Univ Pisa, Dipartimento Ingn Informaz Elettron Informat Tele, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, I-56122 Pisa, Italy
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End-Of-Life Product Disassembly With Priority-Based Extraction Of Dangerous Parts10.352021
Event Detection from Video Using Answer Set Programing.00.342019
TeMA: a Tensorial Memetic Algorithm for Many-Objective Parallel Disassembly Sequence Planning in Product Refurbishment20.372019
Multiobjective Personnel Assignment Exploiting Workers' Sensitivity to Risk10.402018
An Integrated Optimization System for Safe Job Assignment Based on Human Factors and Behavior.00.342018
UHF-RFID smart gate: Tag action classifier by artificial neural networks30.482017
Physical activity recognition from sub-bandage sensors using both feature selection and extraction.00.342017
Artificial Bee Colony Optimization to Reallocate Personnel to Tasks Improving Workplace Safety.00.342017
Solving the environmental economic dispatch problem with prohibited operating zones in microgrids using NSGA-II and TOPSIS.00.342016
Determining The Composition Of Bronze Alloys By Means Of High-Dimensional Feature Selection And Artificial Neural Networks00.342015
A multi-agent system for enabling collaborative situation awareness via position-based stigmergy and neuro-fuzzy learning.50.432014
Genetic interval neural networks for granular data regression160.732014
Classifier ensembles to improve the robustness to noise of bearing fault diagnosis30.502013
Profiling risk sensibility through association rules20.512013
Efficient energy dispatching in smart microgrids using an integration of fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS assisted by linear programming.10.412013
A hierarchical approach to multi-class fuzzy classifiers90.492013
Urban And Social Sensing For Sustainable Mobility In Smart Cities100.582013
HFRBC-GA: A fuzzy classifier for energy systems applications00.342013
A collaborative situation-aware scheme based on an emergent paradigm for mobile resource recommenders.30.432013
An integrated approach based on business process modeling and fuzzy logic for risk identification and evaluation in production processes00.342013
Computational intelligence techniques for solar photovoltaic system applications20.362012
Fuzzy Forecasting Of Energy Production In Solar Photovoltaic Installations10.382012
An adaptive rule-based approach for managing situation-awareness130.892012
One day-ahead forecasting of energy production in solar photovoltaic installations: an empirical study60.682012
Learning knowledge bases of multi-objective evolutionary fuzzy systems by simultaneously optimizing accuracy, complexity and partition integrity290.712011
Granular data regression with neural networks30.422011
On reducing computational overhead in multi-objective genetic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems180.732011
24-hour-ahead forecasting of energy production in solar PV systems.61.252011
Analyzing Risk Impact Factors Using Extended Fuzzy Cognitive Maps120.822011
Multi-objective evolutionary generation of Mamdani fuzzy rule-based systems based on rule and condition selection70.422011
Computer-aided detection of lung nodules based on decision fusion techniques30.442011
A collaborative situation-aware scheme for mobile service recommendation.40.512011
Learning concurrently data and rule bases of Mamdani fuzzy rule-based systems by exploiting a novel interpretability index160.552011
Rolling Element Bearing Diagnosis Using Convex Hull30.422010
Exploiting a three-objective evolutionary algorithm for generating Mamdani fuzzy rule-based systems20.362010
A multi-objective evolutionary approach to image quality/compression trade-off in JPEG baseline algorithm60.492010
A Situation-Aware Resource Recommender Based On Fuzzy And Semantic Web Rules80.632010
Providing PRTools with fuzzy rule-based classifiers40.452010
Multi-objective genetic fuzzy classifiers for imbalanced and cost-sensitive datasets641.402010
A Three-Objective Evolutionary Approach to Generate Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems10.342009
Learning concurrently partition granularities and rule bases of Mamdani fuzzy systems in a multi-objective evolutionary framework441.152009
Using BPMN and Tracing for Rapid Business Process Prototyping Environments30.402009
A multiobjective evolutionary approach to concurrently learn rule and data bases of linguistic fuzzy-rule-based systems1022.172009
Learning Concurrently Granularity, Membership Function Parameters And Rules Of Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems20.432009
Automatic Diagnosis of Defects of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Computational Intelligence Techniques40.462009
Context adaptation of fuzzy systems through a multi-objective evolutionary approach based on a novel interpretability index651.482009
Rolling Element Bearing Fault Classification Using Soft Computing Techniques40.492009
Exploiting a New Interpretability Index in the Multi-Objective Evolutionary Learning of Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems30.412009
Multi-objective evolutionary learning of granularity, membership function parameters and rules of Mamdani fuzzy systems260.712009
Using multilayer perceptrons as receptive fields in the design of neural networks60.472009
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