC 2007, Alexandria, VA, USA, November 2, 2007113.422007
Space-efficient kleptography without random oracles40.452007
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