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Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in Human Computer Interaction: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda00.342022
Mask removal isn’t always convenient in public! – The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Device Usage and User Authentication00.342022
Designing Trustworthy User Interfaces for the Voluntary Carbon Market: A Randomized Online Experiment00.342022
“Where did you first meet the owner?” – Exploring Usable Authentication for Smart Home Visitors00.342022
CueVR: Studying the Usability of Cue-based Authentication for Virtual Reality00.342022
User-centred multimodal authentication: securing handheld mobile devices using gaze and touch input00.342022
Understanding Shoulder Surfer Behavior and Attack Patterns Using Virtual Reality00.342022
What is XR? Towards a Framework for Augmented and Virtual Reality10.352022
"Secure settings are quick and easy!" - Motivating End-Users to Choose Secure Smart Home Configurations00.342022
Out-of-the-Lab Pervasive Computing00.342022
Pandemic Displays: Considering Hygiene on Public Touchscreens in the Post-Pandemic Era00.342022
Orbuculum - Predicting When Users Intend to Leave Large Public Displays.00.342021
Is it Better With Onboarding? Improving First-Time Cryptocurrency App Experiences00.342021
Remote VR Studies: A Framework for Running Virtual Reality Studies Remotely Via Participant-Owned HMDs10.402021
SpatialProto: Exploring Real-World Motion Captures for Rapid Prototyping of Interactive Mixed Reality00.342021
Don't Stop Me Now! Exploring Challenges Of First-Time Cryptocurrency Users00.342021
Out-of-the-Lab Research in Usable Security and Privacy.00.342021
Virtual Field Studies: Conducting Studies on Public Displays in Virtual Reality00.342020
What If Your Car Would Care? Exploring Use Cases For Affective Automotive User Interfaces00.342020
Exploring Public Wearable Display of Wellness Tracker Data00.342020
GazeLockPatterns: Comparing Authentication Using Gaze and Touch for Entering Lock Patterns00.342020
Predicting mid-air gestural interaction with public displays based on audience behaviour00.342020
Don't Use Fingerprint, it's Raining! - How People Use and Perceive Context-Aware Selection of Mobile Authentication.00.342020
The Predictive Corridor - A Virtual Augmented Driving Assistance System for Teleoperated Autonomous Vehicles.00.342020
Authentication Beyond Desktops and Smartphones: Novel Approaches for Smart Devices and Environments00.342020
The Role of Eye Gaze in Security and Privacy Applications: Survey and Future HCI Research Directions20.362020
Empirical Evaluation of Gaze-enhanced Menus in Virtual Reality00.342020
TangibleSphere - Interaction Techniques for Physical and Virtual Spherical Displays.00.342020
Improving Driver Emotions With Affective Strategies20.372019
Securing personal items in public space: stories of attacks and threats00.342019
Behavioural Biometrics in VR - Identifying People from Body Motion and Relations in Virtual Reality.40.422019
Investigating The Influence Of External Car Displays On Pedestrians' Crossing Behavior In Virtual Reality20.422019
Designing emotion-aware in-car interactions for unlike markets.00.342019
Personalizing Content Presentation on Large 3D Head-Up Displays00.342019
Exploring the domestication of thermal imaging00.342019
Towards task-sensitive assistance in public spaces00.342019
DialPlates: enabling pursuits-based user interfaces with large target numbers20.352019
A Survey to Understand Emotional Situations on the Road and What They Mean for Affective Automotive UIs.10.362018
Personal Mobile Messaging in Context: Chat Augmentations for Expressiveness and Awareness.30.492018
Pocket Transfers: Interaction Techniques for Transferring Content from Situated Displays to Mobile Devices50.382018
Which one is me?: Identifying Oneself on Public Displays40.392018
Extending Keyboard Shortcuts with Arm and Wrist Rotation Gestures20.362018
Beyond Transportation: How to Keep Users Attached When They Are Neither Driving nor Owning Automated Cars?00.342018
AVotar: exploring personalized avatars for mobile interaction with public displays.00.342018
Shapelineguide - Teaching Mid-Air Gestures For Large Interactive Displays10.342018
GazeDrone: Mobile Eye-Based Interaction in Public Space Without Augmenting the User.00.342018
A Design Space for Audience Sensing and Feedback Systems.00.342018
GazeTouchPIN: protecting sensitive data on mobile devices using secure multimodal authentication.50.372017
ProbUI: Generalising Touch Target Representations to Enable Declarative Gesture Definition for Probabilistic GUIs.20.362017
Understanding Shoulder Surfing in the Wild: Stories from Users and Observers.210.892017
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