Institute of Automatics AGH, al. Mickiewicza, 30 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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Datasets for Automated Affect and Emotion Recognition from Cardiovascular Signals Using Artificial Intelligence- A Systematic Review00.342022
Recomposition of Process Choreographies Using a Graph-Based Model Repository00.342022
A Fuzzy Multi-Agent Problem: A General Depiction And Its Logic Programming-Based Application00.342020
Tracing the Evolution of Approaches to Semantic Similarity Analysis.00.342020
The Natural Transformations with the Multi-Fuzzy Commutativity Condition.00.342020
Extended Knowledge Graphs - A Conceptual Study.00.342020
Understanding Decision Model and Notation: DMN Research Directions and Trends00.342019
From Attribute Relationship Diagrams to Process (BPMN) and Decision (DMN) Models00.342019
An Epistemic Simplified Interval Temporal Logic of Moszkowski for Fuzzified Justification.00.342019
Automated Generation Of Business Process Models Using Constraint Logic Programming In Python00.342019
Towards Automated Process Modeling Based on BPMN Diagram Composition.00.342018
Generation of Synthetic Business Process Traces using Constraint Programming.00.342018
Strips In Some Temporal-Preferential Extension00.342017
Overview of Verification Tools for Business Process Models.00.342017
Supporting Bpmn Process Models With Uml Sequence Diagrams For Representing Time Issues And Testing Models00.342017
An Experiment in Causal Structure Discovery. A Constraint Programming Approach.00.342017
Decision Support System for Robust Urban Transport Management.00.342017
Dynamic Epistemic Preferential Logic Of Action00.342017
Performance evaluation of rule-based expert systems: An example from medical billing domain.00.342017
Comparison of Selected Modeling Notations for Process, Decision and System Modeling.20.392017
Multi-Valued Extension Of Putnam-Davis Procedure00.342017
Constraint-Based Composition of Business Process Models.10.372017
An Approach To Robust Urban Transport Management. Mixed Graph-Based Model For Decision Support00.342017
Bayesian network modeling: A case study of an epidemiologic system analysis of cardiovascular risk.10.432016
New Integral Approach To The Specification Of Stpu-Solutions00.342016
Overview of Time Issues with Temporal Logics for Business Process Models.10.372016
Why Systems Of Temporal Logic Are Sometimes (Un)Useful?10.352016
Multi-Valued Preferential Halpern-Shoham logic for relations of Allen and preferences00.342016
Mobile context-based framework for threat monitoring in urban environment with social threat monitor70.462016
A general method of the hybrid controller construction for temporal planning with preferences00.342016
Towards A New Convolution-Based Approach To The Specification Of Stpu-Solutions00.342016
Constraint Optimization Production Planning Problem. A Note On Theory, Selected Approaches And Computational Experiments00.342015
Towards Constructive Abduction.00.342015
Modeling and Analysis of Spatial Conflicts with Layered Competitive Cellular Automata.00.342015
Granular Rules and Rule Frames for Compact Knowledge Representation.00.342015
Fuzzy-temporal approach to the handling of temporal interval relations and preferences70.862015
Temporal planning in terms of a fuzzy integral logic (FLI) versus temporal planning in PDDL20.452015
On the quality evaluation of scientific entities in Poland supported by consistency-driven pairwise comparisons method160.822014
A note on BPMN analysis. Towards a taxonomy of selected potential anomalies10.392014
Fuzzy Logic for Preferences expressible by convolutions.00.342014
Inconsistency Handling in Collaborative Knowledge Management.00.342013
Rule-Based Knowledge Management in Social Threat Monitor10.352013
Usefulness of Inconsistency in Collaborative Knowledge Authoring in Semantic Wiki00.342013
Towards Collaborative Knowledge Engineering for Improving Local Safety in Urban Environment.00.342012
Distributed And Collaborative Knowledge Management Using An Ontology-Based System30.472012
Artificial Intelligence For Knowledge Management With Bpmn And Rules20.402012
Web-Based Knowledge Acquisition and Management System Supporting Collaboration for Improving Safety in Urban Environment70.452012
Proposal of Formal Verification of Selected BPMN Models with Alvis Modeling Language.60.462011
A study of methodological issues in design and development of rule-based systems: proposal of a new approach261.282011
Proposal of Representing BPMN Diagrams with XTT2-Based Business Rules.160.682011
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