Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
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On Detecting Cloud Container Failures from Computing Utility Sequences00.342021
SPENT + : A Category- and Region-aware Successive POI Recommendation Model00.342021
The Design and Implementation of a Blockchain-Based Logistics Platform for International Trade00.342021
Integrating Cellphone-based Hardware Wallet with Visional Certificate Verification System.00.342020
Online Structural Break Detection for Pairs Trading Using Wavelet Transform and Hybrid Deep Learning Model00.342020
Mining High-utility Temporal Patterns on Time Interval–based Data00.342020
Management in a Cyber-Physical World: A Report on APNOMS 201900.342020
Event-Triggered Media Stream Bandwidth Adjustment in IoT-Based Home Networks00.342020
Live Multi-Streaming and Donation Recommendations via Coupled Donation-Response Tensor Factorization00.342020
GLR: A graph-based latent representation model for successive POI recommendation30.442020
Social Attentive Network for Live Stream Recommendation00.342020
On successive point-of-interest recommendation20.412019
An expected win rate-based real-time bidding strategy for branding campaigns on display advertising00.342019
SPENT - A Successive POI Recommendation Method Using Similarity-Based POI Embedding and Recurrent Neural Network with Temporal Influence.00.342019
CoachAI: A Project for Microscopic Badminton Match Data Collection and Tactical Analysis00.342019
A Content-Centric Platform for Home Networks00.342019
A Monitorable Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Mechanism00.342019
Social-Aware VR Configuration Recommendation via Multi-Feedback Coupled Tensor Factorization00.342019
Design of a Data Collection System with Data Compression for Small Manufacturers in Industrial IoT Environments00.342019
Managing a World of Things: A Report on APNOMS201700.342019
Cloud-Based Fine-Grained Health Information Access Control Framework for LightweightIoT Devices with Dynamic Auditing andAttribute Revocation.70.412018
On Incremental High Utility Sequential Pattern Mining.50.392018
Successive POI Recommendation with Category Transition and Temporal Influence00.342018
A classification-based elephant flow detection method using application round on SDN environments.00.342017
SEM: A Softmax-based Ensemble Model for CTR estimation in Real-Time Bidding advertising10.372017
Predicting Traffic Of Online Advertising In Real-Time Bidding Systems From Perspective Of Demand-Side Platforms20.362016
Nearest Window Cluster Queries.10.352016
Incremental Mining of High Utility Sequential Patterns in Incremental Databases30.392016
On efficiently mining high utility sequential patterns240.662016
Car together: Sharing real-time captured video through vehicles on roads00.342015
Significant Correlation Pattern Mining in Smart Homes50.452015
Live streaming channel recommendation using HITS algorithm10.352015
Energy-efficient and cost-effective web API invocations with transfer size reduction for mobile mashup applications50.582014
Team Formation with the Communication Load Constraint in Social Networks.20.362014
An Efficient Algorithm for High Utility Sequential Pattern Mining30.402014
Incrementally mining temporal patterns in interval-based databases00.342014
PBS: A Portable Billing Scheme with Fine-Grained Access Control for Service-Oriented Vehicular Networks110.612014
On Simplifying Mobile Mashup Application Development10.502013
Efficient algorithms for team formation with a leader in social networks120.582013
Hierarchical role-based data dissemination in wireless sensor networks10.362013
A conditional access system with efficient key distribution and revocation for mobile pay-TV systems30.392013
A Proxy-Based Approach to Continuous Location-Based Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments80.472013
A Hybrid Preference-Aware Recommendation Algorithm for Live Streaming Channels10.402013
iLauncher: an intelligent launcher for mobile apps based on individual usage patterns50.422013
Distributed and localized maximum-lifetime data aggregation forest construction in wireless sensor networks.30.402012
On processing continuous frequent K-N-match queries for dynamic data over networked data sources20.372012
Towards an automatic music arrangement framework using score reduction40.552012
An in-network approximate data gathering algorithm exploiting spatial correlation in wireless sensor networks20.372012
ABAKA: An Anonymous Batch Authenticated and Key Agreement Scheme for Value-Added Services in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks772.332011
A practical authentication protocol with anonymity for wireless access networks190.812011
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