School of Computer Science|University of Birmingham
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Landscape Analysis of a Class of NP-Hard Binary Packing Problems.00.342019
The benefits and limitations of voting mechanisms in evolutionary optimisation.00.342019
Organisation-Oriented Coarse Graining and Refinement of Stochastic Reaction Networks.00.342018
Linear multi-objective drift analysis.00.342018
Finite-Horizon Bisimulation Minimisation for Probabilistic Systems.00.342016
Landscape Properties of the 0-1 Knapsack Problem00.342015
A Polynomial Time Bounded-error Quantum Algorithm for Boolean Satisfiability00.342015
The choice of the offspring population size in the (1,λ) evolutionary algorithm270.992014
Local Optima And Weight Distribution In The Number Partitioning Problem10.412014
Phase Transition and Landscape Properties of the Number Partitioning Problem.40.442014
Convergence of preference functions.00.342013
Geiringer theorems: from population genetics to computational intelligence, memory evolutive systems and Hebbian learning00.342013
The choice of the offspring population size in the (1,λ) EA170.912012
Editorial to the special issue on “Theoretical Foundations of Evolutionary Computation”00.342012
Genetic algorithm theory00.342012
Precision, local search and unimodal functions40.532011
Unbiased black box search algorithms180.892011
A Version of Geiringer-like Theorem for Decision Making in the Environments with Randomness and Incomplete Information30.442011
Tight bounds for blind search on the integers and the reals20.392010
Representation invariant genetic operators30.512010
Reinterpreting no free lunch140.902009
Tight Bounds for Blind Search on the Integers90.572008
Quotients of Markov chains and asymptotic properties of the stationary distribution of the Markov chain associated to an evolutionary algorithm50.502008
Genetic algorithm theory10.382007
Neighborhood graphs and symmetric genetic operators40.542007
Exploiting quotients of markov chains to derive properties of the stationary distribution of the markov chain associated to an evolutionary algorithm60.892006
How fast does the stationary distribution of the Markov chain modelling EAs concentrate on the homogeneous populations for small mutation rate?00.342006
Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms, 05.09. - 10.09.201082.842006
08051 Abstracts Collection - Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms.00.342006
08051 Executive Summary - Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms.10.362006
Differentiable coarse graining50.612006
Subthreshold-seeking local search30.382006
A schema-based version of geiringer's theorem for nonlinear genetic programming with homologous crossover140.912005
Gray, binary and real valued encodings: quad search and locality proofs40.442005
Particle swarm optimization and fitness sharing to solve multi-objective optimization problems231.662005
Coarse graining selection and mutation50.822005
State Aggregation and Population Dynamics in Linear Systems71.022005
A Reduced Markov Model of GAs Without the Exact Transition Matrix50.462004
Spread of Vector Borne Diseases in a Population with Spatial Structure10.402004
Population aggregation based on fitness80.902004
Best approximations of fitness functions of binary strings40.652004
Structural Search Spaces and Genetic Operators90.732004
Exact Schema Theory and Markov Chain Models for Genetic Programming and Variable-length Genetic Algorithms with Homologous Crossover180.662004
Properties of Gray and Binary Representations151.022004
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN VIII, 8th International Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 18-22, 2004, Proceedings11618.202004
Coarse-graining in genetic algorithms: some issues and examples50.672003
Viscous populations and their support for reciprocal cooperation40.942003
El Botellón: Modeling the Movement of Crowds in a City.00.342003
Group properties of crossover and mutation251.742002
A Schema-Theory-Based Extension of Geiringer's Theorem for Linear GP and Varialbe-length GAs under Homologous Crossover.00.342002
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