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Comparing 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional spectral feature representations in voice pathology detection using machine learning and deep learning classifiers00.342022
The Automatic Detection Of Heart Failure Using Speech Signals00.342021
Formant Tracking Using Quasi-Closed Phase Forward-Backward Linear Prediction Analysis and Deep Neural Networks00.342021
Duration Of The Rhotic Approximant/O/In Spastic Dysarthria Of Different Severity Levels00.342020
ASVspoof 2019: A large-scale public database of synthesized, converted and replayed speech.60.492020
Analysis and Detection of Pathological Voice Using Glottal Source Features30.412020
Automatic intelligibility assessment of dysarthric speech using glottal parameters00.342020
Dysarthric speech classification from coded telephone speech using glottal features10.352019
GELP: GAN-Excited Linear Prediction for Speech Synthesis from Mel-spectrogram.00.342019
Normal-to-Lombard adaptation of speech synthesis using long short-term memory recurrent neural networks00.342019
Augmented CycleGANs for Continuous Scale Normal-to-Lombard Speaking Style Conversion10.372019
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients of Voice Source Waveforms for Classification of Phonation Types in Speech00.342019
Data Augmentation Strategies For Neural Network F0 Estimation00.342019
Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks For Non-Parallel Vocal Effort Based Speaking Style Conversion00.342019
Vocal Effort Based Speaking Style Conversion Using Vocoder Features and Parallel Learning.00.342019
Estimation of the glottal source from coded telephone speech using deep neural networks.00.342019
OPENGLOT - An open environment for the evaluation of glottal inverse filtering.00.342019
GlotNet - A Raw Waveform Model for the Glottal Excitation in Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis.20.392019
Estimation of the glottal flow from speech pressure signals: Evaluation of three variants of iterative adaptive inverse filtering using computational physical modelling of voice production.00.342018
Waveform Generation For Text-To-Speech Synthesis Using Pitch-Synchronous Multi-Scale Generative Adversarial Networks00.342018
Parameterization of a computational physical model for glottal flow using inverse filtering and high-speed videoendoscopy.00.342018
Speaking style adaptation in Text-To-Speech synthesis using Sequence-to-sequence models with attention.00.342018
Intelligibility Enhancement of Telephone Speech Using Gaussian Process Regression for Normal-to-Lombard Spectral Tilt Conversion.20.372017
Speaking Style Conversion From Normal To Lombard Speech Using A Glottal Vocoder And Bayesian Gmms30.442017
Comparison of parametrization methods of electroglottographic and inverse filtered acoustic speech pressure signals in distinguishing between phonation types.10.362017
Effects Of Training Data Variety In Generating Glottal Pulses From Acoustic Features With Dnns10.352017
Reducing Mismatch In Training Of Dnn-Based Glottal Excitation Models In A Statistical Parametric Text-To-Speech System20.372017
Glottal Vocoding With Frequency-Warped Time-Weighted Linear Prediction.20.372017
Previous exposure to intact speech increases intelligibility of its digitally degraded counterpart as a function of stimulus complexity.00.342016
Comparing human and automatic speech recognition in a perceptual restoration experiment10.392016
Learning of a non-native vowel through instructed production training.00.342015
Vowel Enhancement in Early Stage Spanish Esophageal Speech Using Natural Glottal Flow Pulse and Vocal Tract Frequency Warping00.342015
Does interest in language learning affect the non-native phoneme production in elderly learners?00.342015
Speech Quality Evaluation Of Artificial Bandwidth Extension: Comparing Subjective Judgments And Instrumental Predictions20.382015
Phase Perception Of The Glottal Excitation Of Vocoded Speech10.422015
Glottal Inverse Filtering Based On Quadratic Programming00.342015
Accounting For Uncertainty Of I-Vectors In Speaker Recognition Using Uncertainty Propagation And Modified Imputation30.462015
Am-Fm Based Filter Bank Analysis For Estimation Of Spectro-Temporal Envelopes And Its Application For Speaker Recognition In Noisy Reverberant Environments40.382015
Synthesis and perception of breathy, normal, and Lombard speech in the presence of noise130.612014
Voice source modelling using deep neural networks for statistical parametric speech synthesis10.352014
Deep neural network based trainable voice source model for synthesis of speech with varying vocal effort.60.462014
Spectral tilt modelling with GMMs for intelligibility enhancement of narrowband telephone speech.30.412014
Quasi Closed Phase Glottal Inverse Filtering Analysis With Weighted Linear Prediction220.852014
Glottal source processing: From analysis to applications.110.602014
Gaussian mixture linear prediction00.342014
Mixture Linear Prediction in Speaker Verification Under Vocal Effort Mismatch00.342014
Subjective voice quality evaluation of artificial bandwidth extension: comparing different audio bandwidths and speech codecs.00.342014
The harmonic and noise information of the glottal pulses in speech.10.362014
Comparing glottal-flow-excited statistical parametric speech synthesis methods70.432013
Extended weighted linear prediction using the autocorrelation snapshot - a robust speech analysis method and its application to recognition of vocal emotions.10.352013
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