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Multi-Task Interaction Learning for Spatiospectral Image Super-Resolution00.342022
A Frequency Domain Constraint for Synthetic and Real X-ray Image Super Resolution.00.342021
Ranking list preservation for feature matching10.352021
Affordances Of A Mobile Learner-Generated Tool For Pupils' English As A Second Language Vocabulary Learning: An Ecological Perspective00.342021
Accuracy, Scalability, Coverage: A Practical Configuration Verifier on a Global WAN10.352020
Cross-domain representation learning by domain-migration generative adversarial network for sketch based image retrieval20.362020
Deep Adversarial Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval50.392020
Estimating Evaluation of Cosmetics Reviews with Machine Learning Methods00.342020
Load transfer mechanism and reinforcement effect of segmentally yieldable anchorage in weakly consolidated soft rock00.342019
Supervised learning based discrete hashing for image retrieval.40.382019
Robust feature matching via Gaussian field criterion for remote sensing image registration.30.382018
Research on a Novel MEMS Sensor for Spatial DC Electric Field Measurements in an Ion Flows Field.00.342018
Deep Residual Net Based Compact Feature Representation for Image Retrieval.00.342018
Automatic Life Cycle Management of Network Configurations.00.342018
Improved Energy Efficient Adaptive Clustering Routing Algorithm for WSN.00.342017
Optimal design for a retrial queueing system with state-dependent service rate.00.342017
Category Prediction Of Questions Posted In Community-Based Question Answering Services Using Deep Learning Methods00.342017
Correcting Redundant Japanese Sentences Using Patterns and Machine Learning for the Development of Writing Support Systems.00.342016
基于多目标进化算法的MOEA/D权重向量产生方法 (Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based Weight Vectors Generation Method of MOEA/D).00.342016
Analysis of a clearing queueing system with setup times.00.342015
The game analysis of enterprises in FSDN on construction the traceability system00.342014
Extraction of Broad-Scale, High-Precision Japanese-English Parallel Translation Expressions Using Lexical Information and Rules.20.542011
Automatic extraction of historical transition in researchers and research topics.10.372011
The Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Physical Science and Technology Human Resource Management00.342010
Using the Maximum Entropy Method for Natural Language Processing: Category Estimation, Feature Extraction, and Error Correction.20.412010
Dynamic Dictionary Design for SIP Signaling Compression00.342009
Selection of Japanese-English Equivalents by Integrating High-quality Corpora and Huge Amounts of Web Data10.412008
Building Japanese-Chinese translation dictionary based on EDR Japanese-English bilingual dictionary.50.842007
Extraction of important numerical pairs from text documents and visualization of them.00.342007
Applying Multiple Characteristics and Techniques in the NICT Information Retrieval System at NTCIR-6.00.342007
Acquiring translational equivalence from a japanese-chinese parallel corpus00.342006
Semantic Analysis of Abstract Nouns to Compile a Thesaurus of Adjectives00.342006
Japanese-to-English translations of tense, aspect, and modality using machine-learning methods and comparison with machine-translation systems on market20.372006
Applying Multiple Characteristics and Techniques in the NICT Information Retrieval System in NTCIR-5.00.342005
Information Retrieval Capable of Visualization and High Precision10.432005
Analysis Of Machine Translation Systems' Errors In Tense, Aspect, And Modality30.452005
Correction of errors in a verb modality corpus for machine translation with a machine-learning method80.952005
Single Language Information Retrieval at NTCIR-500.342005
Construction of a Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Dictionary Using English as an Intermediary30.412005
A Multi-aligner for Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpora.00.342005
Building an Annotated Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus - A Part of NICT Multilingual Corpora.00.342005
Applying Multiple Characteristics and Techniques to Obtain High Levels of Performance in Information Retrieval at NTCIR-450.552004
Self-organizing semantic maps and its application to word alignment in Japanese-Chinese parallel corpora.30.432004
Efficient Part-of-Speech Tagging with a Min-Max Modular Neural-Network Model70.572003
Self-organizing Chinese and Japanese semantic maps20.442002
Natural Language Processing with Neural Networks41.232002
Applying Multiple Characteristics and Techniques to Obtain High Levels of Performance in Information Retrieval.90.882002
Comparison of three machine-learning methods for Thai part-of-speech tagging161.102002
Part of speech tagging with min-max modular neural networks00.342002
CRL at Ntcir2111.092001
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