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Experiences In Managing The Performance And Reliability Of A Large-Scale Genomics Cloud Platform00.342021
Evaluating and interpreting caption prediction for histopathology images.00.342020
The Veterans Affairs Precision Oncology Data Repository, A Clinical, Genomic, And Imaging Research Database00.342020
Evaluation Of Hyperbolic Attention In Histopathology Images00.342020
The medical science DMZ: a network design pattern for data-intensive medical science.10.362018
Data Lakes, Clouds and Commons: A Review of Platforms for Analyzing and Sharing Genomic Data.30.432018
The Matsu Wheel: a reanalysis framework for Earth satellite imagery in data commons.00.342017
The Design of a Community Science Cloud: The Open Science Data Cloud Perspective10.382016
The Medical Science DMZ.40.502016
A Case for Data Commons: Towards Data Science as a Service.20.412016
Deploying Analytics with the Portable Format for Analytics (PFA)40.642016
The Matsu Wheel: A Cloud-Based Framework for Efficient Analysis and Reanalysis of Earth Satellite Imagery10.412016
Bionimbus: a cloud for managing, analyzing and sharing large genomics datasets.110.922014
Use of the Earth Observing One (EO-1) Satellite for the Namibia SensorWeb Flood Early Warning Pilot60.542013
Global and Local Approach of Part-of-Speech Tagging for Large Corpora.00.342012
OpenFlow Enabled Hadoop over Local and Wide Area Clusters60.572012
Discovering geometric patterns in genomic data00.342012
PeakRanger: a cloud-enabled peak caller for ChIP-seq data.201.232011
Toward Efficient and Simplified Distributed Data Intensive Computing130.672011
Temporal Scale of Processes in Dynamic Networks170.722011
Sector: A high performance wide area community data storage and sharing system111.022010
Meaningful selection of temporal resolution for dynamic networks281.132010
dSimpleGraph: A Novel Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Exploring Very Large Scale Unknown Data Sets40.422010
Malstone: towards a benchmark for analytics on large data clouds171.262010
Compute and storage clouds using wide area high performance networks613.462009
The Open Cloud Testbed: Supporting Open Source Cloud Computing Systems Based on Large Scale High Performance, Dynamic Network Services.10.382009
Open source analytics: an introduction to the special issue00.342009
Flynet: a genomic resource for Drosophila melanogaster transcriptional regulatory networks.20.382009
The Open Cloud Testbed: A Wide Area Testbed for Cloud Computing Utilizing High Performance Network Services110.932009
Why Naive Ensembles Do Not Work in Cloud Computing30.412009
Open standards and cloud computing: KDD-2009 panel report52.162009
On the Varieties of Clouds for Data Intensive Computing80.692009
What is analytic infrastructure and why should you care?40.392009
Lessons learned from a year's worth of benchmarks of large data clouds70.612009
Sector and Sphere: Towards Simplified Storage and Processing of Large Scale Distributed Data90.952008
UDTv4: Improvements in Performance and Usability30.372008
Data mining using high performance data clouds: experimental studies using sector and sphere695.072008
Outlier detection with streaming dyadic decomposition40.502007
Detecting changes in large data sets of payment card data: a case study110.902007
A peer-to-peer infrastructure for distributing large scientific data sets over wide area high-performance networks: experimental studies using wide area layer 2 services.20.392007
An Alert Management Approach To Data Quality: Lessons Learned From The Visa Data Authority Program10.442007
An Algorithm for Assigning Unique Keys to Metabolic Pathways00.342007
UDT: UDP-based data transfer for high-speed wide area networks1608.082007
Distributing the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Using UDT and Sector131.442006
Monitoring Data Quality for Very High Volume Transaction Systems20.532006
High-dimensional visual analytics: interactive exploration guided by pairwise views of point distributions.452.832006
KDD workshop on data mining standards, services & platforms (DM-SSP) 200610.382006
Is there a grand challenge or X-prize for data mining?10.362006
Using term lists and inverted files to improve search speed for metabolic pathway databases00.342006
SDCS: Simplified Data Communications in Parallel/Distributed Applications00.342006
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