Technische Universit”at M”unchen Lehrstuhl f”ur Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation (LRR) Institut f”ur Informatik Germany
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Living on the Edge: Efficient Handling of Large Scale Sensor Data10.382021
Footprint-Aware Power Capping for Hybrid Memory Based Systems.00.342020
Gewissensbits - wie würden Sie urteilen?00.342020
Time Series Mining at Petascale Performance.10.382020
Gewissensbits - wie würden Sie urteilen?00.342020
Die neuen ethischen Leitlinien der GI.00.342019
The german informatics society's new ethical guidelines: POSTER00.342019
Foreword by Editors / Workshop Description / TPC List.00.342018
On the Applicability of Virtualization in an Industrial HPC Environment.00.342017
Enabling Application-Integrated Proactive Fault Tolerance.00.342017
Foreword / Workshop Description.00.342016
Automatic Co-scheduling Based on Main Memory Bandwidth Usage.00.342016
Recent developments in high‐performance computing and simulation: distributed systems, architectures, algorithms, and applications00.342015
Cache‐oblivious matrix algorithms in the age of multicores and many cores20.402015
Case Study on Co-scheduling for HPC Applications.50.552015
HPCS 2012 panels: Panel I: Energy efficient systems in next generation high performance data and compute centers.00.342012
Wait-Free message passing protocol for non-coherent shared memory architectures00.342012
Is GPU enthusiasm vanishing?00.342012
The EU FP7 IAPP project CASOPT.00.342012
Exploiting State-of-the-Art x86 Architectures in Scientific Computing20.442012
Making TifaMMy fit for tomorrow: Towards future shared memory systems and beyond30.872011
Sparse matrix operations on several multi-core architectures10.382011
autopin: automated optimization of thread-to-core pinning on multicore systems381.612011
Cache efficiency and scalability on multi-core architectures00.342011
Porting existing cache-oblivious linear algebra HPC modules to larrabee architecture20.442010
Considering GPGPU for HPC centers: is it worth the effort?80.992010
8th International Special Session on Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments00.342009
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2009, Ischia, Italy, May 18-20, 2009262.262009
On pinning issues on multicore systems.00.342009
Sparse Matrix Operations on Multi-core Architectures10.382009
6th International Special Session on Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments New Directions and Work-in-Progress ParSim 200700.342007
Latencies of conflicting writes on contemporary multicore architectures50.582007
Hardware instruction counting for log-based rollback recovery on x86-family processors20.442006
Implementation of a DSM-System on Top of InfiniBand10.372006
Transparent checkpointing for applications with graphical user interfaces00.342006
Automatic High Voltage Apparatus Optimization: Making it More Engineer-Friendly00.342006
Software Shared Memory Communications with InfiniBand00.342006
Modeling inter-component dependencies of high-availability systems using OpenSESAME00.342006
5th International Special Session on Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments00.342006
Comprehensive cache inspection with hardware monitors00.342005
OpenSESAME Simple but Extensive Structured Availability Modeling Environment61.172005
CPU-independent Assembler in an FPGA00.342005
Implementing an OpenMP execution environment on InfiniBand clusters40.562005
4th International special session on: current trends in numerical simulation for parallel engineering environments ParSim 200500.342005
Quantifying the security of composed systems40.552005
ViSMI: Software Distributed Shared Memory for InfiniBand Clusters20.402004
Cache optimizations for iterative numerical codes aware of hardware prefetching10.372004
Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments. ParSim 200400.342004
SMiLE: an integrated, multi-paradigm software infrastructure for SCI-basedclusters00.342003
Special Session of EuroPVM/MPI 2003: Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments - ParSim 200300.342003
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