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Conference Reports00.342019
GTFUZZ: a novel algorithm for robust dynamic power optimization via gate sizing with fuzzy games00.342015
A Feedback, Runtime Technique for Scaling the Frequency in GPU Architectures10.352014
A clock control strategy for peak power and RMS current reduction using path clustering60.672013
Run-time power-gating in caches of GPUs for leakage energy savings170.622012
A Utilitarian Approach to Variation Aware Delay, Power, and Crosstalk Noise Optimization00.342011
Placement for Immunity of Transient Faults in Cell-Based Design of Nanometer Circuits10.362011
Variation-aware multimetric optimization during gate sizing00.342009
Simultaneous optimization of total power, crosstalk noise, and delay under uncertainty20.382008
A Fuzzy Approach for Variation Aware Buffer Insertion and Driver Sizing00.342008
A Compiler Based Leakage Reduction Technique by Power-Gating Functional Units in Embedded Microprocessors70.582007
Variation Aware Timing Based Placement Using Fuzzy Programming20.382007
A microeconomic approach to multi-robot team formation30.412007
VLSI architecture and chip for combined invisible robust and fragile watermarking170.812007
A novel approach for variation aware power minimization during gate sizing70.492006
An Efficient and Accurate Logarithmic Multiplier Based on Operand Decomposition60.602006
Post-Layout Gate Sizing for Interconnect Delay and Crosstalk Noise Optimization20.382006
A Linear Time Algorithm for Wire Sizing with Simultaneous Optimization of Interconnect Delay and Crosstalk Noise70.452006
ILP models for simultaneous energy and transient power minimization during behavioral synthesis40.452006
A stimulus-free graphical probabilistic switching model for sequential circuits using dynamic bayesian networks20.442006
A VLSI architecture for watermarking in a secure still digital camera (S/sup 2/DC) design50.472005
Design of a low power image watermarking encoder using dual voltage and frequency40.422005
A Nonlinear Programming Based Power Optimization Methodology for Gate Sizing and Voltage Selection00.342005
Estimation of Switching Activity in Sequential Circuits Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks80.742005
Energy-efficient datapath scheduling using multiple voltages and dynamic clocking120.732005
Stochastic channel-adaptive rate control for wireless video transmission60.522004
Control and data flow graph extraction for high-level synthesis130.702004
Cascaded Bayesian inferencing for switching activity estimation with correlated inputs90.722004
ILP Models for Energy and Transient Power Minimization During Behavioral Synthesis90.542004
Game Theoretic Modeling of Voltage and Frequency Scaling during Behavioral Synthesis00.342004
Gate Sizing and Buffer Insertion using Economic Models for Power Optimization120.692004
A New Technique for Leakage Reduction in CMOS Circuits using Self-Controlled Stacked Transistors20.512004
A microeconomic model for simultaneous gate sizing and voltage scaling for power optimization10.372003
Peak Power Minimization Through Datapath Scheduling130.802003
A game theoretic approach for power optimization during behavioral synthesis90.622003
Simultaneous peak and average power minimization during datapath scheduling for DSP processors40.492003
Energy Efficient Scheduling for Datapath Synthesis120.752003
Power Fluctuation Minimization During Behavioral Synthesis using ILP-Based Datapath Scheduling10.392003
A low power scheduler using game theory40.432003
Petri net modeling of gate and interconnect delays for power estimation60.572003
A Game-Theoretic Approach for Binding in Behavioral Synthesis50.562003
Power estimation of sequential circuits using hierarchical colored hardware petri net modeling00.342002
Least-square estimation of average power in digital CMOS circuits40.492002
A Real Delay Switching Activity Simulator based on Petri net Modeling10.372002
Switching Activity Estimation of Large Circuits using Multiple Bayesian Networks30.452002
Average power in digital CMOS circuits using least square estimation20.392001
Dependency preserving probabilistic modeling of switching activity using bayesian networks181.352001
Computation of lower bounds for switching activity using decision theory40.551999
Energy efficient datapath synthesis using dynamic frequency clocking and multiple voltages10.361999
Computing the bivariate Gaussian probability integral.00.341999
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