IFREMER, Lab Oceanog Spatiale, F-29280 Plouzane, France
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Surface Wave Developments under Tropical Cyclone Goni (2020): Multi-Satellite Observations and Parametric Model Comparisons00.342022
Up-to-Downwave Asymmetry of the CFOSAT SWIM Fluctuation Spectrum for Wave Direction Ambiguity Removal00.342022
Ka-Band Doppler Scatterometry: A Strong Wind Case Study00.342022
Determining Errors in Directional Buoy-Derived Swell Heights via the Joint Analysis of Space-Borne Radars and WaveWatch III Simulations.00.342022
Quantifying Uncertainties in the Partitioned Swell Heights Observed From CFOSAT SWIM and Sentinel-1 SAR via Triple Collocation00.342022
Quantifying Truncation-Related Uncertainties in Unsteady Fluid Dynamics Reduced Order Models00.342021
New Observations From the SWIM Radar On-Board CFOSAT: Instrument Validation and Ocean Wave Measurement Assessment00.342021
Ka-Band Radar Cross-Section Of Breaking Wind Waves00.342021
Indian Ocean Crossing Swells: New Insights From "Fireworks" Perspective Using Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar00.342021
An Advanced Algorithm to Retrieve Total Atmospheric Water Vapor Content From the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Data Over Sea Ice and Sea Water Surfaces in the Arctic00.342020
Preliminary Analysis Of Tropical Cyclone Ocean Waves Using Sentinel-1 Sar Data00.342020
Intercomparison Of Data-Driven And Learning-Based Interpolations Of Along-Track Nadir And Wide-Swath Swot Altimetry Observations00.342020
Data-driven and learning-based interpolations of along-track Nadir and wide-swath SWOT altimetry observations.00.342020
Physically Informed Neural Networks For The Simulation And Data-Assimilation Of Geophysical Dynamics00.342020
On Quad-Polarized SAR Measurements of the Ocean Surface00.342019
Calibration of the Normalized Radar Cross Section for Sentinel-1 Wave Mode00.342019
Validation of Sea Surface Wind From Sentinel-1A/B SAR Data in the Coastal Regions of the Korean Peninsula00.342019
On C-Band Quad-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Properties of Ocean Surface Currents.00.342019
Polarization Dependence of Azimuth Cutoff From Quad-Pol SAR Images00.342019
Sea Surface Ka-Band Doppler Measurements: Analysis and Model Development.00.342019
Data-Driven Interpolation of Sea Level Anomalies Using Analog Data Assimilation.00.342019
Analog Data Assimilation of Along-Track Nadir and Wide-Swath SWOT Altimetry Observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea00.342019
New Geophysical Model Function for Ocean Emissivity at 89 GHz Over Arctic Waters00.342019
Characteristics of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Roll Vortices from Sentinel-1 Sar Wave Mode00.342019
Learning Stochastic Representations Of Geophysical Dynamics00.342019
Sea Surface Kinematics From Near-Nadir Radar Measurements.00.342018
Neural Network Based Kalman Filters for the Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature.00.342018
Improving Mesoscale Altimetric Data From a Multitracer Convolutional Processing of Standard Satellite-Derived Products.20.682018
Automated Geophysical Classification of Sentinel-L Wave Mode Sar Images Through Deep-Learning.00.342018
Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Cloudy SST Fields Using Conditional Analog Data Assimilation.00.342018
Low-Frequency Sea Surface Radar Doppler Echo.00.342018
GNSS Transpolar Earth Reflectometry exploriNg System (G-TERN): Mission Concept.40.762018
Sea Surface Radar Scattering at L-Band Based on Numerical Solution of Maxwell's Equations in 3-D (NMM3D).00.342018
Direct Comparison Between Active C-Band Radar and Passive L-Band Radiometer Measurements: Extreme Event Cases.00.342018
On the Assimilation of Multi-Source of Directional Wave Spectra from Sentinel-1A and 1B, and CFOSAT in the Wave Model MFWAM: Toward an Operational Use in CMEMS-MFC.00.342018
Modulation of Ka-Band Doppler Radar Signals Backscattered From the Sea Surface.20.452018
Ka-Band Dual Copolarized Empirical Model for the Sea Surface Radar Cross Section00.342017
Sea State Impacts on Wind Speed Retrievals From C-Band Radars.10.342017
Onto a Skewness Approach to the Generalized Curvature Ocean Surface Scattering Model.00.342017
Observation of Wind Direction Change on the Sea Surface Temperature Front Using High-Resolution Full Polarimetric SAR Data.20.522017
Combined Co- and Cross-Polarized SAR Measurements Under Extreme Wind Conditions.40.462017
Improvements in Atmospheric Water Vapor Content Retrievals Over Open Oceans From Satellite Passive Microwave Radiometers.00.342017
Limitation of SAR Quasi-Linear Inversion Data on Swell Climate: An Example of Global Crossing Swells.10.352017
Data-Driven Assimilation Of Irregularly-Sampled Image Time Series00.342017
A Global Distribution Of Crossing Swell From Envisat Asar Wave Mode Data Based On Swell Propagation00.342016
Taking Advantage Of Sentinel-1 Acquisition Modes To Improve Ocean Sea State Retrieval00.342016
Innovative Sea Surface Monitoring With Gnss-Reflectometry Aboard Iss: Overview And Recent Results From Geros-Iss00.342016
Detection And Study Of The Polar Lows Over The Arctic Sea Ice Edge00.342016
Analysis of Dual-Frequency Ocean Backscatter Measurements at Ku- and Ka-Bands Using Near-Nadir Incidence GPM Radar Data.30.542016
Polar Lows Over the Eastern Part of the Eurasian Arctic: The Sea-Ice Retreat Consequence.00.342016
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