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TwittIrish: A Universal Dependencies Treebank of Tweets in Modern Irish00.342022
Revisiting Tri-training of Dependency Parsers.00.342021
English Machine Reading Comprehension Datasets - A Survey.00.342021
Improving Unsupervised Question Answering via Summarization-Informed Question Generation.00.342021
How to Make Neural Natural Language Generation as Reliable as Templates in Task-Oriented Dialogue.00.342020
Treebank Embedding Vectors for Out-of-domain Dependency Parsing00.342020
A Detailed Analysis of Phrase-based and Syntax-based MT - The Search for Systematic Differences.10.352020
The Adapt Enhanced Dependency Parser At The Iwpt 2020 Shared Task00.342020
Improving Document-Level Sentiment Analysis with User and Product Context00.342020
Shape of synth to come: Why we should use synthetic data for English surface realization00.342020
Fact Or Factitious? Contextualized Opinion Spam Detection00.342019
Is It Dish Washer Safe? Automatically Answering "Yes/No" Questions Using Customer Reviews.00.342019
Ilfhocail: A Lexicon of Irish MWEs00.342019
Designing a Symbolic Intermediate Representation for Neural Surface Realization.00.342019
Cross-lingual Parsing with Polyglot Training and Multi-treebank Learning - A Faroese Case Study.00.342019
Sentiment Expression Boundaries in Sentiment Polarity Classification.00.342018
Query Expansion for Sentence Retrieval Using Pseudo Relevance Feedback and Word Embedding.00.342017
If You Can't Beat Them Join Them: Handcrafted Features Complement Neural Nets for Non-Factoid Answer Reranking.10.352017
Any-gram Kernels for Sentence Classification: A Sentiment Analysis Case Study.00.342017
Morphological Features of the Irish Universal Dependencies Treebank.00.342017
This is how we do it: Answer Reranking for Open-domain How Questions with Paragraph Vectors and Minimal Feature Engineering.40.412016
Detecting Opinion Polarities using Kernel Methods.00.342016
Part-of-speech Tagging of Code-mixed Social Media Content: Pipeline, Stacking and Joint Modelling.00.342016
Foreebank: Syntactic Analysis of Customer Support Forums50.472015
DCU: Using Distributional Semantics and Domain Adaptation for the Semantic Textual Similarity SemEval-2015 Task 220.372015
DCU-ADAPT: Learning edit operations for microblog normalisation with the generalised perceptron00.342015
ADAPT.DCU at TREC LiveQA: A Sentence Retrieval based Approach to Live Question Answering.00.342015
DCU-UVT: Word-Level Language Classification with Code-Mixed Data20.392014
Syntax and Semantics in Quality Estimation of Machine Translation00.342014
Code Mixing: A Challenge for Language Identification in the Language of Social Media271.282014
Quality Estimation of English-French Machine Translation: A Detailed Study of the Role of Syntax.20.362014
DCU: aspect-based polarity classification for SemEval task 4260.792014
Syntax and Semantics in Quality Estimation of Machine Translation.00.342014
Semantic Role Labelling with minimal resources: Experiments with French20.362014
Working with a small dataset - semi-supervised dependency parsing for Irish10.402013
Key Problems in Conversion from Simplified to Traditional Chinese Characters Topic Models for Translation Quality Estimation for Gisting Purposes.00.342013
Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: A Cross-Framework Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages210.872013
Parser Accuracy in Quality Estimation of Machine Translation: A Tree Kernel Approach.30.372013
DCU-Symantec at the WMT 2013 Quality Estimation Shared Task.00.342013
DCU-Symantec at the WMT 2013 Quality Estimation Shared Task10.382013
Topic Models for Translation Quality Estimation for Gisting Purposes.110.562013
Combining PCFG-LA Models with Dual Decomposition: A Case Study with Function Labels and Binarization.30.402013
Applying Query Formulation and Fusion Techniques For Cross Language News Story Search00.342013
Estimating the Quality of Translated User-Generated Content.10.362013
Identifying high-impact sub-structures for convolution kernels in document-level sentiment classification110.662012
Active learning and the Irish treebank30.412012
Irish Treebanking and Parsing: A Preliminary Evaluation.20.372012
DCU-Symantec Submission for the WMT 2012 Quality Estimation Task.00.342012
DCU-symantec submission for the WMT 2012 quality estimation task140.682012
Decreasing lexical data sparsity in statistical syntactic parsing: experiments with named entities40.532011
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