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EEG effective connectivity during the first year of life mirrors brain synaptogenesis, myelination, and early right hemisphere predominance00.342022
Early protein energy malnutrition impacts life-long developmental trajectories of the sources of EEG rhythmic activity10.372022
Harmonized-Multinational qEEG norms (HarMNqEEG)10.372022
The C-BIG Repository: an Institution-Level Open Science Platform00.342022
Impact of weight loss on brain age: Improved brain health following bariatric surgery00.342022
WeBrain: A web-based brainformatics platform of computational ecosystem for EEG big data analysis00.342021
CIVET-Macaque: An automated pipeline for MRI-based cortical surface generation and cortical thickness in macaques10.362021
Brain status modeling with non-negative projective dictionary learning.00.342020
Comparing perturbation models for evaluating stability of neuroimaging pipelines00.342020
Deploying large fixed file datasets with SquashFS and Singularity00.342020
Deep Discriminative Learning for Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification.00.342020
Test-retest reliability of Diffusion Tensor Imaging metrics in neonates.10.352019
A Skeleton and Deformation Based Model for Neonatal Pial Surface Reconstruction in Preterm Newborns00.342019
Cortical and subcortical T1 white/gray contrast, chronological age, and cognitive performance.10.352019
A Serverless Tool for Platform Agnostic Computational Experiment Management.00.342018
Multimodal imaging-based therapeutic fingerprints for optimizing personalized interventions: Application to neurodegeneration.00.342018
National Neuroinformatics Framework for Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA).10.362018
Widespread associations between trait conscientiousness and thickness of brain cortical regions.10.362018
Nuclei Segmentation for Quantification of Brain Tumors in Digital Pathology Images10.362018
Imaging structural covariance in the development of intelligence.40.462017
Boutiques: a flexible framework for automated application integration in computing platforms.00.342017
Cyberinfrastructure for Open Science at the Montreal Neurological Institute.10.362017
The MNI data-sharing and processing ecosystem.60.552016
BigBrain: Automated Cortical Parcellation and Comparison with Existing Brain Atlases.10.342016
Trajectories of cortical thickness maturation in normal brain development - The importance of quality control procedures.130.612016
Development of cortical shape in the human brain from 6 to 24 months of age via a novel measure of shape complexity.00.342016
Brain connectivity in normally developing children and adolescents.50.452016
MINC 2.0: A Flexible Format for Multi-Modal Images.20.402016
Classifications Of Computing Sites To Handle Numerical Variability00.342015
BrainBrowser: distributed, web-based neurological data visualization.110.642015
Interoperable atlases of the human brain.100.582014
Epidemic Spreading Model To Characterize Misfolded Proteins Propagation In Aging And Associated Neurodegenerative Disorders20.642014
Cortical thickness asymmetry from childhood to older adulthood.40.442013
Networks of anatomical covariance.181.052013
The pipeline system for Octave and Matlab (PSOM): a lightweight scripting framework and execution engine for scientific workflows.230.952012
Brain templates and atlases.631.712012
Convergence and divergence of thickness correlations with diffusion connections across the human cerebral cortex.200.802012
LORIS: a web-based data management system for multi-center studies.331.842012
Cortical thickness is associated with gait disturbances in cerebral small vessel disease.10.392012
Age-related alterations in the modular organization of structural cortical network by using cortical thickness from MRI.160.802011
Developmental cortical thinning in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.20.412011
Unbiased average age-appropriate atlases for pediatric studies.2197.842011
Superficially Located White Matter Structures Commonly Seen In The Human And The Macaque Brain With Diffusion Tensor Imaging50.522011
Where in-vivo imaging meets cytoarchitectonics: The relationship between cortical thickness and neuronal density measured with high-resolution [18F]flumazenil-PET.120.922011
Cerebral asymmetries in 12-week-old C57Bl/6J mice measured by magnetic resonance imaging.100.782010
Spectral-based automatic labeling and refining of human cortical sulcal curves using expert-provided examples.110.812010
Atlas-guided tract reconstruction for automated and comprehensive examination of the white matter anatomy.571.992010
Lateralized genetic and environmental influences on human brain morphology of 8-year-old twins.100.752010
Multi-level bootstrap analysis of stable clusters in resting-state fMRI.652.812010
Variance decomposition of MRI-based covariance maps using genetically informative samples and structural equation modeling.80.572009
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