Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
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Immersive technologies for tourism: a systematic review00.342022
Performance evaluation of IoT networks: A product density approach00.342022
On framework development for the dynamic prosumer coalition in a smart grid and its evaluation by analytic tools.00.342019
Cubic reward penalty structure for power distribution companies00.342019
A Decision Support System for Selecting Sustainable Materials in Construction Projects.00.342018
A Process Model For Identifying Online Customer Engagement Patterns On Facebook Brand Pages10.342018
A decision support algorithm for assessing the engagement of a demand response program in the industrial sector of the smart grid.00.342018
State-of-the-Art Ontology Annotation for Personalised Teaching and Learning and Prospects for Smart Learning Recommender Based on Multiple Intelligence and Fuzzy Ontology.20.352018
Innovative Business Models for E-Learning Entrepreneurs.00.342017
A Study of the Parameters Impacting Sustainability in Information Technology Organizations00.342017
Organisations' Responsibilities towards Corporate Sustinability: A Content Analysis of Literature00.342016
Business sustainability frameworks a survey10.432016
A survey of Western Australian Software Businesses an exlporative web content analysis00.342016
Formation of virtual community groups to manage prosumers in smart grids50.442015
Prosumer recruitment framework for prosumer community groups in smart-grid.00.342015
Green Business Practices for Software Development Companies: An Explorative Text Analysis of Business Sustainability Reports00.342015
A Methodology to Find Influential Prosumers in Prosumer Community Groups.60.572014
Goal-Oriented Prosumer Community Groups for the Smart Grid00.342014
Wireless Sensor Network transport protocol: A critical review.00.342013
Watermarking technique for wireless multimedia sensor networks: a state of the art50.452012
Prosumer management in socio-technical smart grid10.422012
Watermarking Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks: A State of the Art20.352012
How much money do spammers make from your website?20.382012
Emotion detection state of the art10.362012
Spamming for science: active measurement in web 2.0 abuse research00.342012
HENRI: high efficiency negotiation-based robust interface for multi-party multi-issue negotiation over the internet20.432012
Spam 2.0 State Of The Art10.362012
The changing nature of Spam 2.000.342012
Handling the Quality of Service for the data dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks00.342012
Watermarking technique for copyright protection of wireless sensor network data using LFSR and Kolmogorov complexity20.362012
A framework for application of tree-structured data mining to process log analysis30.372012
Spam 2.000.342012
Storage cost of spam 2.0 in a web discussion forum30.442011
Identifying prosumer's energy sharing behaviours for forming optimal prosumer-communities.80.712011
Automatically measuring the quality of user generated content in forums40.502011
Characterisation of web spambots using self organising maps.10.402011
A survey on low-cost RFID authentication protocols20.422010
Spam 2.0: the problem ahead20.392010
Key Parameters in Identifying Cost of Spam 2.070.572010
Priority Enabled Transport Layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network30.412010
Factors involved in estimating cost of email spam40.452010
Wireless Sensor Network Transport Protocol - A State of the Art50.472010
Semi-automatic information extraction from discussion boards with applications for anti-spam technology30.432010
Torpid Mode: Hybrid of Sleep and Idle Mode as Power Saving Mechanism for IEEE 802.16j10.382010
Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges Ahead20.392010
A Middleware for Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Ecosystems Based on a Reconfigurable Plug-and-Play Architecture: Application to Mashups10.402010
Erctp: End-To-End Reliable And Congestion Aware Transport Layer Protocol For Heterogeneous Wsn50.492010
Dependency of Transport Functions on IEEE802.11 and IEEE802.15.4 MAC/PHY Layer Protocols for WSN: A Step towards Cross-layer Design40.452010
Behaviour-Based web spambot detection by utilising action time and action frequency80.582010
LCART: Lightweight Congestion Aware Reliable Transport Protocol for WSN Targeting Heterogeneous Traffic.30.432010
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