northeastern university
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Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive attention GANs10.352022
Unsupervised High-Resolution Portrait Gaze Correction and Animation00.342022
Dual In-painting Model for Unsupervised Gaze Correction and Animation in the Wild00.342020
Recurrent Face Aging with Hierarchical AutoRegressive Memory.30.422019
Attribute-Guided Sketch Generation10.352019
Cycle In Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Keypoint-Guided Image Generation50.402019
Multi-Channel Attention Selection Gan With Cascaded Semantic Guidance For Cross-View Image Translation40.382019
GestureGAN for Hand Gesture-to-Gesture Translation in the Wild.40.402018
Exploring Web Images to Enhance Skin Disease Analysis Under A Computer Vision Framework.10.352018
Flexible Manifold Learning With Optimal Graph for Image and Video Representation.80.462018
A Flexible Forecasting Framework for Hierarchical Time Series with Seasonal Patterns: A Case Study of Web Traffic.00.342018
From Query-By-Keyword to Query-By-Example: LinkedIn Talent Search Approach.10.352017
Indoor localization via multi-view images and videos.20.362017
Category Specific Dictionary Learning for Attribute Specific Feature Selection.250.682016
A Multi-Task Learning Framework for Head Pose Estimation under Target Motion.521.032016
Sparse Code Filtering For Action Pattern Mining00.342016
Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn.100.752016
Projective Unsupervised Flexible Embedding with Optimal Graph.00.342016
Optimized Graph Learning Using Partial Tags and Multiple Features for Image and Video Annotation.651.162016
Active domain adaptation with noisy labels for multimedia analysis40.382016
A Fast 3D Indoor-Localization Approach Based on Video Queries.50.392016
Computational Modeling of Affective Qualities of Abstract Paintings.00.342016
Where am I in the dark: Exploring active transfer learning on the use of indoor localization based on thermal imaging.50.422016
PET: An eye-tracking dataset for animal-centric Pascal object classes30.382015
Egocentric Daily Activity Recognition via Multitask Clustering761.462015
Missing Value Estimation for Hierarchical Time Series: A Study of Hierarchical Web Traffic30.512015
Complex Event Detection Via Event Oriented Dictionary Learning120.492015
Attribute Guided Dictionary Learning90.462015
Evaluation of semi-supervised learning method on action recognition.110.472015
Active learning from uncertain crowd annotations20.372014
Multitask Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Action Recognition881.692014
GLocal tells you more: Coupling GLocal structural for feature selection with sparsity for image and video classification.130.532014
Exploiting transfer learning for personalized view invariant gesture recognition00.342014
Evaluating Multi-task Learning for Multi-view Head-Pose Classification in Interactive Environments20.372014
The Mystery of Faces: Investigating Face Contribution for Multimedia Event Detection20.372014
Learning from multiple annotators with varying expertise281.102014
Recognizing Daily Activities From First-Person Videos With Multi-Task Clustering90.522014
You Talkin' to Me?: Recognizing Complex Human Interactions in Unconstrained Videos10.392014
Knowing Where I Am: Exploiting Multi-Task Learning for Multi-view Indoor Image-based Localization.00.342014
On the relationship between head pose, social attention and personality prediction for unstructured and dynamic group interactions240.872013
GLocal structural feature selection with sparsity for multimedia data understanding110.482013
Active Learning from Multiple Knowledge Sources00.342012
Active Learning from Multiple Knowledge Sources.50.432012
Active Learning from Crowds.1253.952011
Modeling annotator expertise: Learning when everybody knows a bit of something00.342010
Modeling annotator expertise: Learning when everybody knows a bit of something372.522010
Modeling Multiple Annotator Expertise in the Semi-Supervised Learning Scenario160.832010
Medical coding classification by leveraging inter-code relationships180.902010