Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Informat Engn Sch, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China
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Cross-Attentional Spatio-Temporal Semantic Graph Networks for Video Question Answering00.342022
Hierarchical Cross-Modality Semantic Correlation Learning Model for Multimodal Summarization.00.342022
ALSA: Adversarial Learning of Supervised Attentions for Visual Question Answering00.342022
Adversarial Learning With Multi-Modal Attention for Visual Question Answering00.342021
Multimodal Learning of Social Image Representation by Exploiting Social Relations20.392021
FactQA: question answering over domain knowledge graph based on two-level query expansion00.342020
FGST: Fine-Grained Spatial-Temporal Based Regression for Stationless Bike Traffic Prediction.10.362019
Hierarchy Response Learning for Neural Conversation Generation00.342019
A Control Strategy for Efficiency Optimization and Wide ZVS Operation Range in Bidirectional Inductive Power Transfer System10.412019
Bi-directional Spatial-Semantic Attention Networks for Image-Text Matching.80.512019
Visual question answering via Attention-based syntactic structure tree-LSTM.30.402019
Sentiment analysis of social images via hierarchical deep fusion of content and links20.362019
Efficient Traffic Estimation With Multi-Sourced Data by Parallel Coupled Hidden Markov Model40.422019
Image-text sentiment analysis via deep multimodal attentive fusion.120.552019
A Ranking Method For User Recommendation Based On Fuzzy Preference Relations In The Nature Reserve Of Dangshan Pear Germplasm Resources00.342018
Landmark Image Retrieval by Jointing Feature Refinement and Multimodal Classifier Learning.20.372018
Analysis Of Influence Factors On The Cooling Capacity For The Tracked Vehicle Radiator00.342018
Deep multi-view representation learning for social images.20.362018
Unsupervised geographically discriminative feature learning for landmark tagging.10.362018
From content to links: Social image embedding with deep multimodal model.20.352018
Attribute Extraction by Combing Feature Ranking and Sequence Labeling00.342018
Chaotic bean optimization algorithm.20.352018
A Delay Step Based Geolocation Data Verification Method00.342018
Multi-modal kernel ridge regression for social image classification.20.372018
Classify social image by integrating multi-modal content.10.352018
Distribution Distance Minimization for Unsupervised User Identity Linkage.40.382018
A Fast Calibration and Compensation Method for Magnetometers in Strap-Down Spinning Projectiles.10.432018
Flow Scheduling Strategies For Minimizing Flow Completion Times In Data Center Networks00.342018
Keyphrase Generation with Correlation Constraints.10.352018
Adversarial Learning of Answer-Related Representation for Visual Question Answering.30.392018
Multimodal Network Embedding via Attention based Multi-view Variational Autoencoder.20.362018
Learning Joint Multimodal Representation with Adversarial Attention Networks.40.422018
Research on Real-Time Prediction of Large Scale Datasets Based on Feature Vectors and Fuzzy Parameter Self-tuning SVR Algorithm00.342018
A Dual-Side-Detuned Series-Series Compensated Resonant Converter for Wide Charging Region in a Wireless Power Transfer System.00.342018
Ipfra: An Online Protocol Reverse Analysis Mechanism00.342018
Metallic materials ontology population from LOD based on conditional random field.00.342018
Learning Social Image Embedding with Deep Multimodal Attention Networks.50.412017
Matviz: A Semantic Query And Visualization Approach For Metallic Materials Data00.342017
From Properties to Links: Deep Network Embedding on Incomplete Graphs.120.492017
A New Quaternion-Based Kalman Filter for Real-Time Attitude Estimation Using the Two-Step Geometrically-Intuitive Correction Algorithm.110.942017
Computing Urban Traffic Congestions by Incorporating Sparse GPS Probe Data and Social Media Data80.552017
Correction: A New Quaternion-Based Kalman Filter for Real-Time Attitude Estimation Using the Two-Step Geometrically-Intuitive Correction Algorithm. Sensors 2017, 17, 2146.00.342017
DBpedia-Based Entity Linking via Greedy Search and Adjusted Monte Carlo Random Walk.00.342017
An empirical study on performance optimization at district cooling plant of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.00.342017
Chinese Answer Extraction Based on POS Tree and Genetic Algorithm.00.342017
Enhance the Geographical Description of SSN Ontology Based on GeoNames.00.342017
A survey on units ontologies: architecture, comparison and reuse.00.342017
An LCC-Compensated Resonant Converter Optimized for Robust Reaction to Large Coupling Variation in Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer.60.592016
Integrating multiple types of features for event identification in social images00.342016
Learning Geographical Hierarchy Features via a Compositional Model.00.342016
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