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Relock: A Resilient Two-Phase Locking Restful Transaction Model00.342021
A Workflow Language For Research E-Infrastructures00.342021
Realizing Virtual Research Environments For The Agri-Food Community: The Aginfra Plus Experience00.342021
Measuring Success For A Future Vision: Defining Impact In Science Gateways/Virtual Research Environments00.342021
Reposgate: Open Science Gateways For Institutional Repositories00.342020
Digital Libraries: Supporting Open Science00.342019
Enacting open science by D4Science10.432019
The gCube system: Delivering Virtual Research Environments as-a-Service.00.342019
Virtual Research Environments to Support Agriculture and Food Research Communities: The AGINFRA+ Project.00.342018
Serving Scientists In Agri-Food Area By Virtual Research Environments00.342018
On research data publishing.00.342017
White Paper on Research Data Service Discoverability.10.382017
Making the Development and Deployment of Virtual Research Environments Easy and Effective.00.342017
Towards a Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries.00.342017
Methods and Tools for Supporting the Integration of Stocks and Fisheries.00.342017
HyWare: a HYbrid Workflow lAnguage for Research E-infrastructures.10.372017
Enacting Open Science by gCube.00.342017
Virtual research environments as-a-service by gCube.00.342016
Are Scientific Data Repositories Coping with Research Data Publishing20.402016
Species distribution modeling in the cloud50.492016
An infrastructure-oriented approach for supporting biodiversity research.50.622015
Parallelizing the execution of native data mining algorithms for computational biology70.692015
Cross-disciplinary Data Sharing and Reuse via gCube.00.342015
Science 2.0 Repositories: Time for a Change in Scholarly Communication.00.342015
Repositories for Open Science: The SciRepo Reference Model00.342015
Providing Research Infrastructures with Data Publishing.00.342015
Unifying Heterogeneous and Distributed Information about Marine Species through the Top Level Ontology MarineTLO40.452015
Supporting biodiversity studies with the EUBrazilOpenBio Hybrid Data Infrastructure.40.432015
The D-NET software toolkit: A framework for the realization, maintenance, and operation of aggregative infrastructures.00.342014
The D4science Research-Oriented Social Networking Facilities10.362014
Integrating Heterogeneous and Distributed Information about Marine Species through a Top Level Ontology.200.962013
Virtual Research Environments: An Overview and a Research Agenda.130.712013
EU-Brazil Open Data and Cloud Computing e-Infrastructure for Biodiversity.10.352013
Dealing with metadata quality: The legacy of digital library efforts.60.632013
Data Interoperability.00.342013
Managing Big Data Through Hybrid Data Infrastructures90.712012
Supporting Tabular Data Characterization in a Large Scale Data Infrastructure by Lexical Matching Techniques.00.342012
An approach to virtual research environment user interfaces dynamic construction10.352011
Fourth workshop on very large digital libraries: on the marriage between very large digital libraries and very large data archives00.342011
Making Virtual Research Environments In The Cloud A Reality: The Gcube Approach80.562010
Realizing and Maintaining Aggregative Digital Library Systems: D-NET Software Toolkit and OAIster System.111.142010
Making Digital Library Content Interoperable31.252010
On Digital Library foundations20.412010
Flooded areas assessment by integrating hydraulic flood analysis to the detailed flood maps generated with a multi-temporal image segmentation approach using Cosmo-Skymed00.342010
General-purpose digital library content laboratory systems30.482010
An Event-Centric Provenance Model For Digital Libraries00.342010
Aggregative Digital Library Systems in the DRIVER Infrastructure.10.352009
D4Science: an e-Infrastructure for Supporting Virtual Research Environments.80.682009
Functional adaptivity for digital library services in e-infrastructures: the gCube approach20.412009
On-demand virtual research environments and the changing roles of librarians20.392009
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