National University of Singapore, Department of Mathematics, 2 Science Drive 2, 117543, Singapore, Singapore
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More Efficient Dishonest Majority Secure Computation over ℤ 2 k via Galois Rings.00.342022
A new framework for deniable secure key exchange00.342022
Construction of Optimal (<italic>r</italic>, δ)-Locally Recoverable Codes and Connection With Graph Theory00.342022
Biometric key generation based on generated intervals and two-layer error correcting technique00.342021
Improved Single-Round Secure Multiplication Using Regenerating Codes.00.342021
A New Construction of Nonlinear Codes via Rational Function Fields00.342021
Asymptotically Good Multiplicative LSSS over Galois Rings and Applications to MPC over $\mathbb {Z}/p^k\mathbb {Z} $.00.342020
Construction of Optimal Locally Repairable Codes via Automorphism Groups of Rational Function Fields60.472020
A Secure Federated Transfer Learning Framework120.662020
Efficient Multi-Point Local Decoding of Reed-Muller Codes via Interleaved Codex00.342020
Beating the probabilistic lower bound on perfect hashing00.342019
Secure And Efficient Federated Transfer Learning00.342019
Reducing the Key Size of McEliece Cryptosystem from Automorphism-induced Goppa Codes via Permutations.00.342019
Amortized Complexity of Information-Theoretically Secure MPC Revisited.00.342018
List Decoding of Cover Metric Codes Up to the Singleton Bound.00.342018
Asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov bound on Frequency Hopping.00.342018
A Construction of Optimal Frequency Hopping Sequence Set via Combination of Multiplicative and Additive Groups of Finite Fields20.402018
New extension constructions of optimal frequency hopping sequence sets.00.342018
Construction of optimal locally recoverable codes and connection with hypergraph.10.352018
List Decodability of Symbol-Pair Codes.10.352018
Algebraic geometry codes with complementary duals exceed the asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov bound.20.392018
SPD \mathbb Z_2^k : Efficient MPC mod 2^k for Dishonest Majority.00.342018
Efficiently repairing algebraic geometry codes.10.362017
Subspace Designs based on Algebraic Function Fields.10.352017
Optimal Rate List Decoding over Bounded Alphabets Using Algebraic-geometric Codes10.372017
List Decodability of Random Subcodes of Gabidulin Codes.20.412017
New MDS Self-Dual Codes from Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes.90.922017
Construction of Sequences With High Nonlinear Complexity From Function Fields.10.362017
Efficiently List-Decodable Punctured Reed-Muller Codes.00.342017
Explicit List-Decodable Rank-Metric and Subspace Codes via Subspace Designs.50.442016
New Binary Codes From Rational Function Fields10.632015
Optimal rate list decoding of folded algebraic-geometric codes over constant-sized alphabets50.452014
Torsion Limits and Riemann-Roch Systems for Function Fields and Applications80.592014
A relation between embedding degrees and class numbers of binary quadratic forms.00.342014
Sequences With High Nonlinear Complexity70.522014
Erasure List-Decodable Codes From Random and Algebraic Geometry Codes10.372014
Hitting Sets for Low-Degree Polynomials with Optimal Density20.372013
On secret sharing with nonlinear product reconstruction.00.342013
New results on two hypercube coloring problems30.492013
A Construction of New Quantum MDS Codes190.882013
Towards a characterization of subfields of the Deligne-Lusztig function fields.20.622013
Euclidean and Hermitian Self-Orthogonal Algebraic Geometry Codes and Their Application to Quantum Codes110.642013
On the Representability of the Biuniform Matroid.10.352013
Cumulative Distance Enumerators of Random Codes and their Thresholds10.382012
The arithmetic codex20.382012
Asymptotic Bound for Multiplication Complexity in the Extensions of Small Finite Fields.70.622012
Private (t,n) Threshold Searching on Streaming Data30.422012
Bounds on the Threshold Gap in Secret Sharing over Small Fields.00.342012
Good Linear Codes from Polynomial Evaluations.30.462012
List decoding reed-solomon, algebraic-geometric, and gabidulin subcodes up to the singleton bound311.202012
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