Univ Maryland, College Pk, MD 20742 USA
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Finding Influential Instances for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction.00.342022
BNU: A Balance-Normalization-Uncertainty Model for Incremental Event Detection00.342022
Generalized Brain Image Synthesis with Transferable Convolutional Sparse Coding Networks.00.342022
mmFormer: Multimodal Medical Transformer for Incomplete Multimodal Learning of Brain Tumor Segmentation00.342022
Inconsistency-Aware Uncertainty Estimation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation00.342022
DICDNet: Deep Interpretable Convolutional Dictionary Network for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images00.342022
Adaptive Convolutional Dictionary Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction.00.342022
Domain Adaptation Meets Zero-Shot Learning: An Annotation-Efficient Approach to Multi-Modality Medical Image Segmentation00.342022
DeltaNet: Conditional Medical Report Generation for COVID-19 Diagnosis.00.342022
Dense Cross-Query-and-Support Attention Weighted Mask Aggregation for Few-Shot Segmentation.00.342022
Cross-Domain Gated Learning for Domain Generalization00.342022
PAC-Bayes Information Bottleneck00.342022
TW-GAN: Topology and width aware GAN for retinal artery/vein classification20.392022
Adaptive Convolutional Dictionary Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction00.342022
Tell Me How to Survey: Literature Review Made Simple with Automatic Reading Path Generation00.342022
Mix-and-Interpolate: A Training Strategy to Deal With Source-Biased Medical Data00.342022
All-Around Real Label Supervision: Cyclic Prototype Consistency Learning for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation10.352022
Deep Symmetric Adaptation Network for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation10.362022
Deformer: Towards Displacement Field Learning for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration00.342022
Multi-modal Contrastive Representation Learning for Entity Alignment.00.342022
Pairwise learning for medical image segmentation20.372021
Imperfect also Deserves Reward: Multi-Level and Sequential Reward Modeling for Better Dialog Management00.342021
A Hierarchical Feature Constraint to Camouflage Medical Adversarial Attacks00.342021
Alleviating Noisy-label Effects in Image Classification via Probability Transition Matrix.00.342021
A global benchmark of algorithms for segmenting the left atrium from late gadolinium-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging40.462021
A Unified Framework for Generalized Low-Shot Medical Image Segmentation With Scarce Data10.352021
GRAND: A large-scale dataset and benchmark for cervical intraepithelial Neoplasia grading with fine-grained lesion description00.342021
Alternative Baselines For Low-Shot 3d Medical Image Segmentation-An Atlas Perspective00.342021
Training Automatic View Planner for Cardiac MR Imaging via Self-supervision by Spatial Relationship Between Views00.342021
Triplet-Branch Network with Prior-Knowledge Embedding for Fatigue Fracture Grading00.342021
Learning Calibrated Medical Image Segmentation via Multi-rater Agreement Modeling00.342021
Enquire One’s Parent and Child Before Decision: Fully Exploit Hierarchical Structure for Self-Supervised Taxonomy Expansion00.342021
S-CUDA: Self-cleansing unsupervised domain adaptation for medical image segmentation00.342021
Seg4Reg+: Consistency Learning Between Spine Segmentation and Cobb Angle Regression00.342021
Deep Representation-Based Domain Adaptation for Nonstationary EEG Classification20.382021
Stabilized Medical Image Attacks00.342021
Calibrated RGB-D Salient Object Detection00.342021
Deep Reinforcement Exemplar Learning for Annotation Refinement00.342021
FedOVA: One-vs-All Training Method for Federated Learning with Non-IID Data00.342021
INPREM: An Interpretable and Trustworthy Predictive Model for Healthcare20.372020
A Multi-Task Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Scopy Images00.342020
Computer-Aided Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Using Time-Lapsed Colposcopic Images20.392020
Uncertainty-aware domain alignment for anatomical structure segmentation.20.362020
Generative Adversarial Networks For Video-To-Video Domain Adaptation00.342020
Multi-Modality Generative Adversarial Networks with Tumor Consistency Loss for Brain MR Image Synthesis00.342020
An Industry Evaluation of Embedding-based Entity Alignment.00.342020
Attentive CT Lesion Detection Using Deep Pyramid Inference with Multi-Scale Booster00.342019
Multi-task Neural Networks with Spatial Activation for Retinal Vessel Segmentation and Artery/Vein Classification30.372019
Self-supervised Feature Learning for 3D Medical Images by Playing a Rubik’s Cube40.432019
TAN: Temporal Affine Network for Real-Time Left Ventricle Anatomical Structure Analysis Based on 2D Ultrasound Videos.00.342019
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