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Controlling the Injection of Best-Effort Tasks to Harvest Idle Computing Grid Resources00.342021
Modeling Self-adaptive Fog Systems Using Bigraphs.00.342019
Autonomic Management of Reconfigurations in DPR FPGA-based Embedded System00.342018
A Domain-Specific Language for Autonomic Managers in FPGA Reconfigurable Architectures00.342018
Towards a control-theory approach for minimizing unused grid resources10.382018
An autonomic-computing approach on mapping threads to multi-cores for software transactional memory.00.342018
Autonomic management of missions and reconfigurations in FPGA-based embedded system.10.352017
Design Framework for Reliable Multiple Autonomic Loops in Smart Environments00.342017
A domain-specific language for the control of self-adaptive component-based architecture.30.392017
Language Support for Modular Autonomic Managers in Reconfigurable Software Components20.352017
Gestion autonome de la réparation et du dimensionnement d'un système multiniveau par contrôle discret.00.342016
Model-Based Design of Correct Controllers for Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures.60.502016
Autonomic Parallelism and Thread Mapping Control on Software Transactional Memory00.342016
Designing Autonomic Management Systems by Using Reactive Control Techniques.30.402016
Combining Transactional and Behavioural Reliability in Adaptive Middleware.10.352016
Synthesizing structural and behavioral control for reconfigurations in component-based systems.10.362016
Behavioural Model-Based Control for Autonomic Software Components70.412015
An MDE Approach for Rapid Prototyping and Implementation of Dynamic Reconfigurable Systems40.362015
High-Level Language Support for Reconfiguration Control in Component-Based Architectures30.382015
Supervisory Controller Synthesis for Safe Software Adaptation.30.412014
Modular coordination of multiple autonomic managers110.572014
Discrete Control for Smart Environments Through a Generic Finite-State-Models-Based Infrastructure.30.392014
Extending UML/MARTE to Support Discrete Controller Synthesis, Application to Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip Modeling10.352014
Adaptivity in high-performance embedded systems: a reactive control model for reliable and flexible design.00.342014
Coordination Of Eca Rules By Verification And Control110.652014
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: Research Challenges in the Provision of Assurances.20.372013
Component-Based Autonomic Managers For Coordination Control90.592013
What Can Control Theory Teach Us About Assurances in Self-Adaptive Software Systems?00.342013
Feedback Control as MAPE-K Loop in Autonomic Computing.00.342013
Discrete Control for the Internet of Things and Smart Environments.60.542013
Autonomic Management of Dynamically Partially Reconfigurable FPGA Architectures Using Discrete Control.50.432013
CLASSY: a clock analysis system for rapid prototyping of embedded applications on MPSoCs.20.402012
Designing formal reconfiguration control using UML/MARTE60.512012
Modeling and synthesis of a Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration controller10.352012
Targeting Reconfigurable Fpga Based Socs Using The Uml Marte Profile: From High Abstraction Levels To Code Generation170.732010
Multicriteria optimal reconfiguration of fault-tolerant real-time tasks.40.422010
Operational Semantics of the Marte Repetitive Structure Modeling Concepts for Data-Parallel Applications Design00.342010
A Case Study on Controller Synthesis for Data-Intensive Embedded Systems110.792009
Automatic generation of safe handlers for multi-task systems00.342009
A programming language for adaptation control: case study30.422009
Automating the addition of fault tolerance with discrete controller synthesis281.072009
Synchronous Modeling and Analysis of Data Intensive Applications100.752008
Safe design of high-performance embedded systems in an MDE framework50.462008
Selected Papers from SLA++P 07 and 08 Model-Driven High-Level Programming of Embedded Systems00.342008
Model Transformations from a Data Parallel Formalism towards Synchronous Languages60.582007
A Domain-Specific Language for Multitask Systems, Applying Discrete Controller Synthesis70.592007
A domain-specific language for task handlers generation, applying discrete controller synthesis20.412006
UML2 Profile for Modeling Controlled Data Parallel Applications30.462006
Managing multi-mode tasks with time cost and quality levels using optimal discrete control synthesis90.642002
Taxonomy and Expressiveness of Preemption: A Syntactic Approach10.441998
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