Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
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Fostering State-level Change In CS Education: The Expanding Computing Education Pathways Alliance00.342020
Using and Customizing Open-Source Runestone Ebooks for Computer Science Classes00.342020
U.S. states must broaden participation while expanding access to computer science education00.342020
Runestone - A Platform for Free, On-line, and Interactive Ebooks.00.342020
Using and Customizing Ebooks for Computing Courses with Runestone Interactive.00.342020
A Spaced, Interleaved Retrieval Practice Tool that is Motivating and Effective10.352019
Investigating the Affect and Effect of Adaptive Parsons Problems00.342019
Interdisciplinary Computer Science Pre-service TeacherPreparation: Panel00.342019
An Analysis of Interactive Feature Use in Two Ebooks.00.342019
Helping Underrepresented Students Succeed in AP CSA and Beyond.10.342018
Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Adaptive Parsons Problems.00.342018
Using and Customizing Open-Source Runestone Ebooks for Computer Science Classes (Abstract Only).00.342017
Students and Teachers Use An Online AP CS Principles EBook Differently: Teacher Behavior Consistent with Expert Learners00.342017
How to Plan and Run Effective Teacher Professional Development (Abstract Only).00.342017
The Role of CS Departments in The US President's "CS for All" Initiative.10.482017
Solving Parsons Problems Versus Fixing And Writing Code70.522017
Using Tracing and Sketching to Solve Programming Problems: Replicating and Extending an Analysis of What Students Draw50.412017
Broadening access to computing education state by state.60.782016
Identifying Design Principles for CS Teacher Ebooks through Design-Based Research.80.502016
Dynamically Adaptive Parsons Problems.10.342016
Sisters Rise Up 4 CS: Helping Female Students Pass the Advanced Placement Computer Science A Exam.40.602016
Subgoals Help Students Solve Parsons Problems.191.052016
State-Based Progress Towards Computer Science for All.10.372016
How to Plan and Run Summer Computing Camps: Logistics (Abstract Only)00.342015
An eBook for teachers learning CS principles.20.442015
Usability and Usage of Interactive Features in an Online Ebook for CS Teachers70.552015
One-Day Activities for K-12 Face-to-Face Outreach00.342015
Analysis of Interactive Features Designed to Enhance Learning in an Ebook140.732015
Partnering to Promote State-by-State Computing Education Reform (Abstract Only)00.342015
Measuring demographics and performance in computer science education at a nationwide scale using AP CS data130.962014
Project rise up 4 CS: increasing the number of black students who pass advanced placement CS A50.692014
Georgia Computes! An Intervention in a US State, with Formal and Informal Education in a Policy Context231.232014
Projects for computing summer camps for 4th-12th grade students (abstract only)00.342014
Preparing secondary computer science teachers through an iterative development process70.552014
Adaptive parsons problems with discourse rules30.482014
How to plan and run computing summer camps for 4th-12th grade students (abstract only)00.342013
A statewide survey on computing education pathways and influences: factors in broadening participation in computing222.012012
Effective and sustainable computing summer camps332.062012
Georgia Computes!: an alliance to broaden participation across the state of Georgia40.502012
Listening to linked lists: using multimedia to learn data structures (abstract only)00.342012
Teaching outside the text00.342012
Rediscovering the passion, beauty, joy, and awe: making computing fun again, part 550.582012
Successful K-12 outreach strategies10.362011
Variations on a theme: role of media in motivating computing education60.792010