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Modeling Vocal Entrainment in Conversational Speech Using Deep Unsupervised Learning10.632022
Multi-Label Multi-Task Deep Learning for Behavioral Coding00.342022
Unsupervised Speech Representation Learning For Behavior Modeling Using Triplet Enhanced Contextualized Networks00.342021
Rnn Based Incremental Online Spoken Language Understanding00.342021
Multimodal Embeddings From Language Models For Emotion Recognition In The Wild00.342021
An Analysis Of Observation Length Requirements For Machine Understanding Of Human Behaviors From Spoken Language00.342021
Automatic prediction of suicidal risk in military couples using multimodal interaction cues from couples conversations00.342020
Linguistically Aided Speaker Diarization Using Speaker Role Information.10.362020
Linking emotions to behaviors through deep transfer learning.00.342020
Spoken Language Intent Detection using Confusion2Vec.00.342019
Hierarchy-aware Loss Function on a Tree Structured Label Space for Audio Event Detection20.382019
Unsupervised online multitask learning of behavioral sentence embeddings00.342019
Modeling Interpersonal Linguistic Coordination in Conversations using Word Mover's Distance.00.342019
Multiview Shared Subspace Learning Across Speakers and Speech Commands10.432019
The Second DIHARD Challenge: System Description for USC-SAIL Team00.342019
Improving The Prediction Of Therapist Behaviors In Addiction Counseling By Exploiting Class Confusions00.342019
Modeling Interpersonal Linguistic Coordination in Conversations Using Word Mover's Distance.00.342019
Spoken Language Intent Detection Using Confusion2Vec.00.342019
Speaker Diarization with Lexical Information10.362019
Role Specific Lattice Rescoring For Speaker Role Recognition From Speech Recognition Outputs00.342019
Multi-Task Discriminative Training of Hybrid DNN-TVM Model for Speaker Verification with Noisy and Far-Field Speech10.342019
Transfer learning from adult to children for speech recognition: Evaluation, analysis and recommendations20.412018
"Honey, I Learned to Talk": Multimodal Fusion for Behavior Analysis.00.342018
Confusion2Vec: towards enriching vector space word representations with representational ambiguities10.352018
Learning from Past Mistakes: Improving Automatic Speech Recognition Output via Noisy-Clean Phrase Context Modeling.20.472018
Multi-label Multi-task Deep Learning for Behavioral Coding.00.342018
Multi-Task Unsupervised Contextual Learning for Behavioral Annotation.00.342018
Neural Predictive Coding using Convolutional Neural Networks towards Unsupervised Learning of Speaker Characteristics.70.642018
Complexity In Speech And Its Relation To Emotional Bond In Therapist-Patient Interactions During Suicide Risk Assessment Interviews20.392017
Multiple Instance Learning for Behavioral Coding.10.362017
Speaker2vec: Unsupervised Learning And Adaptation Of A Speaker Manifold Using Deep Neural Networks With An Evaluation On Speaker Segmentation30.412017
Exploiting Intra-Annotator Rating Consistency Through Copeland'S Method For Estimation Of Ground Truth Labels In Couples' Therapy00.342017
Approaching Human Performance In Behavior Estimation In Couples Therapy Using Deep Sentence Embeddings20.392017
Attention Networks For Modeling Behaviors In Addiction Counseling20.432017
A Socratic epistemology for verbal emotional intelligence.00.342016
A technology prototype system for rating therapist empathy from audio recordings in addiction counseling.50.562016
Multimodal and Multiresolution Depression Detection from Speech and Facial Landmark Features.60.412016
Head Motion Modeling for Human Behavior Analysis in Dyadic Interaction100.562015
Modeling head motion entrainment for prediction of couples' behavioral characteristics10.352015
Assessing Empathy Using Static And Dynamic Behavior Models Based On Therapist'S Language In Addiction Counseling00.342015
Analysis And Modeling Of The Role Of Laughter In Motivational Interviewing Based Psychotherapy Conversations00.342015
Automated Evaluation Of Non-Native English Pronunciation Quality: Combining Knowledge- And Data-Driven Features At Multiple Time Scales00.342015
Analyzing Speech Rate Entrainment And Its Relation To Therapist Empathy In Drug Addiction Counseling20.422015
Still Together?: The Role Of Acoustic Features In Predicting Marital Outcome10.362015
A Dynamic Model For Behavioral Analysis Of Couple Interactions Using Acoustic Features00.342015
Theoretical Analysis of Diversity in an Ensemble of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems80.472014
Classification of clean and noisy bilingual movie audio for speech-to-speech translation corpora design00.342014
Power-spectral analysis of head motion signal for behavioral modeling in human interaction40.442014
Computing vocal entrainment: A signal-derived PCA-based quantification scheme with application to affect analysis in married couple interactions221.082014
Which ASR should I choose for my dialogue system?10.542013
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