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End-to-end neural network architecture for fraud scoring in card payments.60.472018
On the Application of SDC Stream Methods to Card Payments Analytics.00.342018
Tweet-SCAN: An event discovery technique for geo-located tweets.50.432017
Towards the adaptation of SDC methods to stream mining.10.392017
Lessons Learned About Deep Learning for Credit Card Fraud Scoring.00.342016
Crowdwon: A Modelling Language For Crowd Processes Based On Workflow Nets00.342015
Revisiting distance-based record linkage for privacy-preserving release of statistical datasets50.432015
Variable linkage for multimedia metadata schema matching00.342014
Worker ranking determination in crowdsourcing platforms using aggregation functions30.412014
Towards the Cloudification of the Social Networks Analytics.00.342014
Using genetic algorithms for attribute grouping in multivariate microaggregation10.362014
Towards the Use of Sequential Patterns for Detection and Characterization of Natural and Agricultural Areas.10.372014
Beyond Multivariate Microaggregation For Large Record Anonymization00.342013
A modification of the k-means method for quasi-unsupervised learning20.392013
On The Use Of Social Trajectory-Based Clustering Methods For Public Transport Optimization00.342013
Digital Watermarking Techniques and Security Issues in the Information and Communication Society90.762013
Kd-trees and the real disclosure risks of large statistical databases80.452012
Efficient microaggregation techniques for large numerical data volumes120.542012
Energy-Efficiency and Security Issues in the Cisco Nexus Virtual Distributed Switching20.402012
Citizens Sensor Networks.30.412012
More Hybrid and Secure Protection of Statistical Data Sets20.362012
Approaches and standards for metadata interoperability in distributed image search and retrieval10.362011
Speed up gradual rule mining from stream data! A B-Tree and OWA-based approach20.412010
Using classification methods to evaluate attribute disclosure risk10.352010
Classifying data from protected statistical datasets140.582010
A Cryptographic Solution for Private Distributed Simple Meeting Scheduling00.342009
Privacy and anonymization for very large datasets100.652009
Distributed privacy-preserving methods for statistical disclosure control40.402009
Computing Reputation for Collaborative Private Networks80.562009
On The Use Of Aggregation Operators For Location Privacy20.372009
Analysis of the Univariate Microaggregation Disclosure Risk80.482009
Proceeding of the ACM First International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for Very Large Databases, CIKM-PAVLAD 2009, Hong Kong, China, November 6, 200980.632009
Towards the evaluation of time series protection methods150.682009
Towards a More Realistic Disclosure Risk Assessment10.362008
Record linkage for database integration using fuzzy integrals80.562008
Improving Microaggregation for Complex Record Anonymization00.342008
ONN the use of neural networks for data privacy00.342008
Rethinking rank swapping to decrease disclosure risk431.862008
How To Group Attributes In Multivariate Microaggregation140.692008
On the disclosure risk of multivariate microaggregation310.962008
Parallelizing Record Linkage for Disclosure Risk Assessment30.462008
Dex: high-performance exploration on large graphs for information retrieval512.532007
Ordered Data Set Vectorization for Linear Regression on Data Privacy70.642007
Increasing Polynomial Regression Complexity for Data Anonymization00.342007
Semantic blocking for Record Linkage00.342007
On the Use of Semantic Blocking Techniques for Data Cleansing and Integration40.572007
Distance based re-identification for time series, analysis of distances20.422006
New approach to the re-identification problem using neural networks10.352006
Extending microaggregation procedures for time series protection70.532006
Empirical analysis of database privacy using twofold integrals30.442005
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