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Accurate Fork-Join Profiling on the Java Virtual Machine00.342022
Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild.00.342021
Language-Agnostic Integrated Queries in a Managed Polyglot Runtime.00.342021
FJProf: Profiling Fork/Join Applications on the Java Virtual Machine00.342020
Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine.00.342020
Dynamic speculative optimizations for SQL compilation in Apache Spark00.342020
Dynamic Speculative Optimizations for SQL Compilation in Apache Spark.00.342020
JUniVerse - large-scale JUnit-test analysis in the wild.00.342019
Reasoning about the Node.js event loop using async graphs10.362019
Automated Large-Scale Multi-Language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild (Tool Insights Paper).00.342019
Renaissance: benchmarking suite for parallel applications on the JVM40.442019
Efficient Dynamic Analysis For Node.Js00.342018
Large-Scale Evaluation of the Efficiency of Runtime-Verification Tools in the Wild00.342018
Optimizing for Tail Sojourn Times of Cloud Clusters.00.342018
lpt: A Tool for Tuning the Level of Parallelism of Spark Applications00.342018
Understanding task granularity on the JVM: profiling, analysis, and optimization.00.342018
Multi-Process Runtime Verification for Android10.362017
Comprehensive Multiplatform Dynamic Program Analysis for Java and Android.30.392016
AutoBench: Finding Workloads That You Need Using Pluggable Hybrid Analyses.00.342016
Analyzing Distributed Multi-Platform Java And Android Applications With Shadowvm00.342015
Comprehensive Multi-Platform Dynamic Program Analysis for the Java and Dalvik Virtual Machines.00.342015
Custom full-coverage dynamic program analysis for Android00.342015
Accurate profiling in the presence of dynamic compilation30.472015
Catching the response time tail in the cloud00.342015
Improving execution unit occupancy on SMT-based processors through hardware-aware thread scheduling.00.342014
What to expect when you are consolidating: effective prediction models of application performance on multicores20.362014
Dynamic program analysis - Reconciling developer productivity and tool performance.10.402014
Multi-Objective Quality-Driven Service Selection—A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme190.692014
Achieving runtime adaptability through automated model evolution and variant selection30.402014
Join the Best Queue: Reducing Performance Variability in Heterogeneous Systems60.442013
Introduction to dynamic program analysis with DiSL30.412013
Enabling modularity and re-use in dynamic program analysis tools for the java virtual machine50.502013
ShadowData: shadowing heap objects in Java20.392013
ShadowVM: robust and comprehensive dynamic program analysis for the java platform100.612013
QoS-Aware Service VM Provisioning in Clouds: Experiences, Models, and Cost Analysis.50.432013
A comprehensive toolchain for workload characterization across JVM languages40.442013
TigerQuoll: parallel event-based JavaScript20.432013
Deferred methods: accelerating dynamic program analysis on multicores20.382012
Turbo DiSL: partial evaluation for high-level bytecode instrumentation60.502012
Dynamic Replication in Service-Oriented Systems110.572012
Find your best match: predicting performance of consolidated workloads30.412012
Java Bytecode Instrumentation Made Easy: The DiSL Framework for Dynamic Program Analysis.30.402012
DiSL: an extensible language for efficient and comprehensive dynamic program analysis10.382012
Exploiting Dynamic Information in IDEs Improves Speed and Correctness of Software Maintenance Tasks220.862012
Two Studies of Framework-Usage Templates Extracted from Dynamic Traces90.522012
Cost-driven service provisioning in hybrid clouds130.612012
The JVM is not observable enough (and what to do about it)130.752012
Model-driven consolidation of Java workloads on multicores130.642012
Hardware-aware Thread Scheduling: The Case of Asymmetric Multicore Processors10.352012
Node.Scala: implicit parallel programming for high-performance web services10.362012
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