University of New Mexico
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Algorithms for computing greatest common divisors of parametric multivariate polynomials00.342021
Conditional Congruence Closure over Uninterpreted and Interpreted Symbols.00.342019
NIL: Learning Nonlinear Interpolants.10.352019
Comprehensive Gröbner basis theory for a parametric polynomial ideal and the associated completion algorithm.00.342017
Nonlinear Polynomials, Interpolants and Invariant Generation for System Analysis.00.342017
Interpolant Synthesis for Quadratic Polynomial Inequalities and Combination with EUF.10.352016
Interpolation synthesis for quadratic polynomial inequalities and combination with \textit{EUF}.00.342016
Unification and Matching in Hierarchical Combinations of Syntactic Theories00.342015
When Is a Formula a Loop Invariant?00.342015
On Asymmetric Unification and the Combination Problem in Disjoint Theories.00.342014
An efficient method for computing comprehensive Gröbner bases60.482013
Synthesizing switching controllers for hybrid systems by generating invariants60.402013
On invariant checking.00.342013
Elimination Techniques for Program Analysis.10.352013
Harald Ganzinger's Legacy: Contributions to Logics and Programming.00.342013
A "Hybrid" Approach for Synthesizing Optimal Controllers of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study of the Oil Pump Industrial Example60.412012
Effective Symbolic Protocol Analysis via Equational Irreducibility Conditions.90.672012
Program Analysis Using Quantifier-Elimination Heuristics - (Extended Abstract).00.342012
Protocol analysis in Maude-NPA using unification modulo homomorphic encryption20.352011
Termination Analysis of C Programs Using Compiler Intermediate Languages301.012011
Coverset induction with partiality and subsorts: a powerlist case study30.382010
Unification modulo a partial theory of exponentiation00.342010
Idle port scanning and non-interference analysis of network protocol stacks using model checking181.272010
A Term Rewriting Approach to the Automated Termination Analysis of Imperative Programs100.672009
Identification of logically related heap regions70.472009
Efficient context-sensitive shape analysis with graph based heap models140.872008
Multivariate resultants in Bernstein basis00.342008
Computer Mathematics: 8th Asian Symposium, ASCM 2007, Singapore, December 15-17, 2007. Revised and Invited Papers295.032008
Identification of Heap---Carried Data Dependence Via Explicit Store Heap Models60.502008
Heap analysis in the presence of collection libraries110.622007
Dependency Pairs for Rewriting with Non-free Constructors40.422007
Inductive decidability using implicit induction40.422006
Third Special Issue on Techniques for Automated Termination Proofs10.362006
A static heap analysis for shape and connectivity: unified memory analysis: the base framework70.522006
Conditions for determinantal formula for resultant of a polynomial system20.372006
Interpolation for data structures441.512006
Bruno Buchberger — A life devoted to symbolic computation00.342006
An Abstract Interpretation Approach for Automatic Generation of Polynomial Invariants291.622004
Automatic generation of polynomial loop20.422004
Program verification using automatic generation of invariants200.822004
Support hull: relating the cayley-dixon resultant constructions to the support of a polynomial system00.342004
Exact resultants for corner-cut unmixed multivariate polynomial systems using the Dixon formulation60.472003
Model Checking Reconfigurable Processor Configurations for Safety Properties10.352003
Automatic Generation of Simple Lemmas from Recursive Definitions Using Decision Procedures - Preliminary Report30.402003
Deciding Inductive Validity of Equations70.492003
On the relationship between the Dixon-based resultant construction and the supports of polynomial systems20.422003
A Rewrite Rule Based Framework for Combining Decision Procedures70.602002
Designing a Controller for a Multi-Train Multi-Track System10.432001
Decidable Classes of Inductive Theorems120.662001
Conditions for exact resultants using the Dixon formulation110.952000
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