Center for Intelligent Systems, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
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An Application of Model Predictive Control to Reactive Motion Planning of Robot Manipulators.00.342021
Specification and Runtime Verification of Temporal Assessments in Simulink00.342021
A Simulator for Trading Traffic Privileges by Selfish Driving Cars00.342020
A discrete-event and hybrid traffic simulation model based on SimEvents for intelligent transportation system analysis in Mcity.20.452019
Hybrid simulation for cyber physical systems: a panel on where are we going regarding complexity, intelligence, and adaptability of CPS using simulation.00.342018
The experiment model and validity frame in M&S00.342017
Automated closed-loop model checking of implantable pacemakers using abstraction trees.00.342017
A simevents model for hybrid traffic simulation00.342017
Industry 4.0 as a Cyber-Physical System study.281.502016
Ontological reasoning for consistency in the design of cyber-physical systems10.372016
Extensible Discrete-Event Simulation framework in SimEvents.10.392016
Simulating a multicore scheduler of real-time control systems in simulink.00.342016
Cyber-physical systems challenges: a needs analysis for collaborating embedded software systems.160.952016
Grand challenges for modeling and simulation: simulation everywhere—from cyberinfrastructure to clouds to citizens40.572015
Automating humanitarian missions with a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles.60.472014
Jacobian pattern synthesis and application for dynamic system ensembles using boolean linear fraction transformation00.342014
Motivating Use Cases For The Globalization Of Dsls00.342014
A hyperdense semantic domain for hybrid dynamic systems to model different classes of discontinuities20.512014
Rule-based model transformation for, and in simulink10.402014
A Heterogeneous Fleet of Vehicles for Automated Humanitarian Missions60.582014
Systematic management of simulation state for multi-branch simulations in simulink10.432013
Semantics for an interdisciplinary computation (WIP)00.342013
A graph algorithm for linearizing simulink models10.372013
A Hyperdense Semantic Domain for Discontinuous Behavior in Physical System Models.40.532013
Data Type Propagation in Simulink Models with Graph Transformation40.422013
Towards sensitivity analysis of hybrid systems using simulink30.472013
Integrating discrete-event and time-based models with optimization for resource allocation00.342012
Technical engine for democratization of modeling, simulations, and predictions20.512012
AdvancingModel-Based Design by Modeling Approximations of Computational Semantics.80.772011
Detecting data store access conflict in Simulink by solving Boolean satisfiability problems20.402010
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Multi-paradigm Modeling20.402009
Automatic Code Generation for Synchronous Reactive Communication50.532009
Constitutive Hybrid Processes: a Process-Algebraic Semantics for Hybrid Bond Graphs60.542008
Automatically Realising Embedded Systems from High-Level Functional Models00.342008
Second International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling: Concepts and Tools30.482007
A graphical variant approach to object-oriented modeling of dynamic systems30.512007
Model-Based Design of Embedded Systems10.382007
Building Efficient Simulations From Hybrid Bond Graph Models10.412006
06161 Working Groups' Report: The Challenge of Combining Simulation and Verification10.632006
Hybrid System Simulation with SIMEVENTS60.882006
Formalizing Causal Block Diagrams For Modeling A Class Of Hybrid Dynamic Systems90.642005
Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modeling: An Introduction674.042004
Hybrid dynamic systems: mode transition behavior in hybrid dynamic systems10.502003
A Hybrid Modeling and Simulation Methodology for Dynamic Physical Systems60.712002
Guest editorial: Special issue on computer automated multi-paradigm modeling252.122002
Diagnosis of Physical Systems with Hybrid Models Using Parametrized Causality50.602001
A comprehensive methodology for building hybrid models of physical systems101.052000
Towards Procedures for Systematically Deriving Hybrid Models of Complex Systems50.792000
Signal Interpretation For Monitoring And Diagnosis, A Cooling System Testbed40.792000
Building Hybrid Observers for Complex Dynamic Systems Using Model Abstractions71.601999
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