Univ So Calif, Dept Elect Engn Syst, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
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Demonstration of 8-Channel 32-Gbit/s QPSK Wireless Communications at 0.28-0.33 THz Using 2 Frequency, 2 Polarization, and 2 Mode Multiplexing00.342021
Experimental Demonstration of Free-Space sub-THz Communications Link Using Multiplexing of Beams Having Two Different LG Modal Indices00.342021
16-QAM Probabilistic Constellation Shaping by Learning the Distribution of Transmitted Symbols from the Training Sequence00.342020
WDM Operation and Multiple Dispersion Elements for a Direct-Detection System using Phase Retrieval00.342020
Using a Hybrid Si/III-V Semiconductor Laser to Carry 16- and 64-QAM Data Signals over an 80-km Distance00.342019
Demonstration of Independent Turbulence Mitigation of Two 100-Gbit/s QPSK Orbital-Angular-Momentum Multiplexed Beams using Wavefront Shaping and Controlled Scattering00.342019
Demonstration of Tunable Optical Single-Sideband Generation of 20-Gbit/s OOK and PAM4 Data Channels00.342019
Effect Of Limited Aperture Size On A Retro-Reflected Communication Link Between A Ground Station And A Uav Using Multiplexing Of Orbital-Angular-Momentum Beams00.342018
Demonstration Of Multiple Kerr-Frequency-Comb Generation Using Different Lines From Another Kerr Comb Located Up To A 50 Km Distance00.342018
Coarse And Fine Continuously Tunable Optical Delay Using The Time-Of-Flight In Fiber Bragg Gratings And Wavelength Conversion00.342018
Experimental Utilization Of Repeated Spatial-Mode Shifting For Achieving Discrete Delays In A Free-Space Recirculating Loop00.342018
Optical Mitigation Of Inter-Channel Crosstalk For Multiple Spectrally Overlapped 40-Gbit/S Qpsk Wdm Channels Using Nonlinear Wave Mixing00.342018
Experimental Effect Of Scattering On An 80-Gbit/S Qpsk Wireless Link Using 4 Orbital-Angular-Momentum Beams10.352018
MIMO Equalization to Mitigate Turbulence in a 2-Channel 40-Gbit/s QPSK Free-Space Optical 100-m Round-Trip Orbital-Angular-Momentum-Multiplexed Link Between a Ground Station and a Retro-Reflecting UAV00.342018
Demonstration Of 30gbit/S Qpsk-To-Pam4 Data-Format And Wavelength Conversion To Enable All-Optical Gateway From Long-Haul To Datacenter00.342018
Experimental Demonstration Of Tunable Optical De-Aggregation Of Each Of Multiple Wavelength 16-Qam Channels Into Two 4-Pam Channels00.342017
Experimental investigation of the effect of EDFA-generated ASE noise added to the pump of a Kerr frequency comb00.342017
Demonstration Of Tunable Mitigation Of Interchannel Interference Of Spectrally Overlapped 16-Qam/Qpsk Data Channels Using Wave Mixing Of Delayed Copies00.342017
Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Central Wavelength Tuning of FBG-Based Phase Shifter for Raman-Assisted Phase Sensitive Amplifier00.342017
Performance of Using Antenna Arrays to Generate and Receive mm-Wave Orbital-Angular-Momentum Beams.10.352017
Experimental Demonstration Of Tunable Optical Channel Slicing And Stitching To Enable Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation00.342017
Line-of-Sight Millimeter-Wave Communications Using Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexing Combined With Conventional Spatial Multiplexing.110.732017
Experimental beam displacement tracking and correction of data-carrying orbital-angular-momentum beams in a free-space optical link00.342017
Demonstration of automatically phase-locked self-homodyne detection with a low-power pilot tone based on brillouin amplification and optical frequency combs00.342016
OFDM over mm-Wave OAM Channels in a Multipath Environment with Intersymbol Interference.00.342016
A Dual-Channel 60 Ghz Communications Link Using Patch Antenna Arrays To Generate Data-Carrying Orbital-Angular-Momentum Beams00.342016
Demonstration of OAM-based MIMO FSO link using spatial diversity and MIMO equalization for turbulence mitigation10.432016
Tunable Generation And Angular Steering Of A Millimeter-Wave Orbital-Angular-Momentum Beam Using Differential Time Delays In A Circular Antenna Array10.372016
32-Gbit/S 60-Ghz Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Using Orbital Angular Momentum And Polarization Multiplexing20.452016
Experimental demonstration of tunable phase-noise mitigation and automatic frequency/phase locking for a 20–32 Gbaud QPSK homodyne receiver using optical mixing of nonlinearly generated higher harmonics00.342015
A noise suppression method for optical spectrum measurement utilizing SBS-based filter00.342015
Experimental demonstration of optical signal level swapping and multi-level amplitude noise mitigation using three parametric gain regions10.712015
Performance enhancement of an orbital-angular-momentum-based free-space optical communication link through beam divergence controlling00.342015
400-Gbit/s free-space optical communications link over 120-meter using multiplexing of 4 collocated orbital-angular-momentum beams10.392015
Demonstration of 8-mode 32-Gbit/s millimeter-wave free-space communication link using 4 orbital-angular-momentum modes on 2 polarizations00.342014
Native digital processing for optical networking00.342014
Real-time software-defined dynamic resource allocation using OpenFlow for next-generation OFDM-based optical access networks10.392014
Experiment turbulence compensation of 50-Gbaud/s orbital-angular-momentum QPSK signals using intensity-only based SPGD algorithm00.342014
Performance metrics and design parameters for an FSO communications link based on multiplexing of multiple orbital-angular-momentum beams00.342014
Orbital-angular-momentum mode (de)multiplexer: A single optical element for MIMO-based and non-MIMO-based multimode fiber systems00.342014
Experimental demonstration of 16 Gbit/s millimeter-wave communications using MIMO processing of 2 OAM modes on each of two transmitter/receiver antenna apertures50.972014
Experimental demonstration of all-optical phase noise mitigation of 40-Gbits/s QPSK signals by mixing differentially delayed nonlinear products00.342014
Experimental demonstration of robustness and accuracy of an MZI-based OSNR monitor under transmitter drift and reconfigurable networking conditions for pol-muxed 25-Gbaud QPSK and 16-QAM channels00.342014
Demonstration of WDM OSNR performance monitoring and operating guidelines for pol-muxed 200-Gbit/s 16-QAM and 100-Gbit/s QPSK data channels20.512013
Analysis of aperture size for partially receiving and de-multiplexing 100-Gbit/s optical orbital angular momentum channels over free-space link10.552013
Orbital-angular-momentum-based reconfigurable and “lossless” optical add/drop multiplexing of multiple 100-Gbit/s channels00.342013
All-optical phase noise suppression using optical nonlinear mixing combined with tunable optical delays10.432013
A tunable optical tapped-delay-line that simultaneously and independently processes multiple input WDM data signals10.392013
100 Tbit/s free-space data link using orbital angular momentum mode division multiplexing combined with wavelength division multiplexing71.102013
Reconfigurable orbital-angular-momentum-based switching among multiple 100-Gbit/s data channels00.342013
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