Univ Montpellier 2, CNRS, LIRMM UMR 5506 1, F-34095 Montpellier 5, France
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Divide to Better Classify.00.342020
Expertise in French health forums00.342019
Pourquoi dois-je croire ta prédiction ? Comment expliquer les résultats d'une classification automatique de sentiments à partir de textes.00.342019
LIRMM-Advanse at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Attentive Conversation Modeling for Emotion Detection and Classification.00.342019
Intelligence Artificielle et Santé, une analyse rétrospective depuis 2010.00.342019
Unveiling Online Suicide Behavior: What Can We Learn About Mental Health from Suicide Survivors of Reddit?00.342019
Attention-based Modeling for Emotion Detection and Classification in Textual Conversations.00.342019
Attentive Multi-stage Learning for Early Risk Detection of Signs of Anorexia and Self-harm on Social Media.00.342019
Reconciliation of patient/doctor vocabulary in a structured resource.00.342019
Detection of suicide-related posts in Twitter data streams.20.392018
PaFloChar: An Innovating Approach to Characterise Patient Flows in Myocardial Infarction.00.342018
Temporal Mood Variation: at the CLEF eRisk-2018 Tasks for Early Risk Detection on The Internet.00.342018
LIRMM@DEFT-2018 - Modèle de classification de la vectorisation des documents (LIRMM DEFT-2018 - Document Vectorization Classification model ).00.342018
#AIDS Analyse Information Dangers Sexualité : caractériser les discours à propos du VIH dans les forums de santé.00.342018
Suivi et détection des idéations suicidaires dans les médias sociaux.00.342017
Infarctus du myocarde : quelles sont les trajectoires de soins pronostiques du décès à l'hôpital?00.342017
DARE to Care: A Context-Aware Framework to Track Suicidal Ideation on Social Media.00.342017
Patient healthcare trajectory. An essential monitoring tool: a systematic review10.352017
FEEL: a French Expanded Emotion Lexicon.20.362017
Spatio-Sequential Patterns Mining: Beyond The Boundaries10.382016
MuEVo, a Breast Cancer Consumer Health Vocabulary Built Out of Web Forums.00.342016
Manipulation interactive d'ensemble de motifs : application aux parcours hospitaliers.00.342016
Formalisation semi-automatique d'un vocabulaire patient/médecin dédié au cancer du sein.00.342016
Concept drift vs suicide: comment l'un peut prévenir l'autre?00.342016
Extraire semi-automatiquement des connaissances dans la littérature biomédicale.00.342016
La r-confiance pour l'identification de trajectoires de patients.00.342016
A knowledge discovery process for spatiotemporal data: Application to river water quality monitoring.40.412015
Collaborative Content-Based Method for Estimating User Reputation in Online Forums.30.412015
Construction d'un vocabulaire patient/médecin dédié au cancer du sein à partir des médias sociaux.00.342015
E-Patient Reputation in Health Forums.00.342015
Mining closed partially ordered patterns, a new optimized algorithm.60.472015
Un système décisionnel pour l'analyse de la qualité des eaux de rivières.00.342015
Explain Sentiments using Conditional Random Field and a Huge Lexical Network.00.342015
A quality-aware spatial data warehouse for querying hydroecological data40.422015
Visualisation interactive de trajectoires de patients.00.342015
Mining Representative Frequent Patterns in a Hierarchy of Contexts.00.342014
Identifying the Targets of the Emotions Expressed in Health Forums20.422014
Predicting Medical Roles in Online Health Fora.00.342014
Mining Twitter for Suicide Prevention.110.812014
Identifier la cible des émotions dans les forums de santé.00.342014
Que ressentent les patients ?00.342014
Analysis of Forum Posts Written by Patients and Health Professionals.00.342014
Breast cancer and quality of life: medical information extraction from health forums.00.342014
Discriminant temporal patterns for linking physico-chemistry and biology in hydro-ecosystem assessment.30.452014
A Spatial-based KDD Process to Better Understand the Spatiotemporal Phenomena.10.362013
A spatial-based KDD process to better manage the river water quality.00.342013
Motifs spatio-temporels. Enjeux et applications à l'environnement.00.342013
Text2Geo : des données textuelles aux informations géospatiales.00.342013
Text2Geo: from textual data to geospatial information40.512013
OrderSpan: Mining Closed Partially Ordered Patterns.30.402013
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