Ctr Etud Spatiales BIOsphsphere CESBIO, CNES CNRS UPS IRD, F-31401 Toulouse 9, France
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Non-intrusive in-situ permittivity measurements dedicated to the development of a P and L band dielectric model of wood.00.342021
A low cost dielectric spectroscopy instrument dedicated to in-situ soil permittivity profile mapping.00.342021
Synchronization of Radio Signals for the Unconnected L-Band Interferometer Demonstrator (ULID).00.342021
Connected and Unconnected Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometry - A Preliminary Design for SMOS-Next Array.00.342021
Towards the Removal of Model Bias from ESA CCI SM by Using an L-Band Scaling Reference.00.342021
ULID - A Demonstration Mission for Distributed L-Band Interferometry Earth Observation.00.342021
The Future of Smos L-Band Radiometry in Support of Science and Operational Services.00.342021
Integrated SMAP and SMOS Soil Moisture Observations.00.342019
After Almost 10 Years in Orbit - First Glance at Synergisms and New Results.00.342019
Analysis of Vegetation Optical Depth and Soil Moisture Retrieved by SMOS Over Tropical Forests20.392019
Improving the Spatial Bias Correction Algorithm in SMOS Image Reconstruction Processor: Validation of Soil Moisture Retrievals With In Situ Data.00.342019
SMOS Neural Network Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in a Land Surface Model and Atmospheric Impact.00.342019
SMOS-HR: A High Resolution L-Band Passive Radiometer for Earth Science and Applications00.342019
How does the Spatial Scale Mismatch Between in Situ and Smos Soil Moisture Evolve Through Timescales?00.342018
Towards Multi-Frequency Soil Moisture Retrieval Using P- and L-Band Passive Microwave Sensing Technology.00.342018
Investigation of Short-Term Evolution of Soil Characteristics over the Lake Chad Basin Using GRACE Data.00.342018
Monitoring of Smos Rfi Sources in the 1400-1427mhz Passive Band.00.342018
Analysis of Data Acquisition Time on Soil Moisture Retrieval From Multiangle L-Band Observations.00.342018
A Comparative Study of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product With Existing Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products.80.602017
Global SMOS Soil Moisture Retrievals from The Land Parameter Retrieval Model80.602016
Smos After Six Years In Operations: First Glance At Climatic Trends And Anomalies00.342016
Long Term Global Surface Soil Moisture Fields Using an SMOS-Trained Neural Network Applied to AMSR-E Data.00.342016
L-Band Relative Permittivity of Organic Soil Surface Layers - A New Dataset of Resonant Cavity Measurements and Model Evaluation.00.342016
Copula-Based Downscaling of Coarse-Scale Soil Moisture Observations With Implicit Bias Correction50.452015
A Temperature-Dependent Dielectric Model for Thawed and Frozen Organic Soil at 1.4 GHz10.372015
Modeling L-Band Brightness Temperature at Dome C in Antarctica and Comparison With SMOS Observations110.862015
Comparison of Dobson and Mironov Dielectric Models in the SMOS Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm70.622015
Evaluation of Spaceborne L-Band Radiometer Measurements for Terrestrial Freeze/Thaw Retrievals in Canada80.752015
Retrieval and Multi-scale Validation of Soil Moisture from Multi-temporal SAR Data in a Semi-Arid Tropical Region130.632015
Refinement of SMOS Multiangular Brightness Temperature Toward Soil Moisture Retrieval and Its Analysis Over Reference Targets50.472015
Localization of RFI Sources for the SMOS Mission: A Means for Assessing SMOS Pointing Performances40.542015
Global-Scale Evaluation of Roughness Effects on C-Band AMSR-E Observations20.422015
EnOI Optimization for SMOS Soil Moisture Over West Africa20.392015
An Approach to Constructing a Homogeneous Time Series of Soil Moisture Using SMOS10.382014
Enhancements of SMOS level 2 soil moisture products over Canada10.372014
Toward Vicarious Calibration of Microwave Remote-Sensing Satellites in Arid Environments20.402014
Clarifications on the “Comparison Between SMOS, VUA, ASCAT, and ECMWF Soil Moisture Products Over Four Watersheds in U.S.”20.412014
SMOS Retrieval Results Over Forests: Comparisons With Independent Measurements80.582014
Comparison Between SMOS, VUA, ASCAT, and ECMWF Soil Moisture Products Over Four Watersheds in U.S.30.442014
Validation of SMOS L1C and L2 Products and Important Parameters of the Retrieval Algorithm in the Skjern River Catchment, Western Denmark.10.382013
Active and Passive Vegetated Surface Models With Rough Surface Boundary Conditions From NMM3D70.642013
Correction to "Evaluating an improved parameterization of the soil emission in L-MEB" [Apr 11 1177-1189]00.342013
SMOS Radiometer in the 1400-1427-MHz Passive Band: Impact of the RFI Environment and Approach to Its Mitigation and Cancellation.110.602013
SMOS Level 2 Retrieval Algorithm Over Forests: Description and Generation of Global Maps150.832013
SMOS radiometer in 1400-1427 MHz: Impact of the RFI environment and approach to its mitigation and cancellation.00.342012
A simple algorithm for retrieval of the optical thickness at L-band from SMOS data00.342012
Introduction to the Special Issue on the ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission (SMOS)—Instrument Performance and First Results40.542012
Evaluating the L-MEB Model From Long-Term Microwave Measurements Over a Rough Field, SMOSREX 2006110.622012
An Initial Assessment of SMOS Derived Soil Moisture over the Continental United States30.582012
Numerical computation of the L-band emission and scattering of soil layers with consideration of moisture and temperature gradients10.362012
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