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Zoom Session Quality: A Network-Level View00.342022
Benchmarking Runtime Scripting Performance in Wasmer00.342022
Zoomiversity: A Case Study of Pandemic Effects on Post-secondary Teaching and Learning00.342022
An Empirical Measurement Study of Free Live Streaming Services00.342021
Frequency scaling in multilevel queues.00.342020
Speed scaling in fork-join queues: a comparative study00.342020
Campus-Level Instagram Traffic: A Case Study00.342019
Modeling Compound TCP Over WiFi for IoT.40.402018
Modeling, Analysis, and Characterization of Periodic Traffic on a Campus Edge Network00.342018
Scalability Issues for Remote Sensing Infrastructure: A Case Study.00.342017
Experimental evaluation of two OpenFlow controllers20.452017
A Simulator for Distributed Cache Managementin Friend-to-Friend Networks.00.342016
Simulation Modeling for Speed Scaling Designs00.342016
On the optimal randomized clustering in distributed sensor networks30.382014
Decoupled speed scaling: Analysis and evaluation80.662014
Estimating Instantaneous Cache Hit Ratio Using Markov Chain Analysis70.442013
A tale of the tails: Power-laws in internet measurements.250.862013
Signal Alignment: Enabling Physical Layer Network Coding for MIMO Networking70.502013
Delta-graphs for wireless ad hoc networks.00.342012
Solving the TCP-Incast Problem with Application-Level Scheduling90.522012
Meeting the fairness deadline in speed scaling systems: is turbocharging enough?10.362012
Visualizing explicit and implicit relations of complex information spaces150.792012
Performance modelling of anonymity protocols20.472012
Insights on media streaming progress using BitTorrent-like protocols for on-demand streaming60.492012
Improving TCP performance in residential broadband networks: a simple and deployable approach80.642012
Low-Overhead Dynamic Sampling for Redundant Traffic Elimination.20.662012
Enhancing redundant network traffic elimination30.402012
Analytical modeling of bidirectional multi-channel IEEE 802.11 MAC protocols120.722011
Exploiting routing tree construction in CTP10.392011
The information flaneur: a fresh look at information seeking341.382011
Experimental evaluation of asymmetric QoS in IEEE 802.11g wireless networks.10.362011
Characterizing Intelligence Gathering and Control on an Edge Network30.372011
Characterizing Organizational Use of Web-Based Services: Methodology, Challenges, Observations, and Insights180.882011
Characterizing the file hosting ecosystem: A view from the edge141.292011
The Edge of Smartness00.342011
On applicability of random graphs for modeling random key predistribution for wireless sensor networks00.342010
Peer-Assisted Caching for Scalable Media Streaming in Wireless Backhaul Networks50.552010
A Visual Backchannel for Large-Scale Events1093.992010
Towards securing mintroute in wireless sensor networks70.532010
Securing wireless sensor networks against large-scale node capture attacks80.472010
Characterizing the file hosting service ecosystem10.382010
Cluster-Based Correlated Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks70.522010
Ambient interference effects in wi-fi networks70.782010
Physics-based modeling of skier mobility and avalanche rescue in mountainous terrain30.402010
Dynamic file-selection policies for bundling in BitTorrent-like systems90.672010
Workload Characterization of a Large Systems Conference Web Server30.412009
Enforcing Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing against Selfish Information Flows00.342009
Media Caching Support for Mobile Transit Clients121.272009
Filtering Effects Of Media Merging In A Cache Hierarchy00.342008
16th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2008), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 8-10, 2008474.432008
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